Vision 2022

Vision 2022

Pharez The Great

Good day guys. This is a new year and I know you all know that time is money and time waits for no man.

One thing you need to stop doing this year is doubting (what if it crashes, what if I loose money, will it work for me etc)

Have this mindset of being eager to invest and make money.

Once you invest, know it's 50-50. You either profit or loss

Also, the fact that you invested in one business and it yielded high profits doesn't mean you would make money in the next investment and vice versa

Most of you have this mindset of ignoring updates with low yields like ₦500 profits especially fintech updates. You can of feel bossy and say, "why should I stress myself over ₦500😹😹) . Yeah it's understandable but do you realise if you do that same thing for 10 people, you'd be having ₦5000 🌚

Any update you see, thief it😁😁

If you want to make money, invest more in yourself. Gain knowledge through online research, meet people who are into whatever you are interested in, pay for other people's knowledge, learn different skills and crafts and improve on whatever skill you've learnt. Trust me, all these things will come in handy someday

Let me use myself as an example.

I learnt fashion designing from a boss who sews native wears, shirts, trousers and suits but I was only interested in native wears, shirts and trousers. I didn't fully learn under him because he made me an errand boy and even gave my own machine to my colleagues to learn (talking about a tribalistic retard)

I got mad and left without fully learning how to see wears because of course I was the errand boy and had little time to learn anything at all.

I went on YouTube to learn how to sew pants (joggers, cargo and combat pants) because I picked a great interest in it. I mastered all these in less than a month 👻 as against the 2 and a half years I wasted at my so-called boss's place and I couldn't even proper attach zip to a trouser 🤦‍♂️

Currently I sew can sew anything in the "pant family" with ease (talking about self development)

Now this year, I plan to learn everything "top related" (hoodies, shirts, T-shirts, sweat shirts, vintage shirts and round necks) 😁😁

Fact is, the fashion industry can never fade away and would continue to bring out new trends forever 👌

Learn something that can never be irrelevant no matter what👌

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