best way to clean under your bed

best way to clean under your bed

best way to clean under the bed

Best Way To Clean Under Your Bed


Have you ever moved a piece of furniture only to discover a ridiculous amount of dirt, dust and stuff (like toys) under the furniture?  It happened to me and I was so embarrassed I vowed it would never happen again. To prevent future embarrassment, I started moving the furniture and cleaning underneath regularly.  But that got old fast!  It was a LOT of work and it seemed like such a waste since most of the time nobody looked under there anyway. So I came up with a better way and it has served me well!  I’m rarely embarrassed when a piece of furniture is moved.  It’s not perfect under my furniture but it’s never very bad.  I can live with that.  Here’s the easy way to clean under furniture – no moving required! I have several tools I use for cleaning under the furniture: My choice of tools depends on which one I happen to have out.  For example, I usually clean under the dining room dresser when I’m mopping.  The mop fits perfectly under the dresser and I just swish it a couple of times and it’s good as new. 

I also clean under the dresser when I vacuum.  I put the hose attachment under the dresser and fling it around under there. I vacuum daily and about once I week I use the hose attachment under the couches.  Again, not a big deal – I just shove the hose under the furniture and fling it around.  It’s amazing how much it gets. If I happen to have the Webster out, it does a great job under the couches & chairs, too: When I’m vacuuming the kitchen, I use the hose attachment to get under the stove and refrigerator and the grill on the front of the refrigerator: Under my bed has always been a challenge.  The wood floor part is easy – I use the broom, vacuum or mop.  But we have a rug partially under the big and I definitely don’t want to try lifting the bed and pulling that rug out.  I hadn’t figured out what to do until I got my stick vacuum.  It fits perfectly under the bed and does a great job on the rug: So if you avoid cleaning under your furniture because you don’t have time to move everything, then don’t. 

Use whatever tool you happen to have out that will work and get what you can.  Is it a perfect method?  But it’s definitely better than nothing.  Since I’ve been doing this, I’ve never been embarrassed by the areas under my furniture. Do you clean under your furniture? Do you think this method would work for you?No matter how hard we clean, dust always comes back. Hands down, the worst place to let it accumulate is your bedroom. Breathing in dust mites and allergens for eight straight hours a night? Luckily, there are ways to reduce dust in your bedroom and remove it more effectively. Fighting dust is a battle that you can win! Here are eight ways to keep dust out of your bedroom: If you’re only going to do one thing to reduce dust in your bedroom, do this. Wash your pillows and bed linens once a week. Tip: To completely eradicate dust mites, wash your sheets at 130 degrees or higher. The fewer surfaces you have in your bedroom, the fewer places dust has a chance to collect.

Go minimalist with your bedroom décor by clearing away knickknacks, decorations and furniture that aren’t serving a clear purpose. No matter how seriously you take step number two, you can’t remove your floor, but dust will accumulate there. Be diligent about keeping your clothes off of the floor and vacuum regularly. If you have rugs, make a habit of taking them outside and beating them with a broom or an old tennis racket once a month. Dusting with a dry microfiber cloth is a great start, but if you really want to remove dust from all surfaces, dampen the cloth. Surface-clean your bedroom once a week with the damp cloth, including all wood or metal furniture. Tip: Don’t forget about windowsills! Take a quick survey of the furniture in your bedroom. Is any of it upholstered? If it is, consider removing it or swapping it out with another piece of furniture in your home. Dust mites love heavy fabric and upholstery. It doesn’t matter if your bedroom closet is full of clothes, bedding or towels – they all collect dust.

Box or bag items and place them on shelves that are easy to reach and easy to clean. We recommend clear plastic containers for items like seasonal clothing, because they lock out dust and can be wiped down in a matter of minutes. Not only do shoes track in dirt from outside, they also track in allergens – in other words, dust. Create a household shoe policy to keep shoes out of the bedroom. Tip: Store them on a shoe rack or in baskets next to your front door, instead. Keep your pet’s toys, bedding and other belongings in a separate area of your home to avoid pet dander from coming into contact with your bed. If you must have your pet sleep in the same room as you, you can reduce pet dander by routinely washing your pet’s bed.12 Steps to Deep Clean the Bedroom We've mentioned a bedroom cleanup before as a good weekend project, but since we are planning to do it ourselves tomorrow, we put together a checklist (that always seems to make the job go faster for us). After "cleansing" our closet, we think we can definitely knock out a bedroom deep clean in a few hours (just like Sarah did last weekend).

If you are going to join in on the project, just put on some comfy clothes, turn up your favorite "cleaning" music and work your way through our not-so-daunting list of know you'll be happy you did. The Bedroom Deep Clean, Step-by-Step: 1) Pick Up and Put Away All Clothes, Books, Belongings 2) Strip the Bed 3) Launder the Bedding 4) Flip the Mattress 5) Push Aside the Bed and Clean Under It 6) Vacuum Out the Closet 7) Dust all Surfaces and Wipe Down Light Switches, Fixtures and Ceiling Fan with a Microfiber Cloth 8) Clean Windows and Mirrors with a Glass or All Purpose Cleaner 9) Vacuum Drapes with Brush Attachment, Wash Curtains (if possible) or Clean Blinds 10) Clean the Floors/Vacuum the Carpet 11) Remake the Bed 12) Enjoy a Well Deserved Great Sleep in your VERY Clean Room! More Good Cleaning and Organizing Posts:20 Ways to Organize Your Bedroom Closet10 Ways to Clean the Bedroom from ATOrganizing Inspiration: Nicole of Making it Lovely

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