best way to get puke out of a mattress

best way to get puke out of a mattress

best way to get out of bed after abdominal surgery

Best Way To Get Puke Out Of A Mattress


How appropriate a blog topic. Let me break down what this past week has been like for us here at Clean My Space headquarters… On Monday morning, Chad woke up with a bad cold and because Chad is a giant baby – he proceeded to spend the next 2 days in bed and wallow in his sickness – what’s worse, half way through Chad’s sickness – I got sick with the same thing, and ended bed ridden for a whole day myself! And while it was a great opportunity to spend quality time with my darling husband, being sick, sucks, and I’m happy to announce that we’re both back to 100%  health. However, there is indeed now a layer of nasty sickness residue all over my home, so today, because many of you have asked – but more so, because my house really needs it right now – I’m going to talk about my post-sick cleaning routine.. When you are sick, you tend to sweat a lot  while sleeping. So, if you can, try to place an extra sheet under your fitted sheet to absorb extra sweat from the sick person, it’s just a kind thing to do for your mattress. a

nd you can also consider placing a pillow protector on your pillow when sick too, same idea. When the sickness is gone, strip the bed, wash the bedding and replace.  If you can, leave the mattress stripped for a while to air out.  If there is any blood, vomit or other undesirable stuff on the linens, pre-soak in Oxygen bleach powder or a trusted stain remover before washing.. If possible, wash everything with hot water to kill bacteria – if the sheets allow it Check out our in-depth video and post on cleaning points of contact. I was using my laptop, TV remote, door knobs and light switch plates.  So, cleaning those points of contact once the cold has passed is a great thing to do, kind of goes without saying.  This also includes any phones that were used. This is so utterly crucial! Now, seeing that it is the middle of a frigid Canadian winter here, opening the windows to let a cross breeze through is not an overly appealing idea but it still does work wonders to move some fresh air through your home for a bit – it replaces that old stale air and for whatever reason fresh air makes me feel more energized – which is an added bonus..

This is where it all comes out, and that’s a good thing.  But, this sacred space does need a sanitizing treatment after you have been sick, in it. There are several places that need to be tended to in the bathroom.  If you use hand towels, they need to be washed, stat. Also, throw any housecoats or bath towels in the wash while you’re at it. Remember to wash on the hottest cycle! Then, give all surfaces a nice disinfecting wipe down, focussing on toilets and countertops.  Soak your toothbrush in hydrogen peroxide for 30 minutes to kill any bacteria lurking and finally wipe down those garbage cans. You can clean and disinfect using a mixture of 1 part water to 1 part rubbing alcohol, or water and 10 drops of tea tree oil, and even 1 part water to 1 part full strength vinegar. Even though the kitchen may not be a popular place when you’re sick, it still gets used. So, take a moment to give a good disinfecting wipe down of the counters and key points of contact like the fridge handle, the faucet, and cupboard and drawer handles!

Clean any dish ware used by the sick person or person(s) in the dishwasher and also give the garbage cans a good wipe down and replace the garbage bag, as needed. When I’m sick I break out the most ghetto pyjamas I can find, I don’t know why I just do – please don’t don’t judge.. Regardless,  these shameful items have an important place in my wardrobe and have lasted me years and have come in really handy while being sick – so, when I’m done being sick I wash everything I wore in really hot water – if the garment allows .  If they have to be washed in cold water, consider adding 10 drops of a disinfecting essential oil to your wash (lavender, tea tree oil, etc.). nd here’s another handy tip for you which you can use while you are dealing with your sickness – keep used tissues in one place by putting an empty tissue box beside the one that you’re using and keep it there with a couple of rubber bands – this keeps the tissue dispenser in close proximity to the tissue disposal!

Here’s to a speedy recovery!I bet you feel like shit.Since it's officially 2015, and our generosity tanks have been replenished to their maximum capacities (three uncomplicated acts of kindness for every 365 days), we've vowed to help you out during your time of need and trial. You, the hungover, may have one cure for your brain pain, but we, the writers who had the forethought to scribble down our hangover cures before our own hangovers even began, have several. If your old standby of a plate of oysters and a glass of ice-cold water is not working out today, a number of other options exist. Try one, or try them all—who cares, it's 2015. If you think you can boot, puke hard. Go back to sleep for like three more hours. Wake up and immediately start bitching to anyone around you, or if no one is around you, FB, Twitter, and text recipients. Make brunch plans and then blow them off. Drink a lot more water, and complain more until you're ready to go back to sleep. Sit upright in bed on your laptop and/or tablet around like 4 pm and start making dinner plans.

Keep drinking water until you feel well enough to stand up, and then show up late to dinner, complaining a lot about how much you feel like shit. Be a downer and pain in the ass throughout dinner, making everyone listen to your complaints of self-inflicted headache and nausea, until you sense they wish you hadn't come at all. Then have a drink and mellow out! —Sam BiddleOnly drink Diet Mtn Dew. —Hamilton NolanI usually chug a lot of water the night before, if I'm able to keep my head vertical enough to do so. Since I am usually not, when I do wake up with a hangover, I go back to sleep until it is gone. And then I work out to sweat out any residual hangover effects. Basically, I don't get insanely drunk on work nights ever. :) —Rich JuzwiakThree easy steps: Go to Iraq for a year. Assiduously follow local customs and US military rules against drinking alcohol. Return home with no taste for liquor but a strong urge to smoke all the marijuana. —Adam WeinsteinThere is no hangover cure.

But things or activities that make them more tolerable include: lying perfectly still with your eyes closed, throwing up, a hot shower, a bacon egg and cheese on a toasted everything bagel, yellow or red Gatorade, Advil, complaining, multiple naps. —Taylor BermanThere is only one process to cure a hangover. Step 1: chug Pedialyte when you wake up. Be sure to chase the Pedialyte with two ibuprofen. Step 2: immediately eat a cheeseburger or breakfast tacos or the fattiest meal you can get your hands on—you might feel real dizzy going out to get the food, but you have to power through. You can get the food delivered, but the lack of exposure to fresh air will prolong the healing process. Step 3: Avoid work emails and looking at your texts from the night before because both will create unnecessary anxiety. Instead, go back to bed and watch Hope Floats until the late afternoon, making sure to shower at some point before the sun sets. By the time you get out of the shower, you'll be ready to go all over again.

—Lacey DonohueI am very serious about this, it 100% works. Before you go to bed, set out 2-4 MIDOL (must be MIDOL) and a huge glass of water. Set your alarm for 30 minutes before you have to get up, and consume the MIDOL and water then. Go back to sleep. When you actually get up, the caffeine and acetaminophen will be kicking in. MIDOL also acts as a diuretic which will help flush out all the bad toxins (probably). Make sure you have some more MIDOL for later in the day. —Allie JonesDespite what you've likely been told in other blurbs, there is no cure for a hangover—there is only the passing of time. Completing this remedy is simple. Wake up, feel like garbage. Stay in bed, feel worse. Get out of bed, have some water, feel slightly better. Immediately following that brief moment of optimism, feel worse than you have all morning. Feel bad for the rest of the day. Think, "At least tomorrow I'll feel better. I can't wait for tomorrow." Wake up the next day with a headache, feeling like you've spent the night on a tilt-a-whirl.

Are you fucking serious? Wait until the sun sets and rises again. Only then will you feel mostly better. —Kelly ConaboyThe way I recover from a hangover is the same way I get better from a cold or the flu: drink water. I'm not talking about some wimpy sips here or there. I mean, get the fuck out of bed, shower (ahhhhh), and go buy two gallon jugs of water from wherever (they're cheap). Your job is to drink all that water. Stop asking me "How???" and start drinking. SHUT THE FUCK UP AND DRINK MORE WATER. You will have to pee approximately 10,000 times, but you'll get over it—and your hangover. —Aleksander Chan7 a.m.: Pee. Go back to bed.11 a.m.: Get up again. Coffee.12 p.m.: Cheeseburger, fries, cola3 p.m.: Bourne Ultimatum (nap at your discretion; the Moby track at the end credits sounds like an alarm)5 p.m.: Potato chips and Party Down or New Girl, whichever you have watched less recently6:30 p.m.: You should be cured and ready for another night out at this point —Max Read Sleep and water.

—J.K. TrotterI always manage to be hungover on planes, and on one fateful flight from San Francisco to Los Angeles a few years ago, I fainted from the blunt throbbing in my dome. I woke up with an air hostess cradling my head, pouring orange juice into my forcibly-opened mouth. The orange juice was good, but the pain subsisted for the entire day and into the next.Maybe it's my fond memories of the times I've had hangovers on planes where baby cans of tomato juice are in rich supply or maybe it actually works, but I've started drinking tomato juice to ease the pain. The saltiness and sweetness alleviate the ache somehow, and if I'm too nauseated to eat food, tomato juice feels basically like a meal. I'll also go on long walks in the sun, even if it is the hardest task I've ever completed. —Dayna EvansDon't drink (if Hamilton hasn't already said this). —Leah Finnegan If you're too dumb or drunk to remember to stay hydrated the night before, there are a few morning-after cures I live by.

First, fluids: water, blue Gatorade, and Arizona iced tea are key. In addition to replenishing your parched body, these drinks will also help wash down the Advil/ibuprofen that'll stop your head panging and help you get out of bed for step two: foodstuffs. I recommend a toasted sesame bagel with peanut butter, or, alternatively, pizza. Don't know why, but they'll make you feel much better. Finally, you're ready to proceed to the third step: fresh air. Get yourself out of your damn house. If you have a balcony, congratulations and I hate you, now take a nap on it. Otherwise, take a walk around the block. Breathe in the fresh air and swear with god as your witness you'll never drink again—until next weekend.—Gabrielle BluestoneThis is how to cure a hangover: water and Tylenol before bed, Gatorade and Tylenol when you wake up, make yourself an egg sandwich, drink more Gatorade (buy Gatorade before you get home), lay on the couch all day and watch television. There is no other way to weather the storm.

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