Carding Apple.

Carding Apple.

DEAL Carding Club.

Welcome, all the members of DEAL Carding Club. Today I will introduce you to such topic as carding apple devices, like Iphones, Macbooks, AirPods, etc. Naturally I can't fit the whole thing inside one article, but I hope it will become fundamental to your understanding of the topic. So, let's get into it.

What will we need:

  • A properly configured PC with RDP / City SOCKS / VPN.
On our channel, we had a guide about making your own private VPN, obfuscating it's traffic and routing it through CloudFlare servers, which will help us now. We also made a webinar about the topic of configuring your system, so you shouldn't have problems here.
  • An email and a Skype account, created with cardholder's info
  • And of course, A high-balance CC.

Before you start, wipe out your cookies and cache files.

First Steps

Go over to and in the navigation bar select the product you want. It can be a Macbook, an iPad, Apple Watch, an iPhone or even an iMac.

The important thing here is to create impression of an actual client. Try searching for coupons, comparing models, sorting by price, comparing configurations and specifications. More time you spend surfing the site, the better your chances of success are.

You may not be John Doe from the state of Minnesota, but if you have his Credit Card - You should act like one. Nobody goes to to buy some random expensive shit for the sake of it, you should act like an actual man who wants to get the best bank for his buck.

Making your order

Now add the desired items to cart. You may also choose to buy a gift card. Continue making your order as a guest, click "Continue", and compare shipping prices. Never choose quick shipping, as all the orders that ship quickly are being reviewed much stricter.

Enter your zip code of your billing address, and check for shops (usually there will be 2-4 of them), choose one and click "Continue"

Enter full billing address (Yes, the holder's address, we will reroute the shipping to get around Apple's Address Verification System). Use cardholder's name, and a phone number you bought for shipping notifications.


Choose CC payment and enter CC info. You will be offered to create an account: use the fake email registered on cardholder's name. If your card is active and good, you will be notified about successful transaction via email.

Enter your fake Skype account, and call the shop you selected to reroute the order to another address, because it's a gift for your sister/brother/mother-in-law/mother's second cousin, you got it.

Given that you've made everything correctly, you just successfully carded an Apple product. Congrats!






Work Safely: How to stop leaving pieces of evidence at your hard drives.

Shadowsocks: A proxy solution for your needs.

Drops: How to find them and work with them.

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