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Buy Wheelchair Surrey


Welcome to your local wheelchair service at the Jarvis Centre We provide and maintain your wheelchair and associated accessories, we can also help with your postural and pressure-related needs. We offer support to you (both children and adults) if you have a permanent condition, which affects your ability to walk. We provide you with wheelchairs and accessories that you may need. We assess your functional mobility, and can address your postural and pressure-related needs within your issued wheelchair. Wheelchairs are provided and maintained free of charge or through a voucher scheme (details available from the service). A range of wheelchairs (manual or powered), accessories, pressure-relieving cushions and special seating items are available depending on your needs and certain criteria. Please type in your starting point in the box below to give you directions to the service location. How do I book an appointment? Appointments are booked our staff who identify what the most appropriate assessment type, clinician and time is required.

You will be contacted with this information at least 7 days before your appointment. Where do I go for my appointment? Your therapist will outline where your initial assessment will be held when first making contact with you by phone. Your appointment may be in your own home or in a clinic. If you need to have any children with you, please arrange for someone to supervise them during the appointment. How do I cancel or change my appointment? If you cannot make the appointment, or have any queries, please contact us 0300 303 8539. Do let us know as soon as possible as this will enable us to use the time to arrange an appointment for someone else. Bringing someone with you You are welcome to bring someone with you to your appointment. Sometimes our staff may also request to have someone present for an appointment. If you or the member of staff is uncomfortable with the person, we’ll reschedule to a later date when the correct person is available. What happens during my appointment?

You will either be assessed in your home or at a clinic by a qualified Occupational Therapist or Physiotherapist. If you are assessed at home, you will be asked about your home environments and the appropriate accessibility measurements will be taken if necessary. During the appointment, you will be asked about your medical history, current medical diagnosis and have your body dimensions measured. You may have a physical examination that assesses your body range of movements, posture, pressure areas, strength and coordination. Your clinician will also ask you about your methods of transfer i.e. hoists, transport options, care packages and general lifestyle. The prescription and provision of your wheelchair will take into account the factors listed above. You may also be asked to trial equipment and /or transfer to alternative equipment however equipment provisions (type and model) must be agreed with you first before any changes are made. We have a wide range of equipment that we can prescribe from.

This range is regularly reviewed and is covered under the repair and maintenance contract. All options available will be discussed with you so that you make an informed choice on what’s provided. Please not this may require an additional appointment to try several models in practice before a final decision is made. Standard equipment is held in stock and should take about 2-3 weeks for delivery. Bespoke equipment is ordered direct from suppliers and manufacturers and could take up to 12 weeks to arrive. How long will my appointment take? Appointment times tend to vary however most initial appointments take around one hour. Your follow-up appointments will vary in length depending on the reason for the visit. How do I refer into the service? If you have never used the service before, your GP must send a referral form to Surrey Wheelchair Services, Woking Community Hospital, Heathside Road, Woking , Surrey GU22 7HS. If you are an existing patient, you are able to re-refer yourself into the service at anytime by calling us on 0300 303 8539.

Alternatively, you also have the option of directly contacting NHS Approved Repairers, AJ Mobility on 01323 847 250. How does the service work? You will have been referred into our service by your GP, occupational therapist or physiotherapist. Once you are registered with our service, you can then self-refer for changing wheelchair requirements or reviews. You will be offered an appointment at a location of your choice. This could be at home, clinic, school, day centre, rehabilitation centre or a nursing / residential home. At the appointment you will be assessed by a qualified clinician with specialist skills and training in wheelchair and seating provision so the most suitable equipment provided for your clinical needs. Your clinician will write up the clinical records and complete prescription forms for the equipment required. We will then request authorisation for the equipment from the Wheelchair Service Manager. Once authorised, the equipment is ordered from either standard local stock or direct from manufacturers for bespoke equipment.

When the equipment arrives an additional appointment will be arranged to deliver, handover, set up the equipment including any modifications required. Once you are issued with the equipment, you can access the NHS Approved Repairer service for repairs and maintenance or re-refer into our service for a reassessment at anytime. This reassessment can also be requested by parents, carers, other professionals. We work closely with charities, social services, specialist teams, spinal centres, access to work and many other organisations to ensure the equipment provided meets all of you and your carer’s needs. Partnership working and funding is possible and encouraged. We offer a voucher scheme for manual equipment to patients who would like an alternative model to that provided by our service. You will be able to ask for this option within the assessment process. How soon will I be seen? As soon as your GP contacts us we will ensure that we see you as soon as possible. 

All referrals whether for new or existing clients are screened by our staff and placed on a waiting list. The maximum wait for an appointment is 18 weeks dependent on capacity at anytime. Who will treat me? Our team is dedicated to providing everyone with the best care we can. Every member of our team has to provide evidence of their registration, training and criminal record status before they can work with you. We record all the information about you confidentially on our clinical system. Click here to get more information about how we use health records. Non-English speakers and other formats Copies of this guide are available in other languages. Please contact us directly stating which language you require the guide in. Our commitment to you Virgin Care takes your dignity and privacy very seriously and we will at all times respect your confidentiality. Please treat our staff with respect so we can provide you with the very best care we can.

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