best way to get dog pee off a mattress

best way to get dog pee off a mattress

best way to get cat pee out of a mattress

Best Way To Get Dog Pee Off A Mattress


reclaiming the pet deposit (cleaning a house that reeks of dog urine) June 5, 2013   Subscribe A week before my former roommate moved out her dog came into heat, resulting in my own ankle biter marking everything he could hike his little leg at. Apparently in his haze of lust he decided that bathing the house in stink would boost his chances of getting a bit of action. Defiled items include the back of my couch, my box spring and the linoleum in the kitchen (where I keep him penned up when I'm out). Also some bedding and other small items I'm comfortable throwing away instead of trying to clean. Next week I'm moving to another property under the same management and hoping to get back most of my deposits (as well as keeping in the landlord's good grace) by getting the house as minty fresh as possible before I turn in the key. I'm looking for some low budget recommendations on getting the stench out. I would prefer they be methods that you've used with success, so if I have further questions I can actually discuss it with someone who has experience with the specific method.

Murphy’s Law states whatever can go wrong will go wrong, and that most certainly applies to “accidents” on the brand new mattress you just purchased from your friendly neighborhood Mattress Firm. From an accident caused by your little one to the family pet draining themselves on that brand new duvet, figuring out how to clean urine from a mattress as well as how to get the urine smell out of a mattress can be quite the hassle. Cleaning a mattress in general is no easy task, but learning how to clean a mattress can keep your and urine takes that process to a whole new level. Here are some tips for cleaning urine from your mattress without completely losing your mind. The Fresher The Stain, The Better The Clean Up If you are (un)fortunate enough to catch the urine stain on your mattress as soon as it happens, your first move should be to blot up as much of it as you can using a paper towel or a sponge. If you by chance own a wet/dry vacuum, use this to better help soak up the urine from your mattress.

Sprinkle baking soda on the affected area to clean up any remaining moisture. Laundry Detergent: The Magic Cleaning Elixir For Urine Stains Laundry detergent is your best friend when it comes to removing the smell of urine from your mattress. Once you’ve soaked all the fresh urine from the mattress, or if the stain was too old to be able to soak up urine, mix a couple of teaspoons of laundry detergent in a cup of warm water and pour (or spray of you have access to an empty spray bottle) onto the affected areas. Alternatively, you can also use a solution of one-part warm water and one-part vinegar if you can stand the smell. Blotting Your Magic Elixir Over The Urine Stain Once you’ve mixed up your magic cleaning solution and applied it to the part of your mattress where the urine is located, repeat the blotting process discussed earlier. Carefully blotting is important as it will remove any residual urine and prevent mold. Be sure and get the urine-affected area of the mattress as dry as possible after applying your cleaning solution.

Remove The Moisture & Urine Smell With Baking Soda After you’ve dried up all the remaining moisture from the spot of the urine, sprinkle baking soda over the entire mattress. This will help to prevent the smell of the urine from seeping into any other parts of the mattress. The mattress needs time to completely dry out (18-24 hours), so you will have to make other sleeping arrangements for the night. After this time period has passed use a vacuum to remove all the baking soda and then prop up the mattress either outside or in a well-ventilated area to allow air to circulate and sift the last of the odor from the mattress. If you’ve followed all the above steps and are still smelling urine on the mattress, you may need to reach out to a professional cleaning service to get their opinion of the damage. If your mattress is over eight years old, then it’s time to take a trip to Mattress Firm and replace it anyway. Your local store representatives will be happy to find you the perfect mattress!

The Daily Dozers The Daily Dozers is a team of our finest Mattress Firm sleep happy experts, pooling their expertise to bring you all you need to know on sleep news of the day and the latest trends in sleep health. Sometimes our team of regular Daily Doze contributors (Craig, Ken and Sunni…not to name names) will throw a pillow or two when trying to decide who gets to write about which topic; and when that happens, we let our task force of daily dozin’ specialists play referee, pooling their knowledge on the topic. From super-sized snoring habits to the very real struggle of trying to become a morning person, there’s no topic too tired for The Daily Dozers. Best Night’s Sleep: There’s nothing that this dream team loves more than long walks on the beach to prepare for a peaceful slumber, a warm cup of lavender tea, an old Jane Austen novel and curling up in the comfort of their very own Mattress Firm beds.Got something to say? Join the discussion »I have never used baking soda for cleaning my mattresses.

I use it for everything else. I am going to try, though. Next week I am planing deep cleaning so I have a chance to use your method. Great article and informative to everyone , how can clean the mattresses. Thanks to you for sharing this article. Thank you for the tips, now I know how to clean my memory foam with no worries. Thank you for sharing this. My cat peed on my memory foam matterss right where I lay. How should I go about cleaning it/is it salvageable? Yes, the vinegar solution is great for removing smells! If it's just a faint odor, the vinegar should take it out with the first try. If it's a more pungent odor, or an odor that is more saturated into the mattress, it might take a couple applications of the vinegar solution to remove the smell completely. A faint odor would just be from it being an older mattress. A pungent, saturated odor that might require a couple treatments would be something like pet urine, or spilled perfume. There is an initial vinegar smell, but it does wear off as it dries.

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