

maria marsa



What is BitClave?

BitClave aims to solve a big problem in the online advertising industry: the industry is dominated by several large players (such as Facebook and Google). These advertising giants receive huge advertising revenue. BitClave aims to interrupt the $ 550 billion advertising industry with a block-based solution.

The BitClave solution is called BASE or BitClave Active Search Ecosystem. It is a decentralized system that directly connects consumers to businesses — eliminating the need for a middleman such as Google AdWords. This means that consumers and advertisers receive real value from each relevant search query in the BASE ecosystem.

The BASE ecosystem is designed with the usual advantages of blockchain technology, such as lower transaction costs, faster speeds and secure storage of user data.

More importantly, from the user's point of view, it allows you to search for things that you usually look for on the Internet - but they get paid for it. This is a search application that pays money.

Let's take a closer look at how BitClave works.

Advantages of BitClave

BitClave aims to present all of the following benefits to the world of online advertising:

Reduce the cost of interactive interactions between users and advertisers, eliminating the middleman

Instead of a broker, BitClave uses cryptographic and operational registers to create intelligent contracts.

Users can use the BASE application to profit from each search result, where the desired demographic indicator is equal to the user's demographic profile; if the advertiser wants to advertise his content to a 25-year-old man, and this user is a 25-year-old man, then the user receives payment in exchange for viewing the advertisement

User data is securely stored in an invulnerable blockchain.

The overall goal is to soften the increasingly competitive e-commerce market dominated by giants such as Amazon and Alibaba.

User Benefits

For users, the BitClave base platform is a search application that pays money. The example on the BitClave website discusses how “Ben” is looking for a new car. He is looking for a car, but discovers a lot of unnecessary links and advertisements on ordinary search engines.

Using BASE, he finds personalized offers from car dealerships, each of which competes with each other to offer the best deal. For each offer, dealers are willing to pay Ben anywhere from $ 5 to $ 50. So, after searching a new car, Ben can make up to $ 250, even if he does not buy the car.

The business pays Ben directly. There is no intermediary in this process, such as Google AdWords.

Business Benefits

Why is it profitable for businesses to pay a large amount of money for consumers only to search? A business can benefit from BASE by creating smart contracts. Smart contracts are executed when members of the target audience search for relevant information. Accounting is guaranteed by the registrar.

For a practical example, BitClave returns to the example of a car dealer. For example, car dealers can create advertising campaigns that target consumers who own a 2-year-old car. They can adjust their search even further, choosing consumers who prefer German cars, have incomes above $ 100,000 and live within 100 miles of dealerships. In other words, dealers can find their ideal customer and give the customer the best deal.

Expert advantages

BitClave offers benefits to another group of people. BitClave calls these people "experts." These are advertising specialists who can help companies achieve better results on the Internet.

For a small fee, these experts can create intelligent contracts for enterprises and create personalized solutions in different verticals.

How does BitClave work?

Obviously, BitClave has some ambitious goals. How does he actually plan to achieve the above benefits?

The base ecosystem credits each relevant search query for a specific amount of user currency, called consumer activity tokens (CAT). These tokens are sent from the advertiser to the user. The more relevant the user's demographic data is to the advertiser's desired demographic information, the more likely it is that the user will be paid in CAT form.

The end result is that customers are rewarded for finding relevant products. However, BASE BitClave also allows advertisers not to spend money on advertisements that do not affect the audience.

What about the BitClave security mechanism? How does he plan to keep users safe? BitClave has a team of security experts, led by former security chief of LG Electronics. This command protects user data about the inseparable block chain of clans. Users can choose what information they have with organizations.

Why are you using BitClave?

BitClave is basically a search engine advertised as an alternative to the search engines you see on Google. It is also an ad network, similar to the ad networks you see on Facebook or Amazon.

Google, Facebook and Amazon are free services. To make money, these services sell your information to millions of advertisers around the world.

BitClave has created an alternative. The basic BitClave system allows customers to search an alternative search engine and at the same time recognize and benefit from each side that their data is sold individually.

So instead of letting millions of online brands pay Facebook and Google for your personal information, you can control access to your information and receive compensation.

BASE will open to Internet users on July 25th. In the coming months, BitClave plans to cooperate with major online stores and reliable companies. The goal is to hit a million requests per month.


Eliminates the middleman

First removes privacy

Allows consumers to profit from their information (instead of selling information)

Reduced cost for businesses

Smart contracts

Operating book

All about BitClave

BitClave was founded in 2016. The company is based in Mountain View, California.

The founders are Vasily Trofimchuk and Alexey Bessonov.

On Sunday, July 25, the company planned a short window for its pre-sale. This presentation starts at 11:00 GMT.

BitClave output

BitClave aims to destroy the online advertising industry with the innovative decentralized search platform BASE. This platform allows users to control their information - and even make a profit by selling their information to advertisers. When users view ads related to their specific demographics, they will receive awards in the form of CAT or activity tokens.

The end result is that you make money from your own information. Instead of watching Facebook and Google, selling your information to millions of advertisers around the world, you can profit from your own information by viewing more relevant advertisements.

Stay tuned for more information about BitClave as the company continues to evolve in the coming months. Pre-sale is scheduled for July 25, 2017. Alpha is currently available online through



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