

Your honor, this FAKE screenshot is indeed, fake. I have reason to believe that this screenshot is 100% photoshopped and therefore is not worthy in court. I would like to ask him to do a live video share of his screen! This way you can see the TRUTH that I indeed answered "no" to his accusations.

Even if it was real, this piece of evidence IS ILLEGAL! According to the TOS Act of 2021, which is now certified law. It states on rule 8

"This bill shall make everything that goes against TOS or Discord Guildlines Illegal. This bill is to protect our great server from being removed from the app."

If you look in the community guidelines (TOS) Discord clearly states "You may not share sexually explicit content of other people without their consent" and on the discord TOS page, discord CLEARLY states (again)

"You may not share content that violates anyone's intellectual property or other rights."

Even if this were not to be illegal, we have no law stating that thinking of a civil war is treason. As treason is against the people, and I only do things for the people. Plus, even if I did say this, it was words from my mouth and I did not do anything for acting upon it! My opponent in court is a liar!

I yield my time.

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