

Anne, Ella, Johanna

My trip to Brooklyn


Hello my dears!

Everyone of you knows New York, or maybe you even wanted to fly there once. As you may know, New York is divided into 5 boroughs. I visited the borough Brooklyn last week. If you also want to go to there or you are interested about Brooklyn, I recommend you to read this blog here. I'll tell you a bit about it and give you my honest opinion. 

The most important thing you need to know, you can experience now!

facts about Brooklyn:

Brooklyn was found by the Dutch in 1635. In many movies and series you watch, Brooklyn is used more for criminal scenes. In real life, it is a diverse neighborhood with many cultural attractions. People in Brooklyn are really proud of their neighborhood and take a lot of care of it. What is also important to know is that Brooklyn is the largest African American settlement area. 

People in Brooklyn


I noticed that the people in Brooklyn were actually very friendly, but of course there are also dark sides to Brooklyn. I'll write more about this topic in this post, so be sure to read on. But now you can find out more about the stars and people in Brooklyn. The inhabitants sense of community is open-minded and diverse. When youˋre in Brooklyn you can also find a mltitude of cultures.


Brooklyn has also a vivid community of sports. It is also known for the sport of Basketball. Maybe you can even watch a game of the Brooklyn Nets, who even play in the NBA.

Now I'll list a name of a few famous athletes, maybe you even know some of them:

Mike Tyson (boxer)

Joe Torre (baseball player)

Michael Jordan (basketball player)

Jim Brown (soccer player)


The borough also has famous rappers, singers and much more. First of all, it is important to know that many became famous there. Because they performed at festivals or on the streets. Brooklyns music has also contributed a lot to American music history. 

Here are a few more celebrities if you are interested:

Jay Z (famous rapper)

Neil Diamond (singer and songwriter)

Aaliyah (R&B)

Mos Def (various talent)


Another fact about Brooklyn is politics. Brooklyn has had a new president since 2022, his name is Antonio Reynoso. His parents emigrated from the Dominican Republic, but he was born in Williamsburg (Brooklyn). He is the first Latino president. Antonio's party is committed to affordable housing, education and economic development.


Brooklyn has many places and sightseeings that you have to visit. I will now tell you about a few that I have visited

What you absolutely have to visit is the Brooklyn Bridge. The bridge is over the East River and connects Brooklyn and Manhattan. As the bridge is very long, you should plan 45 minutes to walk across it.

For the sports fans, I recommend the Barclays Center. It is the home of the Brooklyn Nets basketball team.

Coney Island is also highly recommended, as there are amusement parks, aquariums, beaches and sea bridges. So for all ages.

Between the Brooklyn Bridge and the Manhattan Bridge you can find Janˋs Carousel. This is in a large glass box and has lots of wooden horses. It is open all year round.

For plant fans, the Brooklyn Botanic Garden is perfect. There are many different gardens and events.

If you like museums, go to the Brooklyn Museum. There you will find historical art of different cultures and modern art.

For huger I can really suggest the Time out market New York

The Bade side of Brooklyn:

Now I've been talking about the positive things about Brooklyn all this time. But there are also negative things about this borough and these would be:

The eastern part of Brooklyn, on the other hand, is a poorer area. Brownsville, for example, is a poorer neighborhood. The first thing to know about this neighborhood is that it is an extremely poor neighborhood. Many who live there don't finish school and become homeless. There are also many drug dealers in this neighborhood. The murder rate in Brownsville is four times higher than in New York City in 2009.

My opinion:

I'm really happy that I visited Brooklyn because it was a great place to spend time. There were lots of sights and I can definitely recommend the downtown area, where I had a great time shopping. I actually wanted to go to Brownsville on the last day, but sadly I didn't make it. In the end, I can also highly recommend traveling to Brooklyn, but next time I want to visit a different other one borough.

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