Brute PayPal

Brute PayPal

Working with brute PayPal accounts + System setup.

1.) Setting up the system (Why beat what to use, etc.)

In fact, there is no definite scheme here, but I will describe the options.

911 + sphere, set up 911 for zip kx, or if there is no zip kx, take the nearest zip. (to be honest, I myself have never driven through 911 and the sphere, but many clients drive in and successfully)

here is the version with which I am hitting this option is not a cheap one and it is too bold to use it only for brutus. I drive in through OVPN there are not especially any secrets here. Downloading the OVPN program itself can be downloaded from this link (download version 2.3.18 .exe format, it will be almost at the end of the list) Then we are looking for a person who sells configs, the prices for them are different I will write from the minimum to the maximum that I met I take only 0 speed from 400 rubles to 1500 rubles per config (1 config - 1 state, now I think you understand why this is not entirely profitable) Also, in addition to OVPN, I use portabl chrome, and windows 10 eng.These were the main 2 ways to drive in, you can also drive through the phone, and through a bunch of everything that you yourself come up with, as I said, there is no specific scheme. Whoever likes the main task will adapt to the state of the KX zip.

2) Where to Buy? What to buy in?

It all depends on you, where you want to drive and what you want to drive. As strange as it may seem, I hear these questions every day. And again, in order not to write a hundred times to each, I will write once here where I drive.

GIFts I drive in game GIFts. Basically I drive in the Steam wallet gift and then I load them myself (there is a separate manual about this, I think I threw it to you along with this)

List of sites and pros cons: I think many people know this site.

Cons: good anti-fraud

Pros: you do not have to register, but immediately drive in the key comes to the soap that you indicate, I have never required drawing

Disadvantages for registration you need a real yus number, the maximum for how much you can drive in $ 50, everything above requires rendering.

Pros: Gifts come straight on the site pretty quickly.

Cons: it is possible to drive in only if there is soap in the stick and after driving it requires a real yus number

Pros: no rendering required, no need to register.

Cons: drawing required, real yus number required, good anti-fraud.

Pros: a lot of Gift, you can drive clothes into Steam and immediately sell (good profit)

Well, here is such a small list, but for someone it may be useful.

2. Merch

Well, there is no point in telling a lot about merch, find a person or make your own merch and fill it in. If someone then the interest is on average from 20% to 60% in your direction. There, negotiate the conditions with who you will pour. And be extremely careful as there are a lot of scams, there are a lot of direct ones.

3. Thing

Well, here, too, in general, I think everything is clear, find a shop and drive into the drop. But I think a thing from a brute is not entirely practical, since KX can quickly cancel an order, the first two methods are more practical.

4. Send

Everything is complicated with sendas, it is extremely rare to give them from brutus. For all the time I made only 6 pieces of sands for self-registrations from $ 60 to $ 100

There are still a lot of options where you can drive in, it all depends on your imagination.

Immediately a warning.

If you want to pour into online games or Steam, do not do it directly, otherwise your account will simply be banned. If you want to fill up the steam balance, buy GIFts Steam gift wallet, in general, for almost all games you can find GIFts on a third-party website, buy only there. And your account will be safe.

3) Statistics

Also a common question is how many accounts are given out of 10.

My statistics are 3-4 out of 10 for someone it is higher, someone else is lower, it all depends on your abilities and how you drive.

I have had cases when people tried to beat Windows with an ordinary VPN of the Nordic type through RU and wondered why they did not.

Remember that your device must be configured as if you are American. And not as if Petya from 2B wants to steal money.

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