best way to clean a wet bed

best way to clean a wet bed

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Best Way To Clean A Wet Bed


Causes of inappropriate urination in cats   Cat urine removal recipe   How to remove cat urine   How to prevent cats urinating on the bed Stress is a major cause of inappropriate urination in cats. Factors causing stress in cats can be moving house, the introduction of a new family member (pet or human), a neighbours cat roaming your garden etc. Helping your cat overcome these stresses may well result in the inappropriate urination stopping, however, this isn't always the case. Sometimes the behaviour can become so ingrained in the cat that even once the stress has been removed, the behaviour continues. Removing the cause of the stress is naturally something you will need to tackle. So have a good think about what may be causing the stress. Has the behaviour come on suddenly? If you can find a cause for the stress, you have a much better chance of taking steps to help your cat overcome this stress and hopefully stop the behaviour. Feliway is a synthetic facial pheromone, facial pheromones induce feelings of comfort and safety in cats and bring down stress levels.

Therefore Feliway can be used to mimic this pheromone. If this is the case it is a good idea to seek advice from your veterinarian as to how to re-train your cat. Some cat owners have had great success using Rescue Remedy on their cats, although this isn't advisable until you have spoken to your vet. A good rule of thumb is one litter tray per cat, plus one spare. So if you have two cats, you should have three litter trays. Cats are fastidiously clean animals and if there aren't enough trays in the house or the trays aren't cleaned often enough, they will find another spot to go to the toilet. I like to scoop out solids from litter trays twice a day and completely replace the cat litter once a week. Keep trays within proximity to food and water bowls, but not next to them, cats don't like to go to the toilet near where they eat, would you? Size is another important factor, obviously, a Maine Coon is going to need a larger litter tray than a 10-week old kitten. I like to start out small for kittens, and once they're around six months of age, introduce a full sized litter tray.

For some larger cats, you may opt for an extra large plastic container instead. See here for more information on choosing a litter tray. The first thing you should do is take your cat to the vet to rule out any medical reasons for this inappropriate urinating on your bed. Some causes of cats urinating outside of the litter tray include urinary tract infections, bladder stones, kidney stones, declawing pain and discomfort from arthritis. Your veterinarian may also recommend anti-anxiety medications in the case of stress related toileting. There are several drugs available and your veterinarian will be able to prescribe the best one for your cat. What you need to remove cat urine from a bed: Add to bottle, shake well. How to remove cat urine from a bed: If the urine has dried and you are having problems locating the soiled area use a blacklight. Cat urine will glow green, making it easy to find the problem area. You should be able to purchase a blacklight from your hardware store or eBay.

If the urine is still wet, blot up as much as you can with paper towels. There are many commercially available products on the market designed to remove and neutralise cat urine odour. Some of these products come in powder form, so can be easily vacuumed off, others are liquid (often as a spray), so once you have applied it, it can be dried with the aid of a hairdryer. Apply baking soda to the wet urine stain. This will draw out the urine. When the baking soda turns yellow from the urine, remove and apply some more. Repeat until the baking soda stays white. If possible, leave on the mattress overnight. The following day, vacuum it off. White vinegar is a time tried and proven ingredient that aids in removing both urine stains and the odour.    Combine one part distilled white vinegar to two parts warm water to create a spray.  Remove as much urine/spray as you can using paper towels. Mist the vinegar spray over areas of cat urine and rub with a paper towel.  An alternative method is to mix the solution in a bucket and dip a clean cloth into the liquid. 

Rub the stain with the vinegar solution.  After the vinegar dries, wipe away both solution and stain with warm water. Mix 15 ounces of hydrogen peroxide, two tablespoons of baking soda, and two squirts of liquid hand soap in a plastic container with a plastic spoon.  Apply this solution to cat urine stains or odour areas, and then rinse away with warm water. How to prevent your cat urinating on the bed: Naturally, you will have to wash your bedding. Washing detergents used for nappies are the best products to use in this case. Keeping your bedroom door closed is the obvious solution although many cat owners may be reluctant to shut their cat out of the bedroom. Plastic carpet runners turned upside down will act as a deterrent, cats dislike the feel of these. So, whenever the bed isn't used put these over and hopefully in time your cat's habit will be broken. Try putting a fitted plastic sheet over your mattress. These are used with young children who are toilet training, to ensure any accidents don't seep through to the mattress.

Cleaning litter trays   Choosing the right litter tray   Cat litterThe Importance Of Washing Bed Sheets Regularly They say you spend a third of your life sleeping, which means that you spend a third of your life in bed. If you're spending that much time in one place, it's important to make sure that it's clean. There are all sorts of things lurking in your sheets that you may not be aware of, and they could pose a threat to your health if cleanliness isn't maintained. Let this guide help you understand the importance of washing bed sheets regularly. What's In Your Sheets? If you could put your sheets under a microscope, you might be surprised - and a little freaked out - by what you would see. Almost every bed has dust mites, which are microscopic bugs that feed off of dead skin cells. These little things live, die and reproduce in the same bed sheets that you sleep in. The only way to keep these creatures under control is to wash your bed sheets on a regular basis.

Otherwise, you may develop an allergy, or even a lowered immune system. As gross as dust mites are, they aren't the only things hiding in your bed sheets. Here's what you also may be sleeping in: Dead skin cells - Your body sheds about a million skin cells a day, so some of those are bound to come off when you sleep. Unfortunately, dead skin cells are a tasty snack for dust mites. Oils - Your body secretes natural oils as you sleep, which, of course, end up on your bed sheets. Sweat - If you get too hot during the night, your body will sweat to cool off. Bodily fluids - Saliva, blood, urine, fecal matter and bodily fluids from intercourse are all liable to show up on your bed sheets. Food crumbs - If you like to bring that midnight snack to bed, there's probably crumbs and other food particles that are begging to be eaten by bugs. How Often Should You Wash Your Bed Sheets? If you're washing your sheets only once a month, that's not going to cut it.

Your sheets need to be washed at least every other week, but weekly is ideal. It's also important to wash your pillow at least twice a year. Pillows can harbor mold, yeast and bacteria, which can cause diarrhea, asthma or bronchitis. If you have never washed your pillow, you may want to consider throwing it away and getting a new one. For more information on the dangers of mold, read Health Hazards of Mold Exposure. If you are taking care of someone who is sick, you should try to wash the sheets every day so that person isn't recuperating in a germ-filled bed. If you aren't able to wash them every day, then just changing the pillowcase daily should suffice. How to Wash Your Bed Sheets The key to keeping bedding clean is to know how to clean it. It's important to follow the manufacturer's care instructions, but if you aren't familiar with them, then follow these tips to clean everything from sheets to comforters: Wash them in hot soapy water and let them dry completely in the dryer.

Don't wash them with clothes as it might damage the sheets or cause them to become fuzzy. If the sheets have a stain, tend to it before washing. For a natural way to brighten white sheets, add a quarter of a cup of lemon juice to the wash and wash with warm water. Use medium or low setting when washing or drying. High heat can cause the fibers to weaken, which can lead to rips and tears. Ball your sheets up when you put them in the washer. This will prevent them from stretching out and losing shape. Wool blankets should be washed in cold water and put on a low spin in the dryer. Electric blankets should not be dry-cleaned since the solvents used can damage the wiring. If you don't want to wash your blankets often, vacuum them in between washings to remove dust and lint. Mend any rips or tears before washing blankets. Test your comforter or bedspread for colorfastness before washing it. Dip a corner of the bedspread or comforter into a bit of the detergent to see if the color bleeds.

If it does, have it dry-cleaned instead. Consider cleaning your comforter or bedspread in a commercial washer and dryer. Your own appliances may not be able to tolerate the wet weight of the bedding. Wash your comforter in cold water and dry it on low heat. Or, hang it on a clothesline and let it air dry. Wash quilts the same way as a comforter. If the quilt is filled with batting or is old and fragile, hand-wash it. If the quilt has silk or velvet on it, do not wash it. Machine-wash pillows in cold water and dry them on a cool setting. Fluff pillows daily to get rid of lingering dust and dead skin cells. Air out your pillows frequently to freshen them up. Hang them on a clothesline or near an open window. If you're washing sheets for someone who is sick, hold the bedding away from you and make sure you wash your hands afterward. Wash the sheets in warm water and dryer them on a high setting. 8 Simple Tips On How To Prevent Cellulite When people talk about cellulite, the first thing that comes to mind is the ruff...

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