

Bitcoin (BTC) is a decentralized digital currency that enables instant, near-zero transaction costs, all generated by a process known as mining. It was developed by an unknown person or group of people using the name Satoshi Nakamoto and released as open-source software in 2009.[3]:ch. 1,4 5 It was the first decentralized digital currency to have achieved widespread adoption.

The rate of new bitcoins minted each day is now fixed, at around 21 million. This was gradually lowered from the original design of 50 new bitcoins minted per day, to 40 in November 2012, to 25 in November 2016, to 12.5 in December 2019, and then to its current level of around 3.5 per day.: ch.

Each transaction is verified by the network by means of cryptography, and recorded in a public distributed ledger called a blockchain. This ledger is shared with all participants on the network, and is viewed as a sort of public registry. Bitcoin uses published rules to manage transactions; a subset of these rules include a finite supply of bitcoins, and the total size of each block cannot exceed the network’s current maximum transaction rate. Because there is no single authority that can issue or circulate bitcoins, they do not have an issuer. It is important to understand that while the supply of bitcoins may be fixed and controlled by the algorithm, the number of addresses with available bitcoins and their values can change at any time.: ch.

Users can send and receive bitcoins using their addresses. Addresses have long since stopped being copyable or transferrable, and a change in bitcoin network rules caused all existing bitcoins to be made unspendable. In such situations, a new address is generated and the new bitcoins received.

Bitcoin can be exchanged for other currencies, products, and services using bitcoin exchanges.

Bitcoin algorithms

The four core functions of bitcoin are: generation of coins, creation of a public ledger of transactions called the block chain, the processing of transactions, and minting new coins.


The primary innovation of bitcoin was to remove the need for a central counterparty to perform escrow or settlement services. The absence of central control or custody of the underlying cryptocurrency provides several advantages. An example of a use case of this technology is a decentralized digital marketplace.[3]:ch. 1.


The minting of a block is a process that is limited to a fixed

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