

Anastassia Stzhalkouski

1. The search string disappears in contacts

Technical information:

Operating System: iPhone iOS 10.3.2

Screen resolution: 375 x 667

Telegram version: 4.3


a) Open Telegram app

b) Open tab "Contacts"

Result: the search string disappears in contacts when you scroll down the list


2. Extra space in the tooltip

Technical information:

Operating System: iPhone iOS 10.3.2

Screen resolution: 375 x 667

Telegram version: 4.3


a) Open Telegram app

b) Write in any chat something

c) If the interlocutor did not have time to read the message, click on the message, select the "more"

d) Click the trash icon at the bottom of the page

Result: you receive the following message: "Delete for me and ...." + name of your interlocutor. After "and" is odd space.


3. Problem with unlocking the application

Technical information:

Operating System: iPhone iOS 10.3.2

Screen resolution: 375 x 667

Telegram version: 4.3


a) open Telegram app

b) open "Settings" tab

c) choose "Privacy and Security" tab

d) open "Passcode Lock"

e) choose "Unlock with Touch ID"

f) choose "Simple Passcode"

g) enter passcode

h) close the app

I) open the app

Result: first appears request enter the password, in a second appears request open app using Touch ID


Suggestions for improvement:

1. To have a possibility to save some messages in the list of favorite messages.

2. To have a possibility to make video calls.

3. To have a possibility to change app language to Russian

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