best way to sit in a chair with sciatica

best way to sit in a chair with sciatica

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Best Way To Sit In A Chair With Sciatica


The Bambach is the only seat scientifically proven to help you sit comfortably, naturally, upright and stable, relieving and preventing posture related problems including lower back pain and Sciatica! If you do a lot of sitting (and most of us do) you probably won’t believe how much the simple act of sitting is damaging your body. And there’s a lot of science to prove it. That’s why so many people suffer from back pain, headaches, or problems with their neck, arms, hands or shoulders. You may very well be one of them. If you are, then here’s something else you might find hard to believe: the solution is surprisingly simple. That’s because the solution is a seat. More specifically, it’s the Bambach Saddle Seat. The Bambach Saddle Seat is good for the spine. In fact, it’s the only seat scientifically proven to reduce and prevent back pain and other posture related problems. Whether you already suffer with these problems, or you want to avoid doing so in the future, you should seriously consider using a Bambach.

On this site, we look at what you’ll get from using one of our seats – and why. If you want detailed explanations of what the Bambach can do for you, and how, you’ll find them on this site. We’ll answer questions such as: What’s wrong with the seat you use now? The short answer is ‘a lot’. That’s because conventional seats force the spine out of its natural, healthy ‘S’ shape, into an unnatural and extremely unhealthy ‘C’ shape. This doesn’t merely result in musculoskeletal problems such as lower back pain, but tends to crush the internal organs, producing a wide range of other problems and even increased cholesterol levels. For a full description of the medical problems that result from sitting on a conventional or flat seat, read our section: The ‘C’-shaped spine - why conventional seats are bad for you. How does the Bambach Saddle Seat help you sit more healthily? Basically, the Bambach supports your pelvis in the same position it’s in when you are standing.

This ensures that when you sit, your spine is in a natural ‘S’ shape, so you sit easily and effortlessly upright. The result is a dramatic reduction in the likelihood of suffering from back pain, muscular pains, or any posture related problems. To see what lies at the root of the Bambach’s amazing therapeutic effect, read our short Bambach story. What are the benefits of using a Bambach? The instant you begin using a Bambach, you’ll feel a positive difference. And after a while, you’ll wonder why you ever felt comfortable on your old seat. Users of our ergonomic seating solutions have reported a massive range of benefits, from simple back pain relief to being a life-changing experience. For a full list of the benefits of using the Bambach, read the section: The benefits of sitting on a Bambach. Are the benefits medically proven?There is a massive amount of evidence, from research carried out across the world, that most conventional seats cause posture related problems.

And the Bambach has been scientifically proven to help reduce or avoid these problems. If you’d like to see proof, watch our brief video: The science behind the Bambach and visit our pages containing research papers. Can you demonstrate that the bambach really works?It takes just a few seconds to see for yourself that the Bambach really works. Why not ask for your free trial and try our simple test? Click here to watch the video. Who can benefit from using a Bambach Saddle Seat? Anyone who does a lot of sitting, really. And that’s almost everyone. In fact, statistics show that we sit, on average, for nearly 9 hours a day! So it’s no wonder that 80% of adults suffer back pain at some stage in their life. However, some groups of people are at more risk than others of suffering posture-related problems, so we’ve developed Bambachs to meet their specific needs. There is a Bambach for dentists and their team, a Bambach for children with special needs, and a Bambach for back pain, rehabilitation, or adult special needs.

There’s also a Bambach for hospitals, industry, office and home. Can the Bambach be customised to my needs?Our seats offer a wide range of options and extras. Why not see what options are available and even customise your seat online. Can I try it before I buy it?We offer a completely FREE trial of our support seats, so you can see for yourself how much you can benefit. Call freephone 0800 581108 and ask for details. "You can minimise your risk of developing a slipped disc or back injury that could lead to sciatica by adopting a better posture." The science behind The Bambach Should you stand to work? Many experts suggest that rather than sitting down to do your work, you should stand up so you can avoid the musculoskeletal problems caused by conventional sitting positions.9 When you’re standing, the pelvis is in a neutral position, and your postural muscles help to keep the spine in a natural healthy “S” shape. But, of course, standing to work is not an option for most of us.

What’s more, it has long been known that standing all day is not only more tiring, but it dramatically increases the risk of carotid atherosclerosis (by a factor of nine to be precise). That’s because of the additional load that’s put on the circulatory system. It also increases the risk of varicose veins. Clearly, standing is not the solution to the problem.Well, there is a solution - The Bambach Saddle Seat! It’s a solution that replicates all the advantages of standing, and puts the spine in its natural ‘S’ shape, without actually making you stand. It’s a seat that’s specially designed to work with, not against, the musculoskeletal system and keep your upper body in a balanced position. Put simply, it stops your body from slumping while you’re sitting. And it’s available for you to try for free! Call 0800 581108 and ask for your free trial. The Bambach is available in four saddle sizes, 3 hard wearing finishes and over 30 colours.How much time do you spend per day sitting down?

Seems like a strange question but think about it for a moment. Could be as much as 12 hours. Now think about this – human beings were not designed to sit in chairs. Our bodies are not well suited to the seated position that we subject ourselves to for the majority of our waking hours. If you suffer from sciatica this insight should be of particular importance. Sciatica relief really does start at the bottom. The seated position places an enormous amount of pressure on the spine. Research shows that up to six times as much stress is placed on your back when seated as compared to lying down. In many cases the posture you assume whilst in a seated position will aggravate your sciatica condition and cause you additional back pain. It may even have been one of the contributing factors to you getting the condition in the first place. Although the seated position is not ideal for a healthy back, the fact is that most of us have no choice but to spend extended periods in a seated position.

Fortunately there are some things you can do right away to reduce the amount of stress placed on your back. Implementing the recommendations in the next section will go a long way to bringing you some sciatica relief and improving the overall condition of your back. Whether you suffer from sciatica or just experience the occasional aching back run through the following checklist to ensure your back is in the best possible shape whilst you are in a seated position. Lumbar support is the name given to the extended cushioned area on the back rest of your chair. Its purpose is to help to maintain and support the natural curve in the spine. The shape and position of the lumbar support is very important factor in giving sciatica relief whilst seated. Many modern chairs have a lumbar support adjustment feature so that you can adjust the support to fit correctly against the small of your back. If your chair does not include an adjustable lumbar support you should consider purchasing an insert lumbar cushion.

This cushion serves the same purpose but can be purchased separated and then fitted to any chair. In conjunction with adjusting the position of your lumbar support, take a few minutes to review your general seating position. Firstly, adjust the height of your chair so that you can rest you feet flat on the floor. Avoid having your chair set too high, leaving your legs and feet dangling in the air. Next adjust the tilt of the chair seat in conjunction with the tilt of the seat back. It may take a few minutes of adjustment to find the optimum position and once you have done so check that the lumbar support is still in the correct place. Our final recommendation is simple and yet extremely important. Get into a routine of getting out of your chair and moving around regularly throughout your day. Ideally you will do this every 15 minutes or so but certainly you should aim to get out of your chair at least every 30 minutes. Exactly what you do is up to you and the constraints of your environment.

Some suggestions would be to stretch or to walk around – perhaps walk to the kitchen or office rest area and take a drink of water. If you would like to find out more about how minor changes in your everyday body positioning can bring about dramatic sciatica relief I highly recommend you take a look at the book Stop Sciatica Now by Pamela Kihm. The book is packed full of practical guidelines on how to maintain good posture and a healthy back whilst carrying out everyday activities such as walking up stairs, lifting heavy loads and sitting at a desk. The book includes dozens of illustrations and photographs that make it easy to see the movements and postures described in the text. I’ve also written a Stop Sciatica Now Book Review that describes the book in more detail. This article is general in nature and does not represent medical advice. Always consult with a qualified medical practitioner before choosing a course of sciatica treatment. Articles on this website are general in nature and do not represent medical advice.

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