Book review

Book review


Book Review :

Title : The Dinner Party

Genre : Drama

Word : 865 words

Level : 12

The Dinner Party by I-Talk-You-Talk was a really funny story. The genre of this story was drama, but there was a part of funny moment as a husband and a wife. Dion is out at work everyday and meggie often feels lonely. One day, meggie prepare for dinner to Dion’s friends. Meggie prepare food for dinner but actually she can’t cook. She follow recipe on internet for roasting a chicken. Meggie follows the recipe of internet carefully, she does everything the recipe says.

Everything is done, but there was a something wrong. She have waiting a chicken for 30 minutes but the chicken still white and cold. She thought that the oven was broken. She was confuse. Dion comes home and meggie tell all the story. Dion looks the chicken and the oven controls. He hugs meggie and laughs. He said the oven is not broken, meggie did everything right, but meggie didn’t turn the oven on. And meggie said that the recipe didn’t say anything about turning the oven on. The dinner party keep going because Dion and his friend buy pizzas on the way home, and Dion have says that to meggie before he go to work but meggie didn’t hear that.

This story tell us about how important communication it is, and as a wife we should know how to cook some food to our family. The message that we can get ouf this story is we should have a good communication to other people and keep practice, practice and practice. This story can be read for public because it is a funny story and the language us easy to understand.

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