Book review

Book review

. Atticus happened to be reading when I crawled into his lap every night. Until I feared I would lose it , I never loved to read. One doesn't love breathing đź’ś

"To kill a mockingbird" is timeless classic of all times. The author describes social conflicts with attitudes of little children whose father is trying to defend black person in a society that white people are more privileged. Atticus happens to be respectful figure in a society which can't prevent him from hatred of "privileged people". Atticus is not only respectful man but also good father. Every day he reads to his children before going to bed, explains everything to his children , listens to them and understand them . He is such a good father that his children never feel bad about not having a mother. One particular conversation still stuck in my mind . A teacher talks about why Holocaust(persecution of the Jews) is brutal , how we should treat everyone equally.

And after lessons little girl outhears her saying about negros (they use nigro for black people) "they are getting way above themselves" Even Scout (main character) understand how ridiculous to hate Hitler for his hatred for Jews and hate negros at the same time.Personally, I loved the father-children relationship and I think many people resonate with that. Maybe that's why Atticus is still one of most loving character of literature.

" It was times like these when I thought my father who hated guns and had never been to any wars , was the bravest man"

"To kill a mockingbird"

Harper Lee

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