

"ᝪẞᜱᜧᝪᝀ𐍃 ᜧᜬᢗᜠᠻ᠗ᜧẞ᠘ᠻ ᜬᠻᜦ𐍃"

I would like to ask everyone, will you continue this criminal vaudeville for a long time with a complete victory over the flu and common sense?

🇨🇳Un not surprising, Friends, to watch our world intertwine interests by making all sides of Evil one, even though they consider themselves to be separate subjects, deciding that they themselves decide what they will bring to our world while they are led by biblical evil. 

What could be more surreal about this picture, Friends, where by no means a non-Jewish China honors and welcomes the Jew who wrote the Capital on the order of his cousin Rothschild, the son of hereditary rabbis of the Ashkenazi Jews Hirschel Mordechai and Henrietta Pressburg Haim Hirschel Mordechai, known as Marx. 

An article by the New York Times dated September 27, 1996.

about the Uhole flu: 

"Today, federal health officials said that a much more dangerous strain of the virus will be circulating this season than those observed last year. The A-Wuhan virus, which can lead to fatal complications in the elderly, is the most dangerous of the three viruses expected in the country."

"It's hard to predict how bad the flu season will be," said Nancy Arden of the National Center for Infectious Diseases at these centers, "The more viruses like Wuhan, the more people die."

We hope, you understand, Friends, that all this can mean

💉🤡The most popular attempt by a so-called reporter, and in fact, a propagandist, to go to the advertising of the BiPharma vaccine from a racial side. 

The New York Times health reporter Apurva Mandaville tweeted that the theory of "leaking from the lab" #COVID19 has "racist roots" and is not "plausible": 

"Someday we will stop talking about the theory of leakage in the laboratory and maybe even recognize its racist roots. But, alas, this day has not yet come."

She eventually deleted the tweet. Apparently, "the day has come"🤦🏻 😂

Criminals, you should know that we read you as an open red book and see all your tricks because you puppies 🐶 compared to us. 

Do you know why puppies 🐶? You were still with the pea, and we were already sniffing at a good 👇😂

Forensic expert Helmut Traindle measured co2 levels in front of the camera while using camouflage masks to protect against the couid.

It turned out that the maximum allowable values of everything and everything, including CO2, are exceeded many times. 

This not only means that citizens are prescribed with honey. in terms of our Constitution, where Health is now a priority of the state's care, an illegal requirement to wear masks, but it also means that wearing rags, masks, scarves and other things, inhale, according to all medical data, air that is "considered to be powerful and dangerous to health." The knowledge gained from the study was presented by Ms. Edith Bretzner of the Austria Free Initiative.

🌎In the Un 🇺🇳 occupying a huge neighborhood in New York and interfering with our fence during morning runs with dogs called to subdue all humanity because of the kovid Masonic principles.

Another male Satanist dressed as a woman says that it is necessary to create a Single World Government under Masonic principles. That's what "Masonic" says. 

Former Chilean President, first-ever female president, medical surgeon and epidemiologist Michelle Bachelet Geria spoke at an event organized by the Grand Lodge of Chile on Tuesday, 1 December, as part of the anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: "The Vision undermines achievements in the field of gender equality. We need Masonic principles to come together as one humanity, that is who we are."

This very Bachelet works, as you all guessed, Friends, at the UN, where she is the High Commissioner for Human Rights.

🇨🇳Chini, forgive The Cuban, forgive Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau refused to answer questions about his relationship with the Chinese Communist Party. 

"We always follow the rules," said the guy, who doesn't follow them. 


Old, kind, poor Justin... We think we should go back to our cottage and let the adults run the country. Not only is he out of his plate, he's not in his league at all.

🇺🇸In California, flu cases have been reduced by 512 times compared to last year. 

San Diego County, California, reports 39 cases of influenza this year, up from 20,000 last year.

Dr. Wilma Wuten dispelled rumors that the covid had overcome the flu and said it was because "people wear masks." However, this aunt did not specify why, if everyone wears masks, cases of kovid continue to grow. And it's not humor, satire or joke, Friends, that's exactly what this lady said. 


We do not know whether this aunt has heard or seen himself on the sidelines with these statements, but now it may not be obvious to the complete idiot that this whole scam with the tweed will not subside so easily, since it was decided at the global level to abolish the flu, which the slave of paedophile Gates head of WHO Ethiopian Hebreisus abolished and statistics on which WHO now does not lead.

I would like to ask everyone, will you continue this criminal vaudeville for a long time with a complete victory over the flu and common sense?

🇨🇳Chini thais: A Chinese scientist working in Canada's only level of security microbiology laboratory (as a Wuhan), sent 30 batches of 15 deadly viruses to the Wuhan Laboratory 🥼👇


So think why people of Chinese nationality so sn out foaming at the mouth on CNN for all sorts of game 🤪 

If you ask us which of the politicians was vaccinated, the answer is obvious - no one has stated about it. 

Anticipating the question of how it is possible to get vaccinated with a vaccine on camera and not to get vaccinated, we respond by posting this video about this method of "vaccination". 


When the needle enters, the syringe 💉 goes out, and when it comes out, it reappears for video advertising. 

🇩🇪Vaccination in the EU. 

The immunologist, toxicologist, Professor Stefan Hockertz, gives evidence to the German Committee on The Covid, which includes the former head of the Law School of the University of Goettingen Georg August and, a well-known doctor, acting as a lawyer, Rainer Fuelmih: 


"Oh my God! This means that we are experimenting on people who do not know about the dangers/safety of the product/vaccine." 

Full video with English subtitles from the 30th meeting of Germany's independent committee on covid investigating the impact of the Covid situation, including evidence of the safety or danger of the vaccine, obtained from Professor Stefan Hawkerz, a highly qualified pharmacologist, toxicologist and immunologist, seen here 👇


According to the U.S. National Health Foundation, the base occupancy rate of the Los Angeles County intensive care unit is 90%, as opposed to the flu season, when occupancy was 98%. What is the point of closing businesses at 85% occupancy, when 90% is a basic, normal, permanent level of hospital occupancy?

This is a year of total madness, Friends. People seem confused. Freaks are trying to purposefully bring down the economy to carry out a "great reboot" so that 0.01% of their possession of all, and plebs would continue to eat government noodles and vegetable paste with cabbage.

🇮🇱Israil buys 6 million doses of forma vaccine from Moderna. Remember, in March 2020, Israeli pharmaceutical giant Teva, which is involved in a criminal investigation alleging that it was involved in a "massive conspiracy" to lure American consumers billions of dollars through a price collusion scheme in an attempt to clean up its tarnished image, announced 6 million doses of hydroxychloroquine that it donates to the U.S. for free.

CNN: "Don't be alarmed if people start dying after taking the vaccine."

In an article about the introduction of the vaccine, CNN says that Americans shouldn't worry if people start dying after taking the vaccine because "there may be deaths that don't necessarily have anything to do with the vaccine." 

🇺🇸Walmart and Sam's Club now sell a series of KITS to collect TESTS on COVID-19 at home on the Internet. According to the corporate blog, the options available on Walmart.com and SamsClub.com priced from $99 to $135 include the most basic set for nasal smears at home, which is standard for express flu test and COVID-19.

Walmart also offers an option with saliva test.

"Throughout the pandemic, Walmart and Sam's Club have focused on enabling customers and participants to shop in the most convenient way possible for them," said Lori Flis, senior vice president and chief operating officer of Walmart US Health and Wellness. We are now applying the same lens to how we can provide access to COVID-19 testing to as many people as possible in a way that best meets their needs."


Trading in a false commodity. 

I made this drawing. The white British population of England and Wales will almost certainly be less than 73% in the next census. 

🇺🇸 "U.S. Misjudy' Response to Covid-19" - "130,000 to 210,000 preventable deaths," the report said, not 15 million, as the media showed. 

Fake crap throwers. 


🇺🇸Nanorobots. PCR tests. Below are excerpts-puzzles from screens for self-folding.

🔹"Researchers are developing tiny machines that effectively deliver drugs. Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

When the open teragripper, left, is exposed to internal body temperatures, it closes on the wall of the instestin. At the center of the capture is a place for a small dose of the drug ...

This tampon contains a teragripper the size of a speck of dust. Inspired by a parasitic worm that thrusts its sharp teeth into the host's intestines, researchers at Johns Hopkins University have developed a tiny...".

🔹"NANOEMULSIA based on INTRANASAL drug delivery by the sakvinavier mesylate system to target brain targeting... 

A higher percentage of drug targeting efficiency (% DTE) and the percentage of direct transport of drugs from the nose to the brain (% DTP) for optimized NE indicated effective targeting of the CNS by the intranazally. Gamma - scintigraphy of the brain of rats convincingly demonstrated the transport of the drug in the central nervous system in large quantities

after intranasal introduction in the form of NE..."

🔹Metodas: Intranasal administration is a non-invasive method of drug delivery that can bypass GEB, allowing therapeutics to have direct access to the brain.

💉😱 wa ha-ha, Comrades. The vaccine agenda in the West is advancing, and their files have not changed. However, if earlier the same video from the boiler hospital was shown in three countries, posing the hospital as his own, now the file is a little different, though, lies in the same way.

Friends, and the 92-year-old British woman, who first made the vaccine against the kovid, and got into an awkward situation because of the media, as it turned out to be, is not as simple as it seems.

💉Itak, Friends, for the last time details about the woman who "first received the couid vaccine." This isn't the first time they've used it to promote their vaccine scam. And maybe this woman is no longer alive. But Plebs is so eager to believe in a miracle vaccine. 


Fox News: Dr. Sushari Bkhadi y Laura Ingraham (02.12.2020): "The vaccine is your death."

🇷🇺 Alexander Galitsky, a former Soviet defense official of the NGO ELAS, the current head of the venture fund Almaz Capital Partners and who collected sperm with paedophile Epstein on his pedo-island, author of a plan to reduce the population of the planet by vaccination, the real head of who is WHO, autistic Gates.

Alexander Galitsky:

"Since the mid-1980s, I've been preparing our "Star Wars" response. We have developed different systems, including for the transmission and exchange of information between reconnaissance satellites.

It was a working model, and back in October 1990 we showed the Americans how IP packages, in other words, data blocks, go through space. Those fell into the fallout. 

Finally they were struck by a 22-layer polyamide board the size of a pack of cigarettes, which at one point I carelessly took out of my pocket. No one in the world has ever made such fees!"

Galitsky was one of those in the scientific Soviet elite, who immediately rushed into the arms of the American market and began to cooperate with the leading IT-shn, communicated with Gates and others. Then they believed in convergence (the combination of socialist and capitalist system), although it was already clear that the Soviet system was collapsing in favor of the American one. Nevertheless, thanks to Soviet science, the native of Jitomir communicated with the advanced Western IT workers on an equal footing, as he had great knowledge and skills.

At the space communication station on the basis of a flat antenna-fared lattice, which transmitted information through IP protocol, 1990 .

Former IMF chief, Schwab's puppet top-tier Christine Lagarde: "Old people live too long, and this is a risk to the world economy, something needs to be done." 

Hopefully now you understand, Friends, why in the West 60 to 90% of cooid victims in nursing homes.

🇺🇸What, if Dr. Fauci, who spent several million dollars to fund research into the function of coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China, to make these viruses more contagious to humans, is the same doctor who invested in Warp Speed Pharmaceutical Moderna, which makes these experimental MRNA vaccines from COVID-19, after which the accepted GMO becomes it? 

The Trump administration spent $12.4 billion on vaccines. 

How Much Is It Really Dele?

UPS employees move the first shipping containers with the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine to Louisville, Kentucky, on December 13. Credit - Michael Clevenger—Pool/Getty Images 

ATOMIC BOMBSHELL: ROTHSCHILDS PATENTED COVID- 19 BIOMETRIC TESTS IN 2015. AND 2017. by Silviu "Silview" Costinescu OCT 04 2020 by Silviu "Silview" Costinescu It's not disputable, since the information comes from of몭cial patent registries in the Netherlands and US.


The number of patent applications filed in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) from 2000 to 2020 only experienced two prominent drops—one in 2009 when the U.S. economy tanked and one in 2020 when the Covid-19 pandemic reached the U.S. From 2016 to 2019, the percentage of applications that were abandoned dropped from 49% to 41%.


This web page summarizes information in PubChem about patent US-2006257852-A1. This includes chemicals mentioned, as reported by PubChem contributors, as well as other content, such as title, abstract, and International Patent Classification (IPC) codes. To read more about how this page was constructed, please visit the PubChem patents help page.

🇩🇪 🇺🇸Trump said on Twitter that he would feed Germany vaccines to the fullest: 

"Germany has repeatedly been used by my brazen critics as a country we must follow in the fight against the Chinese virus. So much to this argument. I love Germany - vaccines on the way ! ‘’ 

The Editor's Accountant calculated to Doni that even if you sell the Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida, the Trump International New York Hotel with all the restaurants and the front door with a handle, it still won't be enough to offset the untargeted costs of the U.S. budget 🇺🇸 

Mountains of coffins with coe in Bergamo.

Normal people are afraid of pictures of torment, death, but even more they are afraid of pictures of mass death. Probably many saw the impressive footage from the Italian Bergamo with hundreds of coffins with, as explained by the media, victims of the kovida. 

We are forced to grieve those who believe in all these horrors and say, Friends, that the footage of the coffins was taken in 2013 on Lampdemony, not in Bergamo, when only the initiates heard of the covid, and that someone had cruelly deceived these shots as a year ago someone had deceived a staged video from a co-operative hospital. 

Unfortunately, all these pictures in the media and TV were written only to instill horror in people, and in many cases they succeeded.

Oh-oh-oh- oh, Friends. What idiots do they keep the whole world for. 


It has been several months since the same hospital was presented as different in many countries of the world (video), but the so-called journalists and media are trying to do it again.

They just used the same footage again. Although, we thought we were a little smarter, and we thought they'd stop after they got caught once.

It's amazing how they evaluate the plebs to which they continue to rub a similar game. If you think that in this way the cat-like panic is pumping up only in the local media, then you are very wrong, Friends. Someone very strongly for something needs a second wave of this scam .


After Pfizer announced that they had developed a vaccine against COVID-19, the first political reactions to the show emerged. Yannick Jadot, the French leader of the EELV party in the European Parliament, has said he wants to make the vaccine mandatory for all. EELV is a left-wing and far-left environmental party.

The French Conservative Party takes a similar stance, saying the vaccine would be mandatory for "some people."

But according to a recent survey, only 50% of French people agree to take the COVID-19 vaccine.


As everyone knows, Friends, the old woman, who was declared the first to receive a vaccine, did not receive the vaccine, but only played the role of a crisis actor, so it is unlikely that her health is now in danger, unlike some other people who managed to poison Pfizer poison from the refrigerator. 

🔹4 suffer facial paralysis after taking the PFIZER vaccine. 💉

🔹6 or more than six people were killed💉

🔹1 woman can't walk💉

🔹2 anaphylactic reactions💉

🔹1 fever is a threat to life.💉

🔹1 acute encephalopathy💉

We're barely keeping up, Friends.. maybe later we'll add something that we missed. 

Researchers, doctors and scientists conclude that the PCR test is useless. The probability of a positive pcR test result using the threshold of the cycle 35, which is infectious, is less than 3%. The probability that this will be a FALSE RESULT is 97%. 


The former head of Pfizer and the creator of THE PCR tests, who received a Nobel for them, spoke about the same. Here you also need to understand, Friends, what abs. all anti-chinese policies are built on these tests.

That's why the international bank began supplying these same tests back in 2017, it's a plan to disperse the indicators. More fake tests and more fake sick. The rest was played by crisis actors of provincial theaters and circus capitols like CNN and other smoots👇


The claim that COVID-19 test kits were being sold in 2017 and 2018 is based on an error in data labeling on the World Integrated Trade Solutions (WITS) website, a resource that allows users to access and retrieve information on trade and tariffs. The error has since been corrected.

We will be frank, it is very worth straining White House lawyers, because very much, including the U.S. patent, information about the publications of the World Bank points to the territorial jurisdiction of the United States 🇺🇸 Tel: 1 (800) 645-7247. And most of the names of the defendants tell us about the American citizenship of these bodies. 

Somehow continue to pretend in a year and a half that this has nothing to do with the white house is completely unconvincing, and the white house meanwhile gradually blushes right before our eyes. 

    Red-brown shade turns out, doesn't it? 

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