Case #2 "Abdominal pain"

Case #2 "Abdominal pain"


First part of the this case: a patient sits on a examination bed and a examiner (a doctor) is behind the door.

Doctor knocks. Patient says: "Come in"

Dr: Ksenia Schekal?

Pt: Yes

Dr: Hello, nice to meet you, I'm Dr. Nalivaiko (Dr introduces himself clearly, shake hand firmly and establish good eye contact)

Pt: Nice to meet you.

Dr: I would like to ask you some questions and do a physical exam. What brought you to the clinic today?

Pt: Abdominal pain

Dr: Sorry to hear that. Let's try to figure it out what's going on with you today. When did the pain begin?

Pt: This morning.

Dr: And how frequent are you having pain? It is constant or does it come and go?

Pt: It's a long-standing pain.

Dr: Is the pain getting worse?

Pt: Yes.

Dr: How severe it has been for you on a scale from 1 to 10 with 10 being the worst pain you have ever felt? or On a scale from 1 to 10, with 10 being the worst pain you have ever felt, how would you rate your pain?

Pt: Seven.

Dr: Where do you feel the pain?

Pt: The lower right, my belly.

Dr: On the right of your belly?

Pt: Yes, right.

Dr: And does the pain radiate anywhere?

Pt: No!

Dr: Please describe the quality of the pain, is it crampy, is it sharp, is it dull, is it pressure-like? or What is the pain like? or Can you describe your pain for me?

Pt: It is crampy, yes.

Dr: And is it anything that makes it feel better? --- how correct this grammatic form?

Pt: No.

Dr: Is it anything that makes it feel worse?

Pt: Movement.

Dr: Ok, so it is affecting the quality of your life if it is affecting your movement? Since it is exacerbates the pain?

Pt: Yes.

Dr: Did you have pain on the way to the hospital?

Pt: Yes.

Dr: I'm sorry to hear that.


Dr: Have you had similar pain before?

Pt: No.

——— Fever ———


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