Car2Go Trying To Compete With ReachNow

Car2Go Trying To Compete With ReachNow

The New Cars From Car2Go Coming Soon To Brooklyn

 As you might see or hear on the news or social media, today’s a big day for car2go. As a special surprise for our members, today we’ve begun introducing new Mercedes-Benz car2gos in select U.S. and Canadian cities.

While New York isn’t one of the locations receiving Mercedes-Benz car2gos, we are in the process of updating our entire North American fleet with new vehicles. This is why you may have noticed our next-gen smart car2gos on the streets of Brooklyn and Queens.

This is also a good time to remind you that as a car2go member, you can drive any car2go in any of our U.S. and Canadian locations. We’d love you to experience one should you be visiting another car2go location like Austin, Portland, Seattle, or the Washington, D.C. Area. And if you happen to be visiting Toronto or Vancouver next month, you just might find a car2go Mercedes-Benz there waiting for you too!

 Happy driving!

Your car2go New York Team

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