Boku no Pico

Boku no Pico


[🇯🇵] ぼくのぴこ


During summer vacation, Tamotsu is on break from work happens to visit a particular café. It is at this café that Tamotsu meets Pico, who works there for his grandfather. Tamotsu instantly falls for Pico, believing that Pico is a girl because of his feminine appearance. However, to his disbelief, Pico claims he actually is a guy. Undeterred, Tamotsu pursues a sexual relationship with Pico, to an extent where he even persuades Pico into wearing girl clothes. When Pico asks what is he to Tamotsu, he finds himself unable to answer...
[Written by MAL Rewrite]

Main Characters:


🇯🇵 None

Character ID: 2515

About Character and Role:

A blonde pre-adolescent boy who works part-time at his grandfather's bar in the summer. He's often shown swimming, usually naked or in a blue speedo. He wears girls' clothing after when Mokkun suggests it. Later, hurt that Tamotsu wouldn't define their relationship, he rebels by cutting off most of his hair and runs away. The following summer, he spots Chico swimming nude in a stream while cycling. He soon befriends the other boy, who calls him "oniichan" and forms a sexual relationship with him. In his relationships with both Mokkun and Chico, he is the uke, though the latter is somewhat reversible. (Source: Wikipedia)


🇯🇵 None

Character ID: 15965

About Character and Role:

Nicknamed "Mokkun" by Pico, he's a young man who sexualizes Pico. Tamotsu is a white collar worker and regular of BeBe. He seduces Pico mistaking him for a young girl, but continues the relationship after realizing Pico's true gender. He later buys Pico a girl's outfit, complete with collar and panties, which he makes Pico wear despite protests. He mostly views Pico solely as a sexual object, though later shows true concern for Pico after he disappears. Although he eventually reconciles his relationship with Pico, he is absent in the second OVA. In his relationship with Pico, he is the seme. (Source: Wikipedia)

More Info:

Started On: 7/9/2006


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