

Couch Alex


Butterfly Stretch - Puppy Dog

Lat Opener - Prone Pec Stretch - Chinito - Thoracic Opener - Wall Straddle Stretch

Hip Opener - Kneeling Split - Frog Stretch - Figure Four - Pígeon + Shoulder

Chest Opener - Rodilla al Pecho - Chinito + Silla - Bear Rock - Calf Stretch

Sentadilla Estatica - Straddle Stretch - Shoulder Box extensión - Couch Stretch

Pec Mash - Pike Stretch - Bretzel Stretch - Shoulder Extension - Pigeon Pose

Opposite V-Sit - Seal Full Stretch - Bear Rock - Prone Pec Stretch - Shoulder Floor

Chest Opener Stretch - Glute Stretch - Plow Stretch - Shoulder Distraction

Wall Sit - Samson Stretch - Wrist Stretch - Spiderman - Towel Hamstring


PVC Pass - Breakdancers - Couch + Thoracic - Wall Hip Mobility

Leg Raise - R. Lunge + Reach - Body + Reach - Floor Slide - Hip + Swimmers

Dorsiflexion - Alternating Spiderman - Pvc Lat Shoulder - Wall Pike Pushup

Rocked Back - Hip + Thoracic Rot - Chinito + Reach - Hip Roll - Hip + Reach

Spiderman + Reach - Chinito up Down - Y-T-W - Bridge Supine - Prone Swimmers

Good Morning - Thoracic Mobility - Inchworms - Overhead Circles - G. M+Thoracic

Wall Clock - Pole Squat -Bear + Reach - Cat Cow -Spiderman Walking -Shin Box Get up

Lying Hip + Reach - Bridge Step Out - Frog + Rotation - Chinito + Halo - Walking Halo

Pígeon + Circles - Scap Push-up - Plank Waves - Knee up Down - Crab Kicks

Superman Pulses - Duck Walk - Superman + Pull - Bear Burpees - Shoulder Circles

Walkout - Ape Walk - Halo - Split Squat Halo - Hip+ Y-T-W - Partial Push-up

Hanstand(hombro y muñeca) - Wall Walks - Wall Walks + Step - Trap Lacrosse

Spiderman + Pushup - Knee + Hip - Couch + Reach Curl Slide F.Roller

Núcleo (Core)

Plank Front - Knee Plank - Bear Plank Taps - Plank Hold - Bird Dog - Bird Dog Hold - Bird Dog + Pull Plank Taps KB - Bear Walking - Deficit Plank - Sierra Corporal - Hollow Body - Plank Chop - Bent Hold - Wall Bridge Hold - Dead bug - Dead Bug Pull over kb - Plank + Pull - Glute Bridge Hold - Plankups - Plank + Abb - Superman Swimmers - Hollow Hold - Hollow Rocks - Hollow + Roll - Reverse Plank - Plank Push up - Plank up Down - Plank Walkout - Bear Plank - Forearm Pike ups - Hanstand Hold - Half Moons - Plank March - Bench plank taps - Star Hold - Plank Leg Raise - SL Glute Bridge - Superman Hold - Plank Bridge - Veteran Plank - Dolphin Press - V-up Hold - Shoulder Taps

Lateral Plank - Lateral Plank KB - Lateral Plank + Pull - Lateral Plank + Leg - Plank Rotation - T - Rotation - Star Plank - T Hold - Star Plank Rotation - Farmer Walk - SA Farmer Walk - Lateral Dips - Plank Clamshell

Sit ups - Toe Touches - Seated Tou Touches - Russian Twist - Back Extension - Shin hugs - Leg Raise kb - Superman + V ups - Strict TTB - SL Sit Ups - Leg Lifts - Flutter kicks - SL Ball Taps - Sit Ups+Reach - SL V ups - Knee to Chest - SL V ups (ball) - Sit ups + Hip - Bike Crunch - SL Tuck up - Half Moons

Pallof Variations - Slam Ball - Hammer Slam - Lunge Hold Woodchop - Straight Press - Windmill - DB Woodchop - Kneeling and Press - Barbell Turko - KB Turko - Lunge Woodchop - Lunge Hold + Chop Press - Around Body - Multi Chops - Snatch Rotation -Medium Around Body - Lateral Squat + Chop - Squat Chop - Crab + Push - Sit up Turko - Kneeling + Chop (Disco) -

Fit Movies (Cardio)

Scissor Squat - Superhero B - Predator Jacks - Jumping Jacks - Mountain Climb - In - Out - Compass Squats - Pillow Slam - Lateral Jumps + Pillow - Skier Swing - Air Punches - Jumping Lunges - Lateral Climb - Sprawlees Frog Kicks - Skipping - Tree Points - Sprawlees - Burpees + Skipping - Seal Jacks - Knee Taps - Burpees - Fire Feet - Rotaton Burpees - Face Melter - Squat Burpees - Situp Stand - Lunge Clap - Drop Squat - Burpees Tuck Jumps - Wall M. Climb - Star Jumps - L. Heel Kick - Step - up - Surfer Burpees -Wall Skipping - Jump Rope - In Out Squat - Air Bike - Single Under - Double Under - KB jumps - Sprinter Jumps - Spider Climber - Drop Slam - Exterior M.C - Floor Taps - Sprawlees Rotation - Half Burpees - Frog Kicks - Reverse Burpees - Sprawlees Tuck Jumps - SL Burpees - - Squat Jump Touches - No pushup Burpees - Hinge Jumps

? Metros

Peso Corporal y otros

Squat Air - R. Lung + Reach - Lunge Hold - Lateral Lunge - Lunge Clap - Squat Taps

Escorpión Pushup - BP Militar - BP Clean and Jerk - SL Calf Raise - Remo de pie - Table Pull up - Good Morning - Bounce Squat - OH Lunges - Push Press - BP Squat - Bear Push up - Reverse Pushup - Diamomd Push up - BP Push up - Push up Climber Superhero Pushup - Push up Squat - Frop Pump - Glute Bridge - Wall Shoulder Taps - Swing Ruso - Curtsy + Squat - High Pull - Banda Tríceps - Alternating Pull Band - Lunges + Squat - Thruster - Sumo Squat - Bulgarian - BP Bulgarian - Squat + Knee - Squat + Halo - SA Militar - BP Deadlift - OH Squat - Devil Press - R. Lunge + Press - BP Clean - Lying Hip ABB - SL Glute Bridge - Lying Hip Ankle - L. Heel Kick - Overhead Squat - Cossack Squat - Wall + Leg - Bench Glute Bridge - Curl Slide - SL Curl Slide - Front to Back Lunge - Lateral Lunge + Curtsy - Double Chair Dips - Chair Dips - Push up Oblicue - Nordic Curl - Split Squat Jumps - Chair Frog - Assistend Pushup - Walking Push up - Spider Push up - Pike Pushup - Release Push-Ups - Sumo GM - Curl Slide F.Roller - Knee Pushup - SL Touches - SL Deadlift - Split Squat -

Kettlebells y Dumbell

DB Sumo Squat / DB Front Squat / DB Deadlift / DB Militar / DB Remo de pie / DB Remo / DB Bench Press /DB High Pull /DB Hip Thrust /DB Lunges / DB Swing /OH Lunges / Curtsy Squat /Push Press / Thruster / Deadlift High Pull / Clean / Snatch / Push Jerk / Clean Squat / Snatch Squat / OH Squat / Clean + Jerk / Clean + Push Jerk / Devil Press / Snatch + Thruster / Split Jerk / DB renegade row / renegade row  Pushup / 

KB Good Morning/ KB Deadlift / KB Push Press / KB Back Squat / KB Remo de pie / Double KB Militar / KB Split Deadlift / KB High Pull / KB Hip Thrust / KB Glute bridge / KB Sumo Squat / KB Floor Press / KB Globet Squat /KB Suma + Remo / KB Double Squat/ SL HipThrust / KB E. Talón / KB Lunge / KB R Lunges / KB Lateral Squat / KB Thruster / KB Push Press / KB Deadlift High Pull / KB Swing / KB Americanos / KB Clean / KB Snatch / KB Push Jerk / KB Clean + Push Jerk / KB Clean + Jerk / KB Clean y Lunge /KB Sumo Remo / KB Clean Squat / Snatch Squat / OH Squat / Devil Press / Snatch + Thruster / Renegade Row / Renegade Pushup/

"Liberación Miofascial"

F. Roller Thoracic/ Roll Lats / F. Roller Gastrocnemio / F. Roller Cuadríceps / F. Roller Isquiotibial / F. Roller Glúteo / F. Roller Fascia Lata / F. Roller Aductores / F. Roller Dorsal / F. Roller Cuello / Fascia Plantar.

"Balance y Simetria"

Equilibrio / SL Hip Thrust / Assistend Hip Airplane / SL Air Plane / Air Plane Ball / Columpio / Equilibrio + Pierna / Bird Dog / Empuje de Cadera / Hombro Estable Ball / Hombro + Dribbling / Equilibrio + Hombro / Equilibrio + Agarre / SL Squat Air / Skater / Airborne / Squat + Taps / Equilibrio + Brazos / Lateral Squat + Reach / Triple Toque / Equilibrio + Step / Multiple Toque / Equilibrio + Toque / Lateral Jump + Reach / Lunge + Elevación / Step up + Equilibrio / Lateral Step / Equilibrio + Dribbling / Pase de Disco /Pase de KB / Salto + Equilibrio / Equilibrio + Balón / Equilibrio + Balon a pared / Equilibrio + Lanzamiento / Equilibrio + Chest Pass / Hops Jumps + Clavado / Hip Airplane / Cook Hip

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