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Buy Wheelchair Australia


New ReleasesNo items were found in this section. 40-42 Montefiore Street, Fairfield Fax: (+613) 9480 3177 Phone: (+613) 9495 1955I like to think of myself as being a modest person - I suppose that makes me sound smug. I don't claim to have expert knowledge about many things, but on the rare topic where I consider myself to really know what I'm talking about there is nothing more insulting than being talked down to. Give or take, I sleep for around eight hours every day. According to my admittedly primitive maths skills, that leaves 16 hours (two-thirds of every day) for me to go about my daily business. Why am I telling you this? The reason being I am stuck seated in my electric wheelchair for these 16 hours. Don't get me wrong, I write this without a hint of bitterness. I am just slowly building my case. People tell me that I am still young. How can I be an expert at anything with only 21 years experience behind me? I will attempt to explain with some more maths, this time needing my trusty calculator.

I have been an electric wheelchair user since I was five. After some frantic calculations and a shamefully large amount of time, I can tell you that I have likely sat in all of my three electric wheelchairs for a grand total of 3893 days! What does all this mean? Am I trying to prove a point? The answer is yes: I know plenty about electric wheelchairs because I've been in them for so damn long! I understand what I'm looking for when shopping, and if what is being recommended doesn't suit - simply put, I'm not going to buy it. After all, most half decent electric wheelchair models cost as much as a new car. I am of the view that loving inanimate objects is in most cases a little strange. However for my wheelchair I can make an exception. Without it I would be sedentary, boring, and even paler than I am currently. It's a tired phrase, but my wheelchair really is my legs. Sometimes I don't use my 'legs' as much as I should, I have been known to stay inside all day and live vicariously through hapless heroes on the television.

Other days I am almost too social, and my 'legs' respond vindictively by slowing me down, cramping at inopportune times, and sometimes even failing completely. On balance though, my electric wheelchairs have been more than reliable. Every five years or so came a time where I finally realised that I was now just too big to sit comfortably in my electric wheelchair. The giveaway signs usually being my feet continuously fell off my footplate, and the inability for me to wear anything more than a T-shirt without my movements being so constricted I felt like I was wearing a straitjacket. But apart from the cost, buying a new electric wheelchair is nothing like purchasing a new car. When shopping for a new car, you can easily compare makes and models. Go for a test drive, not up to scratch? Drive ten minutes to another dealer and repeat the process until you find something you like. I wish I could say it was this easy when electric wheelchair shopping. You can try researching online.

Generally you are greeted with a website that is out of date, contains tiny pictures if any at all, and is usually altogether unhelpful. To make matters worse, it certainly doesn't provide an enjoyable and efficient shopping experience when only some wheelchair seats produced by certain manufacturers fit certain models of electric wheelchair bases - which are of course made by an entirely different company! In my experience, the best way to approach electric wheelchair shopping is to start with the wheelchair's base - buying the seat is a separate issue entirely. Electric wheelchairs have a speed limit of 10 km/h in Australia. While that is definitely not slow, off-the-shelf electric scooters can sometimes reach 20 km/h. Scooters are also very dangerous; they are hard to steer - being both very large and very hard to manoeuvre - and they also often have a penchant for toppling over at inopportune times. I don't want to come across as being ageist, but in addition to the great difficulty in driving these unwieldy scooters, I'm willing to bet that I am a better driver than the vast majority of older scooter users, so why should they be legally allowed to travel twice as fast as my electric wheelchair?

Flowing on from this: when shopping for an electric wheelchair base I want it to have a high top speed and fast acceleration, as well as it being extremely manoeuvrable. The problem is when I tell this to an occupational therapist, wheelchair salesperson or even an occasional acquaintance, I am often greeted by a patronising smile and a daft comment along the lines of "Why? Are you planning on entering wheelchair races?" Generally I manage to force a fake laugh, before calmly explaining the reasons that I naïvely thought should be obvious. Why do I want a quick and nimble wheelchair? I may need to hurry to work because of a late train, dash across a busy road and squeeze in between cars, even chase after a friend to keep them out of trouble when they've had a few too many drinks! You often also need the manoeuvrability in order to avoid taking out absent-minded city folk who care more for their mobile phone than where they are walking. I'm not ashamed to say it, I know about electric wheelchairs, and I certainly know what I want.

I hope for people to forget about my wheelchair - I want to blend in and be unobtrusive. An electric wheelchair that is slow and cumbersome, one that makes me lag behind my friends and colleagues like an oversized unresponsive snail, is not my definition of an essential tool towards retaining my independence. No, my dear friend, I don't want a fast and responsive wheelchair for entering wheelchair races. Carl Thompson recently finished his Business Bachelor and now plans to relax before he joins the 9 to 5 grind. Wheelchairs For Kids are a group of retiree volunteers in Australia use your donations to make and distribute up to 300 wheelchairs per month to poor disabled children in developing countries. Millions of wheelchairs are needed, but every one makes a difference. Every $200 raised gives a child the freedom of mobility and liberates a carer. Here is an online story on Wheelchairs For Kids recently. It can be viewed here. A project of the Rotary Club of Scarborough, WA

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