best way to wash your mattress

best way to wash your mattress

best way to wash your bed sheets

Best Way To Wash Your Mattress


Want to clean a mattress of urine or vomit and get that bad smell out? Don't toss your memory foam topper or bed. Click below for step by step instructions on how to freshen up a soiled mattress without ending up with a moldy bed that will make you sick. First try the method outlined in How To Clean A Mattress - Emergency. If necessary treat the entire mattress. And get a good protector like the one below so you don't have to go through this again! Use this method if the soiled area is:If the vinegar and baking soda didn't work and the mattress or pad is still unusable, your final option is use a steam cleaner to try to remove the stains and odors. Forcing enough liquid through the mattress to clean it and then get it dry before it starts growing mold is usually not an option unless you live in a desert.WARNING: Steam cleaning memory foam mattresses and toppers may ruin them and is not recommended by any manufacturer of steam cleaners. It may take a while to get all the materials together, but if the soil has waited this long, a couple of days more won't hurt.

1) Steam Cleaner  - You can sometimes rent these, but you can buy a great one for less than $100. And if it saves a mattress that you paid thousands for, isn't it worth it? Besides these machines are great for cleaning up all sorts of impossible messes like baked on food on your kitchen cook top or bathroom grout. Two highly rated steam cleaners are: 2) A GOOD Odor Neutralizer: Anti-Icky-Poo. But it really works. 3) Fan - Get one that oscillates and has a stand so that it's high enough to blow air over a table. This Honeywell model is reliable and quiet. 4) Sturdy Table - Available for 3 to 5 days. Just make sure that the mattress or topper doesn't sag. 6) Tarp - or plastic tablecloth to protect your table Step 1: Put the tarp down on the table.Step 2: Place the mattress or topper on the table with the soiled side up. Spray a fine mist of the odor neutralizer on the surface of the mattress.Step 3: Take the steam cleaner and gently steam from side to side with long strokes.

Press firmly with dry towels to blot up any excess moisture.Step 4: Pour a generous layer of baking soda on the whole mattress. Let it sit for more than 45 minutes. Then vacuum it up.Step 5: Get out a fan and blow it over the surface of the memory foam. If you've treated the underside turn it over every 4 hours or so to let it dry evenly. Don't put it back on your bed until it is TOTALLY dry. This can take a day or two for a memory foam topper and from 3 to 5 days for a mattress.Do not soak, saturate, wring or twist your mattress or topper during any part of the cleaning process.If the memory foam bed still smells bad after all this work or worse, starts to smell moldy, just get rid of it. Breathing mold all night is hazardous to your health. In the end, sometimes knowing how to clean a mattress is not enough and you need to just give up.For tips on cleaning all sorts of other things (including your rabid monkey) Maniac goes to How To Clean Stuff. Mattress Cleaning - Part 1 Cleaning - Part 2

Mattress Cleaning & ProtectionStudies show that our mattresses and sheets can be breeding grounds for bacteria and other harmful pathogens. You wash your sheets, but when was the last time you cleaned and sanitized your mattress?The patented ZEROREZ® cleaning system is perfect for your mattress because we do not use harmful chemicals or cleaning agents. Our anti-microbial protectant helps keep your mattress a safe sleeping environment.Sleep Free of Bacteria and Bugs- You might be surprised at what may lie beneath your sheets!Our Anti-microbial Treatment Provides Long-Term Protection - This proprietary protectant will protect you for months.A More Hygienic Sleeping Environment Promotes Good Health- Nearly 1/3 of your life is spent on your mattress.Bed pillows are very personal items that you have a close relationship with. Some people get so close to their pillows that they can't sleep without their favorite ones. Some people prefer soft and squishy pillows, while others prefer firm ones.

Pillows are essential for quality sleep. It helps you get comfortable and gives you your healthy dose of Zzz's. However, over time, they accumulate your sweat, drool, and dead skin cells. You may not notice it, but it can become dirty and smelly. That said, you need to regularly clean it for optimal comfort and to prevent it from wearing too quickly. Determine The Best Cleaning MethodMachine-washing pillowsHand-washing MachineDrying PillowsFoam PillowsFeather PillowsDown PillowsFiber-filled PillowsConclusionHere are tips on how to wash your bed pillows:Read the care label first before doing anything else. Care labels should indicate whether it is safe to wash in the machine or if it recommends only dry cleaning.Down, feather, polyester, and fiber-filled pillows are usually safe to wash in the washing machine, on a gentle cycle. If it is not, the care label should indicate it.Some down pillows shouldn’t be washed in a washing machine because the down could come out. Always check care labels.

Memory foam and latex can be washed but not in the machine. The motions, even a gentle cycle, could damage memory or latex foam. When washing bed pillows, use a gentle detergent. Harsh chemicals could damage the foam, down or whatever filling of the pillow.Set the washer on a gentle wash cycle. You might also want to set at least two rinse cycles to rinse all the detergent off. Once that's done, spin dry it at least twice to get as much water out.Set the water temperature of the washing machine according to what it says on the care label of the pillow.Feather and polyester pillows use cool water, while fiber-filled pillows use cool or lukewarm water. Down and foam should use warm water.Use the highest water capacity when washing pillows. You should also submerge the pillow first before the cycle starts.For a well-balanced load, wash a pair of pillows at a time. If you only have one pillow to wash, you can throw in some bath towels to balance the load. Some pillows, such as latex and memory foam, should not be washed in a washing machine.

However, you might be able to hand wash them.Foam pillows are prone to tearing so you might want to use a pillowcase or a mesh laundry bag when washing them.You want to be able to submerge the pillow in water so you can use a basin, your bathtub, a pail or a box. Fill the container up with water and add the gentle laundry detergent.Push the pillow to allow it to soak water in. Then, you can squeeze the foam accordingly and turn it over until you feel you've gone through the whole foam.Once you feel it's clean, gently squeeze the soapy water out of the foam. Drain the soapy water and then fill it up again with plain water to begin rinsing the pillow.Continue to squeeze the pillow until only clear water comes out. You should change the rinsing water as often as necessary. Remember, you don’t want remainders of soap because it could cause irritation.Once you are happy with the rinse, squeeze it carefully, as dry as you can.Once again, make sure you follow care instructions on the label.

There are two basic ways to dry pillows. One is in the dryer, and the other is by air drying or line drying. 1Don't dry foam pillows in a dryer. Even low heat could cause it to melt. The motions in the dryer are also too harsh and could tear the foam.Use a towel to squeeze as much water as you can, out of the foam. Then you can hang it in a shaded area where the breeze can catch it. Turn it frequently to dry them as consistently as possible. 2Dry feather pillows on a line because dryers can cause the feathers to smell. Allow it to completely dry before you use it again.You should also fluff the pillow a few times as it dries to rearrange the feathers and to dry it thoroughly. 3You can dry down pillows in the dryer, unless the care label says you can't. The temperature of the dryer should be at its lowest.Add a tennis ball or tennis shoe to shake the pillow in the dryer. You can also take it out of the dryer every few minutes for fluffing and shaking. 4To dry fiber-filled pillows, hang them out in a shaded area, where there are breezes.

You should also toss and turn it a few times to dry them more thoroughly.You can put the fiber-filled pillows in the dryer on the lowest setting. Add in a tennis shoe or tennis ball to agitate the pillow in the dryer.Whatever type of pillow you have, you generally want to dry it completely before you use them. Dampness can create a stench and can also cause molds. It can also harbor more bacteria if it is damp.With a little extra care, your pillows can feel brand new again. Don't wait until it's too late to save your pillow. To check if it’s still good, fold your pillow in half. If it returns to its original shape, then you can still salvage it. If it doesn’t, then it might be time for a new pillow.As you well know, pillows contribute to your quality of sleep. With a clean pillow, you might be on your way to better nights. You should wash pillows at least twice a year to keep it clean and to maximize its lifespan.If you have tips that you'd like to share about washing pillows, comment them below!

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