


[🇯🇵] ブラッドプラス


Throughout the passage of time and the shifts in backgrounds, a particular war continues to leave its mark on history, extending its influence into the modern world. There are two major groups involved in the ensuring war. The first group consists of monsters known as Chiropterans who can change their appearances into that of human beings. They are actually immortals who feed on the blood of the living. The second group is an organisation known as the "Red Shield", formed to track down these monsters and exterminate them. Otonashi Saya is a high-school girl who lives a peaceful life with her family. The only problem is, she has no recollections of her life beyond that of the past year. However, her happy life will be destroyed by an event that will lead her to her destined fate.
(Source: Anime News Network)

Main Characters:


🇯🇵 ハジ

Character ID: 849

About Character and Role:

Age 142 (appearance age 22): He is partly instrumental in Saya's "awakening" and his right arm is covered in bandages, hiding some Chiropteran features that he is unable to change back into human form. This might be due to trauma when Saya sliced his hand during the Vietnam incident. Haji first met Saya when he was a child of age 12 and was brought by Joel to be her companion and hopefully mate and create more specimens someday. At this time Saya was 43 although she doesn't appear to be since she stopped aging in 1863. He lived with her in Joel's mansion for many years. But one day he fell from a cliff in an attempt to pick a flower that Saya wanted as a present for Joel's birthday. Seeing him bleeding everywhere and not really understanding that people don't drink blood to remain healthy, Saya gave him her own blood. Thus she unwittingly turned him into her "Chevalier." Since then, Haji's single wish is to protect Saya and fulfill her wishes. It is also revealed that unlike Saya who "created" him, Haji neither eats, sleeps, nor goes into long periods of hibernation. --------- Full bio Haji is Saya's first, and only living, chevalier. In 1870, the twelve year old boy is purchased by Joel and Amshel from his parents for a loaf of bread to be a companion for Saya, with hopes that they might mate and create more specimens for future experimentation. Haji lives with her in Joel's mansion for many years, he growing up but she never aging. In 1883, he falls from a cliff attempting to pick a flower that Saya wants as a present for Joel's birthday. Misunderstanding an earlier conversation between Haji and Joel about why Saya lives on blood, and wanting to save him, Saya feeds him some of her blood, unwittingly turning him into a chevalier. Saya feels some guilt over this through the years, but when she apologizes, Haji assures her that he has no regrets as it allows him to always be at her side while she lives her dream of traveling the world with her sword. Haji plays the cello, a skill he learned from Saya. He usually carries his cello in a large black case that he can also use as a blunt weapon and a shield, and the case also holds Saya's sword. Haji also fights with a handful of silver daggers that he keeps on hand. As with most chevaliers, Haji doesn't need to eat or sleep, and he stays awake while Saya eats, sleeps, or goes into long periods of hibernation. Unlike Diva's chevaliers, Haji never makes a full transformation into a chiropteran form; however, this is by his own choice rather than a limitation of his power. He keeps his right hand bandaged most of the time to hide the fact that its form is permanently chiropractic since Saya injured it while going crazy from being forced awake decades ago in Vietnam. In the opening credits of the final season, Haji is shown with wings, but he does not use them in the series until the forty-third episode. After Diva's death, Haji convinces Saya to live, confessing that he has always loved her. Agreeing that she does wish to live, Saya kisses him. As they, along with Kai and the rest of the Red Shield operatives, try to escape the opera house, Amshel attacks them, ripping off one of Haji's arms. Saya reloads her sword with blood and is ready to fight him to protect Diva's babies. However, Haji takes her sword and pushes her aside so she can escape while he impales Amshel himself. As Amshel crystallizes, he stabs Haji through the chest and the ceiling collapses on them both. Saya screams his name before they leave. She believes he may be dead, but Kai reassures her that Haji will return. Sometime after Saya goes into her hibernation, Kai brings Diva's daughters to visit the Miyagusuku crypt where Saya is sleeping. When they arrive, they find a fresh pink rose with Haji's blue hair ribbon tied to it. Source: link

Kai Miyagusuku

🇯🇵 宮城 カイ

Character ID: 838

About Character and Role:

--May contain spoiler-- Saya's adopted "elder" brother. Once a popular student at school and a star athlete, he quits playing baseball shortly before Saya's arrival and has been getting into more fights at school. His father's death forces him to grow up and try his best keep his family united. He struggles greatly over Saya, and later Riku, not being human. As he finally comes to terms with both, Riku is raped and killed by Diva, and Saya disappears for a year. As the last surviving family member of Saya's adoptive family, he has sworn to protect her and return to Okinawa with her once everything has been settled. Towards the end of the series he convinces Haji to confess his feelings to Saya. Initially Kai has little skill in fighting or marksmanship, but he improves as the series goes on. When George is kidnapped, Kai steals his father's M1911 pistol to try to rescue him. David confiscates it, but later returns it to show that he feels Kai had matured enough to handle it. Kai uses it as his primary weapon for the remainder of the series. After the destruction of the Red Shield, he lives with Lewis and David in an orphanage in London, actively hunting chiropterans with Lewis and honing his skills as a soldier in the war against Diva and her minions. With David drowning in alcohol and regret, Kai takes over many of his responsibilities in chiropteran-hunting. Following the tradition of Red Shield, Kai wears a diamond-shaped pendant with a crystal from Riku's remains crested in it. After Saya kills Diva, he is able to convince her to continue living, and prompts Haji to "disobey" Saya and confess his own love for her. Saya and Kai return to Okinawa and reopen their late father's restaurant. A month later, Saya goes into her hibernation cycle and Kai puts her in the family crypt to sleep. Per his promise to Saya, he raises Diva's daughters as though they were his own. Together, they regularly visit Saya's grave to keep an eye on her while she sleeps. Source:

Saya Otonashi

🇯🇵 音無小夜

Character ID: 836

About Character and Role:

Saya is the main protagonist in the series Blood + who hunts chiropterans using a katana. It is implied that she is the last remaining vampire and called "the only remaining original." Saya has no weakness to sunlight, although it is unknown if she has any of the other vulnerabilities often attributed to vampires. She does, however, become distressed when she encounters religious paraphernalia and angry when people mention God in her presence. Saya displays superhuman senses and strength, as well as cunning, resourcefulness, and skill. The manga series suggests she was a human-vampire hybrid. Her age is unknown, but a picture of her with nine other people is shown in the film with the date 1892 and the word "vampire" attached to it. Though she holds most humans in contempt, she seems to have some sort of respect for David. (Source: Wikipedia)

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Started On: 8/10/2005


• Production I.G

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