best solution for too firm mattress

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Best Solution For Too Firm Mattress


Importance Of A Good MattressSoft Or Firm?Mattress For BackachesMemory FoamLatex FoamWhat To Do When Your Bed Is Too SoftWhat To Do If Your Bed Is Too FirmConclusionThere’s nothing like jumping into your bed after a long day. While a soft bed will initially feel comfortable, you might end up waking up with aches. Is your bed too soft or too firm? Why does the softness or firmness matter in the first place? It’s important to consider these things because it could be the difference between a good night’s rest and a bad one.There no such thing as “perfect” bed, only one that is right for you. Each person has different needs and preferences. We can learn this from the story of Goldilocks and the three bears. Mama bear likes a soft mattress; papa bear likes a firm one.It’s important to find a good mattress that is just right for you because it is the foundation of good healthy sleep. Studies have shown that people with poor sleep have a higher risk for a number of disease and health problems.

Also, according to Center for Disease Control and Prevention, about 1 out of 25 adults (18 years and above) fall asleep while driving.Finding the right mattress for you could be the difference between a productive day and an unproductive day. It could also be the solution to your backaches, joint pains, and posture.Firmer mattress can give more support, but it can also add too much pressure on parts of your body. On the other hand, softer mattresses cause your spine to sink in. Because it doesn’t promote proper alignment, you could wake up with back pains.If you are suffering from backaches, it might be time for you to change your mattress. An unsupportive mattress contributes poor sleep posture, strains muscles and doesn’t help with joint pains as well.Among the different type of mattress, latex and memory foam are one of the best for back problems. The support and comfort may depend on the density of the foam. This type of mattress uses viscoelastic, which is highly absorbent and soft.

It follows the contour of the body which reduces pressure on pressure points. Thus, it relieves any pressure-related pain and promotes comfort. Memory foam has slow response time so it might take a while for the foam to return to its original shape after you remove the pressure.The downside of memory foam is that it emit an unpleasant odor, otherwise known as off- gassing. However, it does go away over time. Another disadvantage is that it retains heat so it might get uncomfortable during warm nights. But nowadays, there are ways to control room temperature to avoid this problem.Memory foam comes in different densities: high, medium and low. High-density memory foam contains more substance, so it is more expensive. Low-density foam is about 1-3lbs, the medium is about 4-5lbs and high-density is 6 lbs or higher. High density is more durable and more supportive, but initially very firm. Low-density memory foam has an instant soft feeling but is less durable and less expensive. 2Latex foam, specifically natural latex, has one of the highest ratings in the mattress industry.

It is supportive, durable, and returns to original shape instantly. It also resists dust mites, so it’s very ideal for those who are sensitive and have allergies. Another advantage of latex foam over memory foam is that it doesn’t retain heat.In comparison with latex, the downside is that natural latex foam is expensive.Achieving the right balance of comfort and support varies among every person. There’s no one else who can determine what the right mattress is but you. If your bed is too soft, you will observe dents. It’s also too soft if you’re having a hard time getting out because you’re “sinking.” Finally, it may be too soft if you are feeling aches in the morning.If replacing your whole bed is not in your plan, there are still other options. Here are makeshift solutions for a too soft bed:Check your foundation. If a mattress isn’t getting the right support, it could sag and wear faster. An old box spring could also be a reason for a sagging mattress. You can slip plywood between the foundation and the mattress to add some extra support.

You can also try a mattress topper. There are mattress toppers that can add support as well as toppers that add comfort.Rotate your mattress to even out weight distribution. It prevents it from tearing faster. Also, you can flip the mattress because the unused side is usually firmer.Check if your mattress has replaceable layers. Replace the worn out layer with a new, firmer one.You may be able to get repairs or replacements.Too hard or too firm mattresses are not comfortable to sleep in. Fortunately, making a bed soft is easier than making it firm.Use a mattress topper. Toppers are mainly for adding extra comfort. There are lots of different types of toppers: memory foam, latex, wool, cotton, feather, down, etc. The good thing is you can still use the old firm mattress for support.Check the room temperature. Particularly for memory foam mattresses, if the temperature is cold, it tends to be firmer. Warming up the room can soften the mattress.Ultimately, the best mattress for you is something only you can decide on.

It should be giving you adequate sleep rather than giving you a hard time. The main sign of inadequate sleep is drowsiness. While there are a lot of internal and external factors that affect your sleeping pattern, choosing the right mattress is one of the basics.Your bed should allow you to sleep comfortably and give you adequate rest. A good mattress allows proper alignment of the spine, provides support and reduce pressure thus relieving any join related pain.While getting a new bed is ideal it might be too costly. There are other remedies for a too soft or too firm mattressWhat to Do When Your Mattress Is Too Soft or Too Firm Why Mattress Firmness Matters Remember the story of Goldilocks and the beds? She tried three different beds, trying to find one that wasn’t too hard or too soft, but “just right.” Turns out, she was really on to something. Of course, “just right” bed firmness is a subjective thing about which opinions will vary wildly, and—as we saw with Goldilocks—most people would have to lie down on the bed before they could even say what “just right” means for them.

So how do you find your “just right” when it comes to mattresses—and what can you do if you realize that the mattress you have doesn’t fit the bill? First, let’s take a moment to drive home why you should care about the firmness of your mattress. The short answer can be distilled down to one word: alignment. Diving little deeper on that, your spine needs to be aligned while you sleep. Lying in an unaligned position for eight hours a day, every day, can contribute to serious back pain as well as negatively affect your sleep quality. Mattress firmness, in turn, plays a big role in determining how aligned you are. What’s Better, a Firm Mattress or a Soft Mattress? Firmer mattresses provide more resistance for your body, which can help support you but can also apply too much pressure to certain points of your body, leading to painful pressure points or unaligned positions caused by your body compensation for any local discomfort. A soft plush mattress, on the other hand, can cause your spine to collapse into the mattress, which leads to its own alignment issues.

Ultimately, there’s no straightforward answer about how to choose a mattress or whether a firm mattress is better or worse than a soft one. Spend some time doing a little research and a thorough mattress comparison before making a decision. Each person’s preference will vary based on a multitude of factors, including height, weight, age, and whether or not you have back pain or other health considerations. Your sleeping position will also play a role: Side sleepers tend to need softer mattresses that don’t put too much pressure on the shoulders or hips. Back sleepers are better off with a medium firm mattress that supports the low back without pushing too much on the spine. Stomach sleepers require a firmer surface that prevents the body from sinking into the mattress and collapsing the spine. To make it all even more complex, your firmness needs may very over time as injuries, pregnancy, or weight fluctuations change your sleep needs. How to Deal with a Too-Soft or Too-Firm Mattress

If you come to the realization that your mattress is too firm or too soft, the best thing to do is to buy a new mattress. Of course, finances or other circumstances don’t always allow for that. In a pinch, here are some makeshift solutions for remedying your current mattress firmness: If your mattress is too soft, try slipping some plywood boards between the mattress and the box spring or the bed frame. This will add some extra support. Try a mattress pad or mattress topper. Pillow-material mattress toppers can help soften a too-firm mattress, while thick pads or firm mattress toppers can add some more support.Some mattress materials, like ones made from 100% memory foam, can become softer in warmer rooms, so try adjusting your thermostat to see if it makes your mattress more to your liking. If your mattress is too soft and it’s two-sided, try flipping it. The unused side will often be firmer. A better solution for finding your best mattress is to choose an adjustable latex mattress.

As we outlined above, everyone requires different levels of firmness—and what’s more, you need different levels of mattress firmness for different parts of your body, and all these needs are subject to change throughout your life. Because of these variables, choosing one level of firmness for your whole mattress just doesn’t make sense. That’s where adjustable mattresses come to the rescue. In the case of Reverie, each of our latex mattresses is composed of individual DreamCell™ foam springs that come in three levels of firmness: firm, medium, and soft. Our Sleep Specialists help customers determine the precise configuration of these DreamCells to best support each area of their body—so their shoulders can rest on a soft surface while their low back presses against a firm one, for instance. In addition, these DreamCell™ foam springs can be easily reconfigured at any time (we’re talking under 20 minutes) to respond to any changing sleep needs. The individual natural latex cells also allow for different firmness levels on each side of the bed, meaning back sleepers and side sleepers can rest side-by-side, each with the support he or she needs.

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