best way to store a mattress in a basement

best way to store a mattress in a basement

best way to sell used mattress

Best Way To Store A Mattress In A Basement


I’ve always thought there are two kinds of mattresses in the world. There are saggy, stained mattresses that are on their way to being replaced someday. These mattresses draw ire from their owners, who acknowledge they need a replacement, but for some reason are waiting it out. The other type of mattress is the dream mattress. No sag, no stains, just the right firmness—this mattress is the one you plan to keep for years to come. An owner of a dream mattress loves the bed they sleep on and wants to keep it pristine for as long as possible. They rotate the mattress as directed and may even protect it with a waterproof cover. If you’ve got one of those dream mattresses and you want it to remain in it’s dream-like state, it’s imperative that you store it properly. The key is to mimic it’s natural position by laying the mattress flat with no items resting on top. Wrap it securely in a plastic cover and secure the cover with rope or tape. While in storage, keep it at a reasonable temperature – humidity and mold are the greatest threats to the life of your mattress, so it’s important that you take the necessary precautions.

To find out more, we reached out to Mattrezzz Guys, a retailer that’s making a name for itself as an Austin favorite (check those Yelp reviews), and spoke to owners Frank and Anthony about how to properly store a mattress. This is the main reason this blog post exists. Not to point fingers, but other blog posts and websites often say to store the mattress on its side. Frank and Anthony strongly advise against it. “If you stand it up, the padding and coils can settle and the mattress will never be the same. Don’t forget, gravity’s not always our friend,” said Frank. If you intend on keeping this mattress in good shape, you’ll want to mimic its natural positioning—maybe even setting up your whole bed inside your storage space. Gravity can come into play if you leave something on top of your mattress (or you have your mattress resting on something). To avoid wear and tear, make sure nothing is weighing down your bed. The only thing that should be on the mattress and boxspring is a plastic cover.

This final layer of protection can prevent worst-case scenarios. Frank and Anthony recommend completely wrapping the mattress in plastic, be it a specially made mattress bag or stretch plastic wrap. Water damage or pests shouldn’t be a problem at most storage facilities, but the covering has a more important application as well. This prevents dust from settling into the fibers of your mattress, which can happen even in the cleanest indoor unit. You should apply the plastic wrap or mattress cover before moving to help protect it while it’s being transported. Make sure you cover the entire mattress and secure the cover with tape. While we’re on the topic of transportation, you should avoid tying your mattress down on top of your car. You’re either going to warp your mattress by tying it down too tight or ruin it having it fly off the top of your car and onto the road. You should transport your mattress protected from the elements in a covered moving truck. Note: It’s okay to transport the mattress on its side as long as you aren’t leaving it there long-term, according to Peter Cancelli of The Mattress Expert.

“If you’re storing for an extended length of time use climate-controlled storage,” Frank advised. He might have been speaking to local customers in this case, but this tip applies anywhere with a relative humidity that swings above 50 percent (hint: almost everywhere at some point in the year). Mold is a serious threat to the health of your mattress and potentially to your health, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Frank and Anthony’s final tip: If you stored your mattress for more than six months you should remove your plastic covering and let the mattress breathe for a few hours before you put your sheets on it. This should prevent any lingering odor from the plastic or the storage unit, which will help you continue to appreciate your dream mattress. Post updated by SpareFoot, 1/30/2017.How To Properly Store Mattresses And Box Springs Furniture and other large household items are regular occupants of storage facilities. When you’re moving or renovating, it is a good idea to store your furniture to ensure it’s safe and clear of debris.

While couches, chairs and appliances are relatively easy to store, figuring out what to do with a mattress and box spring can present certain challenges. To keep your mattress and box spring in good condition during storage, follow these simply storage rules.Before you begin the process of storing a mattress, it’s a good idea to let it air out for a few days. That is, leave the mattress without any sheets on it for two to three days before storing it. No one should sleep on the bed either, as sweat and other bodily fluids can create a moist surface, and the storage of a moist mattress can lead to mold.Both a mattress and box spring should be covered prior to being put in storage. Mattress bags can be used to seal both the mattress and box spring before storage, but boxes are also available. These specialty boxes and bags can be found at most moving stores and self storage locations. Take the mattress and place it in the box or bag; add a silica pack to the box or bag. The same should be done for the box spring.

The silica packs will ensure the moisture is wicked away from the mattress, which helps to prevent mold.Mattresses should be stored in a climate-controlled self storage unit, or they can be stored in a basement with low humidity. While you can store these items in your own home, a climate-controlled self storage unit is your best bet, as the humidity and temperature of each unit is controlled to keep humidity at its lowest. The mattress and box spring should both be laid flat, but elevated off the ground. Pallets are a good way to keep them elevated off the ground. Mattresses and box springs are intended to lay flat, obviously, so that is the position that will keep them safest. For short term storage, standing them on their side is acceptable, but the raw materials can shift if left in this position too long. Laying the box spring flat, then laying the mattress on top of it is your best course of action to keep the materials in place.If you have any questions about mattress and box spring storage, call the professionals at Move It Self Storage - Villa Maria. 

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