best way to clean a second hand mattress

best way to clean a second hand mattress

best way to clean a mattress

Best Way To Clean A Second Hand Mattress


Step 1: What You Will NeedShow All Items5 Tips for Avoiding Bed Bugs With Second Hand Furniture Home & Garden | Remember the good old days when you could visit a few neighborhood garage sales on Saturday morning and score a treasure or two without damaging your budget? Today, the bargains are still out there, but who knows what you might bring home hidden inside that gently used bedside table. From movie theaters to upscale hotels, bed bugs are everywhere. If you believe the news reports -- and you probably should -- we're living through a bedbug invasion. Today's super bed bugs are blood suckers extraordinaire, too. They're resistant to many of the eradication methods exterminators rely on, which means their numbers are continuing to grow. So, what's a garage sale shopper to do? Give up bargain hunting completely? Let's look at five things you can do to leave bed bugs in the dust but still score safe furniture bargains.All images from Secondhand mattresses, unlike other secondhand furniture, aren't always a good idea.

The soft surfaces can trap allergens like pet dander and cigarette smoke. You also never know what activities have taken place on that used mattress. If you're on a budget, though, you might not have a choice in the matter. If you want to rest easy on your pre-owned pillowtop, read on. First, DO NOT get a stained mattress. You will not be able to get the stains out, they make contain hazardous pathogens, and the ick factor is through the roof. Urine smells are pretty much permanent once they've soaked into the fabric, and breastmilk or blood can spoil/decompose and make even worse odors. The ONLY exception to this one is if you receive the mattress from a very close friend or relative WHO YOU TRUST, and they assure you that the stain is from something other than bodily fluids- soda, wine, etc. Using a hand-vac, go over the entire mattress. This, hopefully, will pick up any dirt, hair, skin, etc. that may be on the mattress. Spray the mattress with a disinfectant spray. The entire surface should be slightly damp.

A fan will speed things up, or, if it is hot and dry out, let it sit in the sun for a few hours. Flip the mattress and repeat on the other side. Flip the mattress back over. Repeat the spraying and drying procedure with Febreze or a similar fabric refresher. Flip the mattress one more time, and hit the other side with fabric refresher. Allow the mattress to dry completely. Direct sunlight on a warm day is your best bet. You can also use a fan or hair dryer to speed up the process indoors. Once dry, cover your mattress with a mattress pad. That way, you'll be absolutely certain that no icky skin cells, rogue genetic material, or lingering germs will get you. If you have allergies or asthma, you should avoid used mattresses unless you know FOR SURE that no pets, smokers, etc., etc., have been near/on the mattress. Saving a few bucks won't matter if your health takes a hit. You May Also Like Keep your mattress fresh and free of germs and bacteria by disinfecting it several times a year.

Simple household items are all... Whether you have inherited a mattress you want to clean or just freshen up your old one, the idea of cleaning something... With the high prices of mattresses, sometimes it makes more sense to purchase a used one instead of shelling out big bucks... Foam is a porous, soft material used mainly to provide comfort in bedding and furniture or padding under carpets. You'd be surprised to know just how dirty a mattress can become after a few years of simply sleeping on it. Although you remember to clean your sheets properly, many people forget to clean their mattresses. Mattresses can collect dead skin cells, dirt,... 22 DIY Ways to Update Your Home on a Small Budget The Laws for the Resale of Used Mattresses How to Clean an Old Mattress to Sanitize for Dust Mites and Mildew How to Clean Pee From a Mattress How Do You Clean a Mattress With White Vinegar? Can I Steam Clean a Mattress? How to Sanitize Bedding

We're sorry, but we could not fulfill your request for /smart-living/How-Deep-Clean-Your-Mattress-29764178 on this server. An invalid request was received from your browser. This may be caused by a malfunctioning proxy server or browser privacy software. Your technical support key is: 2e89-c684-1756-6707 You can use this key to fix this problem yourself. If you are unable to fix the problem yourself, please contact and be sure to provide the technical support key shown above.The Ten Commandments of Buying Used Furniture You see a chair on the curb. It's sitting right in front of your building and it's free. Or, you're at the thrift store and spy a cheap sofa. But something holds you back. If only there were guidelines — holy reminders if you will — of things to keep in mind while looking at used furniture. How do you decide if it's the right thing to re-do? Or if you should run in the other direction? 1. Thou Shalt Look for Tags - This should be first on the checklist: flip the piece over and see if there's a tag.

If it says IKEA, boohoo. If it looks like it's from the 70s and reads Thayer Coggin, put a sheet and some caution tape around it as camouflage, then run — don't walk — to find someone help you haul it home. Random side note: This isn't to say that you can't take home the IKEA item; just don't invest money in re-doing it. See this side table/stool thing? I bought it at some random secondhand store in Burlington, Vermont. I think it was like $20 and it reminded me of these so I quickly bought it. As soon as I got it home, I flipped it over and — lo and behold — there was the dreaded Walmart sticker. It's still in my living room, and will do for now, but I shouldn't have even paid twenty bucks for it, and certainly would never bring it to some guy to refinish. For other inspiration, the women at Chairloom are always doing great work. Thou Shalt Not Worship False Furniture Thou Shalt Sit On It Thou Shalt Examine Any Cushions Be Not Afraid of Simple Fixes

Thou Shalt Not Kill Strong Odors & Pests (Easily) 8. Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness to Your Wallet - Don't get swept up in that $60 price tag, without considering the very real expense of getting it re-done. Even with re-usable cushions, you'll still have to purchase yards of fabric, then pay someone to upholster it. Mentally calculate what it will really cost you when all is said and done. Is it worth the expense? Thou Shalt Not Covet For example: I got this sofa off Craigslist for free a couple of years ago, and couldn't part with it. I love the chrome against the fabric and it's otherwise very basic, clean and in good shape. For years I moved it around to various awkward spots in my home and garage. Then, as part of the August Style Cure, I finally traded in the Scandinavian crack den look and redid the room, along the sofa. In this instance, I'm glad I hung onto it, even if it did take a while. Remember Your Day of Rest - Re-edited from a post published on 2/28/2013 - DF

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