OBJECTIVE OF BULLSHIT: The object of the game is to get rid of all your cards as fast as you can, and before all the other players.

NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 3-10 players

MATERIALS: 52-card deck (no jokers)

RANK OF CARDS: A (High), K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2

TYPE OF GAME: Shedding Card Game

AUDIENCE: Teen, Adult


Bullshit is a shedding card game playable by 3 to 10 players. The goal of the game if to be the first player to empty their hand and be declared the winner.


Split the cards evenly among players. One player may have an extra card depending on how may players there are. All the cards are dealt and there is no stockpile for this game.


The person that has the ace of spades goes first. To take their turn, a player’s cards are played face down into the discard pile in the middle of the table and announced.

For example, the player that throws out the first card would say, “one ace”.

The turn then passes to the next player and they are required to throw out the next card in ranking order. In this example, the next card would be a two. The player has the option of throwing out all the twos in his hand in one discard.

If a player does not have a two in hand, they must discard an alternative card(s) but still claim it as a two, and hope that the other players believe them.

If a player calls BS! then they are allowed to flip the cards over to see if they are actually what they’ve been claimed to be.

If the cards do not match what the player stated, then the player that discarded must take the entirety of the deck into his hand.

When the cards do match what was claimed, then the player that called BS! is required to take the entirety of the stack into his hand. A player may not call BS! on themselves.

Remember that a player can discard more than one card at a time. For example, if you have three jacks in your hand and jack falls on your turn, then you can layout all three jacks in that one turn. 온라인카지노


The game play continues in this way until someone has gone out and is declared the winner.


What do you do when you do not have the next card needed for Bullshit?

In short, you lie. For Bullshit you will have to lie at times more than likely. Just take however many cards you card to discard and they will be played face down to the discard. Don’t panic, because as long as no one calls Bullshit on your discard you are fine.

How many decks of cards does Bullshit use, and how many number of cards are dealt to each player?

For Bullshit only one deck of cards is used. However, if one deck is not enough, there are similar card games that are played with more decks.

The deck is dealt as evenly as possible amongst the players.

When should you call Bullshit?

You may call Bullshit on a player after they have declared their discard, though when you choose to do that is a personal question. A lot of players keep count of the cards that have been claimed as discarded. This along with the knowledge of what you have in your hand should help you to determine when to call out someone.

How do you win the game Bullshit?

To win a player must discard all the cards from their hand. The first player to do so wins.

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