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"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only once". Don't tell me this didn't affect you. See here's the thing I love stories. I love them with all my heart. Whether it be books or movies or series. They all are stories. They teach us things textbooks never can. They give us lessons. They teach us the meaning of life. They may have even saved a persons life. You know that feeling you get when you finish a book. Just wondering, what is going to happen now. Reading the last sentence over and over wondering if there is was any way you could go on that adventure again. Wondering how people, are still going about their day to day life while you are stuck in that moment wondering if this was the reason you were born. To experience this. This amazing journey you just got back from. Experiencing this excruciating pain in your chest. Now the things I love most about books is that they tell the truth. They don't hide the bad things in our world or any world. They just present them to us and say deal with it. This is the truth. You have to live knowing this. They make you ready for the world. This imperfect world that we live in. And you just don't experience one emotion in one book. You experience all of it. Heartbreaks, happiness, sadness, frustration, anger, anxiety, amusement, awe, pain, confusion, horror, relief. This is just a fraction. Words can't describe those feelings. I don't think anything can. I'm amazed how words can make us feel these things. These authors. They are the true magicians. They are the wonders of nature. And the books are the creations we are blessed with just think about it sometimes. How do these people create such wondrous pieces of art. What goes on in their mind. How did they create this world i wish to be a part of. How. How do they make these totally different people on the world love the same thing so much that they become a unit. They become friends. They become family. I quite big one may I add. "Books change people paragraphs do, sometimes even sentences". This hit hard. Because they do. They really do. Now it's your choice whether to read or not. But remember this. Books are an escape from the shit you go through in life. Sometimes reading about others problems makes you forget your own. So find something that means to you. And hold on to it till you die. Because alas that's the only thing that really matters.

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