best prenatal vitamin otc

best prenatal vitamin otc

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Best Prenatal Vitamin Otc


If you’re thinking of becoming pregnant and you want to ensure that you are consuming enough of the right vitamins, you might be weighing the cost of prescription prenatal vitamins versus over-the-counter prenatal vitamins, which are less expensive. Over-the-counter prenatal vitamins usually contain the same nutrients as prescription vitamins, although they may have lower levels of iron and folate. With all the options, it can be difficult to decide which of these vitamins is best for you. Knowing what to look for can help you choose one of the best available OTC prenatal vitamins. Look for a prenatal vitamin that contains 400 to 800 micrograms of folic acid, 30 milligrams of iron, 250 milligrams of calcium, at least 400 milligrams of magnesium, 400 to 800 international units of vitamin D, 2 milligrams of vitamin B-6, 50 milligrams of vitamin C and 30 milligrams of choline. Folic acid is particularly important, as it helps prevent neural tube birth defects. Taking too much of certain vitamins might cause harm to you or your baby.

Choose a prenatal vitamin that doesn't contain more than the recommended 2,565 International Units of vitamin A in the form of retinol, as higher amounts can cause birth defects. If the vitamin A in your vitamin is mainly in the form of beta-carotene instead of retinol, you don't need to worry about this, because your body only converts beta-carotene to vitamin A when you need it. Your vitamin won't help you if it doesn't dissolve, or if it doesn't contain the nutrients listed on the label. Look for the USP, which is the United States Pharmacopeial symbol on the label. This organization tests supplements to make sure they dissolve properly, that they contain the ingredients on the label in the right amounts and that they don't contain harmful levels of certain contaminants. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration found that some over-the-counter prenatal vitamins were contaminated with lead, according to a report published on the FDA website in August 2008. In some cases, the levels of contamination were much higher than in others, with the highest potential exposure per day estimated at 8.97 micrograms, which is still below the provisional total tolerable intake levels.

Some prenatal vitamins are easier to tolerate than others. If you can't swallow a particular vitamin or it causes you to be nauseous or constipated, speak to your doctor about switching to another vitamin. Large vitamins were the most difficult for women suffering from pregnancy nausea, although those with high iron levels also caused some problems, according to a study published in "Canadian Family Physician" in November 2006. Coated vitamins, smaller vitamins and vitamins that have less iron may all be easier to tolerate. Smaller vitamins, however, often either require you to take multiple pills each day or they don't contain calcium, so you would need to get plenty of calcium from food. Chewable versions are another option, but they don't necessarily taste very good. What Is the Difference Between Over-the-Counter Prenatal Vitamins & Prescription Prenatal Vitamins? Will Prenatal Vitamins Change the Color of Your Stool? Can Pregnant Women Take Flintstone Vitamins Instead of Prenatal Vitamins?

What Are Some Name Brands of Prenatal Vitamins? Ingredients in One-A-Day Prenatal Vitamins List of Prescription Prenatal Vitamins What Are Negative Effects of Not Taking Prenatal Vitamins? How Long Should I Take Prenatal Vitamins Before Getting Pregnant? Are There Benefits of Prenatal Vitamins if You Are Not Pregnant? Prenatal Plus Prescription Vitamins Taking Two Prenatal Vitamins Per Day Do Prenatal Vitamins Work for Hair Growth? Can Men Take Prenatal Vitamins? Can I Take Prenatal Vitamins & Biotin? Is It Bad If You Skip Your Prenatal Vitamins? Prenatal Vitamins Irritate My Stomach and Cause Gas & Bloating Will Prenatal Vitamins Help Regulate the Period? Why Do Prenatal Vitamins Give Me a Headache?Before you decorate the nursery, pick out a name, or test drive strollers, one item should rise to the top of your to-do list: Take a daily prenatal vitamin. “Ideally, you’d start taking it before you become pregnant to tune up your body with certain vitamins and minerals that you and your baby need to have a healthy pregnancy,” says Ashlesha Dayal, MD, an associate professor of obstetrics & gynecology and women’s health at Albert Einstein College of Medicine/Montefiore Medical Center.

Since half of pregnancies are unplanned, regular prenatal vitamins ensure that you get those nutrients even before you find out that you’re expecting. If you already know you’re pregnant, the sooner you start to take a prenatal vitamin, the better. Even if you eat right, they’re still a good idea. “There are a couple of vitamins and minerals that pregnant women need more of than you can usually obtain from a healthy diet alone,” Dayal says. How much you need: 600 micrograms daily. The minimal supplementation recommendation is 400 mcg in a vitamin/supplement. The rest women can get from their diet. Why you need it: Folate helps your baby’s brain and nervous system develop, which happens early in your pregnancy. And it prevents some birth defects. (Folate occurs naturally in food. Folic acid is the supplemental form) You can also find it in: Dark green leafy vegetables, nuts, beans, peas, and foods fortified with folic acid such as bread, cereal, flour, pasta, and rice.

But take the vitamin just in case. How much you need: 27 milligrams daily Why you need it: Iron helps your body keep up with the increase in blood that happens  when you’re pregnant. You can also find it in: White beans, lentils, spinach, beef, cashews, chicken, and iron-fortified foods such as bread and cereal. How much you need: 1,000 milligrams daily Why you need it: Calcium is crucial to help your baby’s bones develop. Your baby will draw calcium from your own bones if don’t get enough. This can you put you at risk for bone loss and breaks. You can also find it in: Milk, yogurt, cheese, and calcium-fortified foods such as tofu  and cereal.Folic Acid is the highest quality Folic Acid on the market. Derived from the B Vitamin Folate, Folic Acid plays an important role in the production of red blood cells, and helps promote healthy fetal development by aiding in developing your baby's neural tube into the brain and spinal cord. Perfect for those looking to get pregnant, or already mothers-to-be.

Proviq has been meticulously engineered with you and your little one in mind. This powerful prenatal vitamin contains 27 essential vitamins and minerals. Not only does Proviq provide essential, doctor-recommended vitamins and minerals, but it is designed with ingredients that can support your infant’s health through each stage of the pregnancy! Our Price: $22.32 - $24.95 Can't decide between the two best prenatal vitamins? Get both and save! If you buy them separately, you'll pay $82.98. But for a limited time, you can get one bottle of Prenatalgyn (30 day supply) and one bottle of Proviq (30 day supply) for just $69.99. You'll save $12.99 (15.6%). Our Price: $64.99 - $69.99 Prenatal by Delta Labs is a great prenatal vitamin that supplies essential nutrients. Not only was it formulated to provide these important nutrients, but also to ease morning sickness. This prenatal vitamin is both doctor recommended and mother approved. TwinLab Pre-Natal Care multivitamin contains 22 nutrients for expecting and nursing mothers.

From folic acid to iron, Pre-natal Care contains the basic nutrients you need that can help your baby have a better chance of being healthy. What makes this product stand out is Ferrochel, a unique form of iron that's highly bio available and doesn't cause the side effects of other types if iron. Our Price: $12.95 - $12.95 Organic Folic Acid is unique in the fact that it is organic. This is the ideal prenatal vitamin for health-conscious mothers. Futurebiotics Certified Organic Folic Acid is less of a risk to the fetus and to the mother which can give the best results. Twin Lab Folic Acid Caps are easy to swallow and easier still to digest. This supplement helps you to keep your normal everyday life while pregnant. There are no added flavorings, sugars, salt, artificial sweeteners, colorings, preservatives or salicylates. Packaged in a glass bottle for utmost stability, quality and freshness. One A Day Women’s Prenatal has been specifically formulated to help ensure the best possible health of both the mother and her baby.

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