best type of mattress for pregnancy

best type of mattress for pregnancy

best type of mattress for neck and back pain

Best Type Of Mattress For Pregnancy


THE ULTIMATE PREGNANCY MATTRESS The challenges of pregnancy can cause uncomfortable sleep for a variety of reasons — that change as your body changes. DUX is designed to evolve with you. Our component system easily reconfigures to compensate for your body changes during pregnancy — and back again, making the DUX Bed an ideal pregnancy mattress. PREGNANCY AND BACK PAIN Back pain is almost assured during pregnancy — studies show between 50 to 70 percent of all pregnant women will suffer pain in their lower back. As the weight of the fetus increases, your center of gravity shifts forward. To compensate for this shift in your posture, you naturally lean back, placing stress on the muscles in your lower back, which can lead to soreness and pain. And back muscles don’t necessarily go to sleep when you do — they can stay tense if your mattress doesn’t provide proper, continuous support. Your muscles may never have a chance to relax and heal, leaving you to toss and turn at night.

PASCAL® OUR CUSTOMIZABLE SUPPORT SYSTEM Our patented Pascal Cassette System sets DUX apart from every other bed on the market. Comprised of interchangeable components, our Pascal System lets you custom configure its parts to match the exact requirements of your individual body size and weight — and to change them when you change. HOW IT WORKS >> Adapting DUX to your body as it changes couldn’t be easier. Simply unzip the bed top — underneath, you’ll find a trio of cassettes that provide separate support zones for the shoulders, hips and legs. As you transition through the stages of pregnancy and your body continues to change in shape and weight, you will quickly learn that the best mattress for pregnancy is one that can easily be reconfigured to match your evolving needs. And when your body returns to its prior form, simply reverse the process. DUX features a unique, interconnected spring system that adjusts itself to the weight and shape of your body.

It moves as you move. It conforms to your changing contours, providing continuous, dynamic support along every point of your body. DUX's patented spring system is flexible enough to let your shoulders and hips sink in, yet resilient enough to rise up and support your lower back. Vital pressure points — especially your spine — are supported in the most ergonomically healthy positions possible, letting your blood circulate freely while your muscles completely relax. DUX, FROM THE BOTTOM, UP Our bottom layer of springs provides deep suspension. This section absorbs and distributes weight so the bed remains stable when you or your partner move about. The middle spring layer delivers continuous lumbar support while rising up to conform to the contours of your body. The penultimate layer of a DUX bed is comprised of our customizable Pascal Cassettes. Each cassette is selected to correspond to your individual needs. Our plush Top Pad forms the upper-most layer of a DUX bed.

Utilizing latex harvested from the Hevea rubber trees, and cased in pure, long-fiber cotton.SLEEP MATTERS WHILE PREGNANT Pregnancy is a magical experience but it does come with its fair share of unexpected changes both physically and in your daily routine. Sleep is just one of the things that can be affected. The first trimester The little life inside you has only just made itself known and yet for some reason you're so exhausted. All that you've read says you wont be sleeping much in the first year your child is born, so it seems a little unfair that you're not able to sleep now either. At such an important time in your baby's growth it's crucial you're rested and healthy. Ensuring you don't drink too many fluids close to your bedtime is beneficial, as is exercising early on in the day. What is particularly important though, is taking a regularly planned afternoon nap. Ensuring that you have a properly supportive mattress for this is a must. In this article we'll take a look at the best options to guarantee you a restful sleep throughout pregnancy.

How to sleep If you're a stomach sleeper make the most of this position whilst you can, as soon your growing belly will make it impossible. It's generally recommended that you sleep on your left hand side as this position helps blood and nutrients to flow to your baby and womb and helps your kidneys get rid of waste and fluids. THE SECOND TRIMESTER At this stage your body has become more accustomed to being pregnant, but there are still certain issues. Heartburn as the baby leans on the stomach can be aggravated as you lie down, and leg cramps and vivid dreams can all disrupt your sleep. Eating lighter foods towards the end of the day, avoiding spicy foods and staying upright for a few hours after eating can help to ease some of the heartburn that you're suffering from. At this stage in your pregnancy the pressure of your baby's weight in your body may be making you feel uncomfortable and the only way to relieve this is by having the best possible support. A soft mattress is recommended to take some of the strain away from your body and permit you a restful sleep.

As you enter the most intensive stage of your pregnancy it's time to start considering improving your sleep environment. Softer bedding and supportive cushions are purchases that you'll be grateful for in the future. Memory foam mattresses can be beneficial as they contour to your body, providing support where needed. explore our mattresses for pregnancy Flaxby Natures Finest Elite Natural Mattress Flaxby Natures Finest 3000 Essence Natural Mattress TheraPur Mellow 20 Mattress - Medium TEMPUR Cloud Deluxe 27 Mattress - Medium This is a polyurethane material which is very sensitive is pressure and temperature, it moulds to the shape of the body to provide fantastic support. Many foam mattresses can be hot, but Tempur have a cool layer to maintain optimum body temperature throughout the night. High Density Foam Base The bottom layer is a thick layer of supportive foam that acts as a base for the whole mattress. fixing your nightly issues As you enter the most intensive stage of your pregnancy it's time to start considering improving your sleep environment.

Our memory foam mattresses contour to the curves in your body to completely support you and our stock of pillows, in a range of materials, are suitable for propping between limbs for true comfort. The third trimester The end of your pregnancy often means waking up multiple times in the night but right now is when you need it most for a safe and easy labour. Lower back pain may now begin to aggravate you as a heavy baby weighs on your spine. You may find that you and your partner have very different sleep requirements at this stage in pregnancy and getting out of bed can be a particularly strenuous activity. Adjustable beds with individual settings allow you to get comfortable at any angle and also help to propel yourself from your mattress. HOW TO SLEEP To take stress off your lower back and increase circulation to your baby try to sleep on your left side. Pillows between knees, behind your back and under a heavy stomach will ease discomfort, as will frequent stretching.

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