

The token given back to the user as a bonus for trading on the platform



Catex is an exchange with many differences in its ecosystem. Its existence is intended to end the problem of exchange and therefore has the perfect component to make it happen. It is normal that almost all the numbers in ledger technology such as existing replicas are not really unique but contribute to the problem. But this project on the other hand appeared as one that had never been made or tasted before. It has the characteristics to display and adjust market conditions and how it affects investors during their trading. As a cryptocurency stock exchange, it has so many shares for investors and how tokens will be traded on all volumes in the safest environment.

So far I have worked with many stock markets. I am also a member of many stock exchanges. Every borsanon has its own characteristics and advantages. Some speed, some security, multiple user interfaces, several investment tools, etc. And others they try to stand out with different features. The latest trend is to increase volume and increase the value of stock tokens by distributing dividends. Because if the stock market is very valuable, it would not be wrong to say that the stock market is a strong stock market.

The stock market that I will check out today has several features, not as I mentioned above. It also collects positive features from many people in one body and saves us from looking for different ways.

I am talking about Catex. Recently, people who were interested in crypto began to hear their names. Because they provide a favorable return for investors. We can say that investors are encouraged to exchange trades with lower commission fees while encouraging investors to distribute dividends.

What are the advantages of having a CATT token?

Ini menawarkan sejumlah manfaat bagi mereka yang memiliki penanda pasar saham. Keuntungan paling penting dari ini adalah distribusi 80% dari pendapatan komisi harian ke spidol. Dengan cara ini, mereka telah menarik perhatian besar dan menarik banyak investor. Selain itu, mereka mengatur airdrop khusus untuk pemilik token. Jika Anda juga pemilik token, Anda membayar biaya komisi yang jauh lebih rendah. Anda juga dapat menerima hadiah penambangan, memegang nomor token tertentu.


To enable user functions in the system there are ERC20 tokens that allow them freedom in the system. This is a CATT token with so many bound benefits attached to it. This Catex Token has a very large volume if it is first released several of our masses are burned so that only a few million are useful for users to connect and have many benefits.

There is transparent trade between the purpose of exchanging Catex. Whether there is volume on most stock exchanges, or on-board on-board for dump-pump purposes, the list is executed according to the stock market management decision. The Catex stock market is primarily intended to listen to its investors. Catex is ready to provide all types of support if investors want to move.

As you can see in the picture, the stock market explains its purpose every month. For example, this month’s goals include lowering commission rates, improving interfaces, registering TRX and XRP coins, and developing lottery / game opportunities.

In this way, investors are required to draw a short-term road map because their demands are a very good and extraordinary problem.

When we look at the exchange interface, it has a clean and simple design. This is so that even new investors can easily use it without difficulty. In this way, you can enter daily swaps safely without encountering complicated structures. Of course, this interface is also equipped with advanced tools for advanced users.

What does Exchange offer? 

Before learning what is offered, it is important to understand their current needs. First, there was a hacking incident in the crypto room. In the past, the crypto community has witnessed many hacking on different exchanges. The clear endorsement for this is the crack on BitGrail which sees the transport of more than $ 150 million NANO tokens. On the other hand, the spotlight has recently been on Coinbase. The exchange was accused of being a pumping platform and garbage dump that illegally increased the price of coins and dumped them at will.

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What is Catex Secure? 

To guarantee crypto coins might be considered a bad investment idea. This is because of its volatility. In the same vein, not all expectations can occur in digital currency exchanges. However, the story is different at Catex. A realistic approach to exchange makes it a safe bet. For this purpose, exchange is a salt value and has a slight tendency to fail for full investors.


In this era when Quantum computers were a threat, there was no doubt that Catex had what was needed to suppress external attacks. Exchange uses Two Factor Authentication (2FA) as a security measure in securing user withdrawals, accounts and trading history. In addition, unprofessional activities such as pumps and landfills will not be close to exchange. In light of this, there is no doubt about the fact that Catex is safe. 

Beyond Security; Profitable Catex for Trade

For ordinary visitors who make crypto exchanges, the first thing that catches their attention is the interface. Users will always look for platforms that enhance their user experience (UX). Current exchange plants seem to contain a lot of information on the page. This reduces visibility and makes surfing a daunting task.

Coming to Catex, there is a simplified interface with detailed information. On the homepage, you can see the number of CATT tokens being mined in one hour. Dividends obtained from mining are also available and include dividends today and before. About dividends, it is one of the outstanding features of exchange. We will discuss it soon!


Users have a clear view of their favorite trading pairs. This is different from the time they have to spend collecting data on other exchanges. The top four (4) coins (BTC, ETH, USDT and DOGE) are on the trading table. Right below them, you can see a list of trading pairs, their prices, and their performance in the last twenty-four (24) hours. Without a doubt, a simplified interface is a good reason to move your assets to the Catex exchange.


Transactions are done well by users in this free and profitable ecosystem. All other challenges of uncertainty, lack of a transparent system, etc. Corrected by the solution presented by Cate. Users can take advantage of their provisions to optimize their profitability opportunities, and investors will invest well because of their existence.

In addition, on the Catex Exchange, 2 tokens will be registered as free with the user’s voice every week.

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This easy-to-use Catex software can continue to show the difference between crypto exchange bills through various competitions and events.

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The core team










Autor: Kolbakpute- 


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