


I have a question about the bookmark possibilities of the new portal theme 'RfWebUI' of NetScaler 11.1. For security reasons we want to disable the 'Bookmark' button which is visible near the top right corner allowing users to add personal web/RDP bookmarks. Unfortunately there seems to be no option at the theme configuration available to disable it so I assume that manual customizations are required here.



By analyzing the website with the browser's dev tools I couldn't find any object with a name like that. Replacing ".personal_websites_section" with ".personal_bm_dropdown" hides the bookmark button (not pre-configured personal bookmarks though). Even though it doesn't really fulfill my requirements it might be helpful for others.

That's what I tried out initially but unfortunately that option apparently takes no effect. The personal bookmark section as well as the bookmark button stay. I tried unbinding and rebinding the theme as well like it was required by a previous NS version as well. The currently used one is NS11.1

So on the bookmark option disappears after disabling the personal websides, but there is a 'go' button instead. I have disabled the enterprise sites as well, but that doesn't seem to help anything.

Ok, yeah, looks like you figured it out. You can drag and drop across your bookmark bar if you have it enabled. Otherwise can create a bunch of folders or different places within bookmarks. Whatever order you place Bookmarks is the way they appear. I do believe by default it will put new bookmarks on the bottom of the list.

On the other hand, Writer documents exported to pdf can have working bookmarks, jump to footnote, hyperlinks, etc in the exported file. Also, fine control over picture export and various other options. So export from Writer (word processor with DTP functions) to pdf works exceptionally well, but Writer cannot edit pdfs

On the other hand, Writer documents exported to pdf can have working bookmarks, jump to footnote, hyperlinks, etc in the exported file. Also, fine control over picture export and various other options. So export from Writer (word processor with DTP functions) to pdf works exceptionally well, but Writer cannot edit pdfs.

I'm using Evernote as a way to save webpage bookmarks as I'd refer not to manage my bookmarks in two places (Chrome's Bookmark Manager and Evernote). I like the ability to add tags to the bookmarks and publish/share them with other people in my company. However I haven't figured out a "clean" way to do this. Right now, I have to go to my Evernote account, search for and open the note with the bookmark and click on the link. Ideally I'd like some sort of "quick access" embedded inside my Chrome browser (extension) that allows me to quickly see a list of the bookmark notes in my bookmark folder.

I'm guessing the only way to do this really is to bookmark the web location of a notebook with all my bookmarks and add it to the Chrome quick access bar and just leave the tab open. The problem is my bookmarks span across different subject notebooks. On the web version of Evernote I see no advanced search capability to show me a list of all my saved bookmarks across notebooks.

It looks like the best method is either to create a shortcut to each bookmark which is time consuming, or, I think the real best solution is to add a tag "bookmark" and then just bookmark in chrome the notebook listing for all the notes with the bookmark tag. That actually might work pretty slick. I guess I sort of answered my own question experimenting with Evernote while I wrote this.

If you have all your bookmarks in Chrome, use the browser's bookmark manager to export all your bookmarks to an HTML file. Open the file and clip to Evernote, and all your bookmarks are searchable links to the individual websites. Insert new links as and when they arise.

Maybe I'm missing something but is there a reason you can't add folders in the bookmark bit of chrome to organize your bookmarks therein? That and adjust the names for recognition. Easy enough to share them if per the above you export the whole list or part of the list via bookmark manager, or favorites in other browsers. If they are single use bookmarks why worry about Chrome, just put them in EN.

My last point related to whether it would be possible to indicate the position of all bookmarks along the topic progress bar. In particularly large topics it would be invaluable to jump between them, otherwise users would be forced to jump back to /my/activity/bookmarks periodically to find the next link.

My last point related to whether it would be possible to indicate the position of all bookmarks along the topic progress bar. Would be forced to jump back to /my/activity/bookmarks periodically to find the next link.

Ok, I'm struggling to get this code to work the way I want it to. I have a document that I'm trying to set up a macro to insert copied text from a source document into the middle of the target document. I have placed a bookmark there, and the code that I have will actually paste the text, but it always pastes the text at the very beginning of the bookmark. I need to be able to run this macro multiple times to insert multiple paragraphs after the bookmark.

The source document is filled with paragraphs, each one of which is inside an enclosing bookmark named "B", then an alpha-numeric code after. The target form we are trying to populate will need anywhere from 1 to 7 of these paragraphs. I don't mind having to run the macro several times (although, if theres a way to use a comma separated input box list to loop through, that would be nice), but the way the macro runs now, it puts the paragraphs in reverse order, meaning that if I run it for Paragraph 1, then for Paragraph 2, it orders them as Paragraph 2, then Paragraph 1. I need to be able to insert the second (and subsequent) paragraph after the first one.

I've tried using insertbefore and insertafter, and can't get them to work. I tried to add a new bookmark before the original bookmark, and then using the new bookmark as the drop location for the text, but couldn't get that code functioning. There is also a command button (1) just below where I would want the paragraphs to drop in, so if it's possible to use that as an insertion point, that would be wonderful. But I couldn't find anything at all on that, so I went the bookmark route.

The code below will look for the bookmark, move to the space immediately before it and insert a text there. The bookmark therefore remains untouched and will be at the end of the newly inserted text. You can use it in a loop to continue adding texts using the same bookmark.

In my trials the bookmark had a length of 1 character. In fact, the length is immaterial. However, I think there might be a problem if it were to contain an end-of-paragraph mark only and you wanted to insert paragraphs with their own formatting because the inserted text would inherit the formatting of the paragraph into which it is inserted. Therefore, if you wish to use the above code to insert entire paragraphs it would be essential that the beginning of the bookmark coincides with the beginning of a new paragraph. In that way the bookmarked paragraph would keep its formatting while the inserted text would bring its own.

Bookmark has been one of my most use feature in VS. I used it as a fast navigation which eliminates the need to scroll everywhere. The naming features of the bookmarks are also very useful as I can put meaningful names instead of just the default numbering.

However I found that even when the bookmarks are disabled (as shown in the screenshot above), I will still ended up navigating to those bookmark when I am using the next bookmark shortcut keys Ctrl+B,N. I don't delete those bookmarks cause I might use them again later or just as a reference. Is there anyway to disable the bookmark in the way I stated above?

Start snipping! WARNING: be careful NOT to cut off the bookmark tail! Hold it out of the way while you snip. With this step, you need to cut the yarn pom pom into the shape of a ball. Continue to turn and snip the yarn, looking at the ball from different angles while doing so. Keep rounding it off until you are pleased with the shape. This step does take practice, and you will improve with each ball you make.

Great idea! Possible improvement on the design: If you double the tail making it one-inch (plus) longer that the height of the book, you can slip one thread inside the front cover and the second thread where you stopped reading. Nicely holds the bookmark in place even when you are reading.

Does anyone have any tips on creating quick bookmarks in the left margin? On other editors I can use Ctrl+F2 to set several bookmarks within same file. Then use F2 within that particular source code file to find the nearest/next. Missing it in STM32CubeIDE. 2990b30de8

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