



Problem : Tbh, I do stand with the current rangers policy as I personally am anxious of spies/alts. 

Solution : Try a new approach to this problem with a solution: New squad but there is no guarantee of on-time order meaning you won't optimise your skills (be knight or sentinel).

Problem: If you've played long enough, you'd know about the event which required you to send link and can break a rangers aim.

Solution: Can compromise with rangers or warn beforehand (pin) for the other classes.

Problem: Synchronised offline admins -> Wasted event links because link not pinned, hence not notifiying other

Solution: Pin inactive time of admins or less people are online or I usually can pin at the weirdest time when other admins are not available. (like I'm writing this at 3am)

The People

Problem: Sometimes new Cubans enter and they speak in their native language but gets deleted. But when Chinese was written, 2 whole screens could go by ignored altho devs do not favour any language besides English.

Solution: I wish to lessen the gap between Asian and other communities and for the EU people to talk more.

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