best mattress for loft bed

best mattress for loft bed

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Best Mattress For Loft Bed


Sleeping with a baby in the house is damn hard FOR AGES. First, there are the colics, then there’s teething, followed by sleep regression, nightmares, the list goes on and on. As if we, parents, have not endured enough sleepless nights, it turns out the 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep are an optical illusion even when the baby is not having any of the indispositions listed above. How babies, toddlers, and children even manage to find so many ways to keep their parents awake in the middle of the night is beyond me. Babies cry, toddlers need about a gallon of water before sleep (and in between the very sleep!), children magically find temselves into mommy and daddy’s bed, kicking their way to the sweetest bed spot when mommy finally gives up and goes to sleep in the toddler bed. Wait, is it just me? No, I doubt it. We (parents) are all in this together. There is, however, a simple (and brilliant) solution to our sleep issues and it is called a bunk bed – the place where your child will feel safe, where there is enough room to play, the place they can call their own (finally getting out of the family bed).

4 reasons you need a bunk bed (with a slide): 1. Your precious space is scarce With so many toys, high chairs, baby swings, and clutter of all sorts, it’s a miracle if you find a place to sit (as if your toddler is actually going to let you do that, haha). The thing is that we all struggle to find some extra space for our little ones – a place they can safely have fun and rest, take a nap or just play (quietly) while we try to remember what life was before kids. A loft bed is the perfect space saver as it combines sleeping area and play area in one. It also works very well for oddly shaped and narrow rooms and helps you best maximize the space you have. 2. You want to make the most of your child’s bedtime routine We all know how difficult (OK, almost impossible) it is to make the little monster go to bed. No matter how exhausted he is, he just won’t trade having fun in the living room for trying to fall asleep in his boring toddler bed. Now imagine there is no such thing as a boring bed – his bunk is a medieval castle or a military tent and he can’t wait to get inside his magical space and listen to his favorite bedtime story.

A hidden bonus is that it offers some quality time with your child for you as well! 3. Your child needs an indoor playground It goes without saying that toddlers and children have A LOT of energy and can play all day. If it is summer and if you have an outdoor space that you have turned to a playground, you are lucky as this outdoor space will keep your little one occupied for longer stretches of time. But what about the times when the weather doesn’t allow outdoor fun? What if you live in an apartment and don’t have a backyard? Then you should arrange an indoor playground for your child to wear his batteries out. Bunk beds come with cool features like slides, ladders, curtains, towers, tents, etc. which can turn a regular bed to the ultimate indoor playground for your child, setting his imagination free and helping them stay entertained for hours! 4. You have more than one child If you need to sleep more than one child in the same room, you simply can’t go wrong with a twin-size bunk.

The different manufacturers offer plenty of configuration options so we have no doubt you will find the perfect fit for your children’s bedroom. The kids can’t love you more for giving them the best ground for unforgettable slumber parties! 4 features to look for in your child’s bed: A slide is perhaps the coolest feature of a lofted bed. It provides tons of fun for your child for many years so parents usually opt for a twin bed with a slide when they choose the best space saving bed for their children’s bedrooms. Except for sliding down, your children will find out a thousand other ways to have fun with it like sliding down their teddies, toy cars, etc. A tent is another feature your child will love in his loft bed. It can practically turn to anything (a fortress, an ice-house, a castle, a submarine, a picnic ground, a camping site, anything your child’s imagination comes up with)! The perfect hiding place, the tent allows your child to play uninterrupted by annoying older siblings, giving him the feeling of having his own personal space.

A ladder is a necessary accessory as the child has to climb it to get to the upper twin bed. Except for being simply practical, though, a bunk ladder is also a great way for your child to practice his gross motor skills. Besides, climbing up the ladder and sliding down the slide is so much fun! One great feature of loft beds is the opportunity for maximizing of the underbed space. Whether it is shelves, drawers, a desk or even a dresser, many bunk models offer built-in storage options, which is an added bonus and comes in very handy when your child grows up and needs more storage and some extra space to study. The 4 best bunk beds with slides on the market: Coaster Kid’s GI Child Bunk Bed with Slide and Tent Coaster Kid’s GI Child Bunk Bed is every little boy’s dream! Here’s why we love it: Best value for money Donco Kids Twin Loft Tent Bed with Slide Donco Kids Twin Loft Tent Bed comes in five different colors (blue, camo, pink, red polka dots, and solid red) to suit every parent’s (and child’s) taste.

Powell Princess Castle Twin Tent Bunk Bed with Slide Powell Princess Castle Twin Tent Bunk Bed is every little princess’ dream-come-true! Broyhill Kids Destin Junior Loft Bed Collection with Slide Broyhill Kids Destin Junior Loft Bed is (hands-down) our favorite loft bed with a slide. Depending on your budget and whether you have a boy or a girl, your bunk choices will be different. Whichever option you choose, however, just make sure you have measured the space right so you aren’t unpleasantly surprised if the twin bed doesn’t fit the space you have set for it. Our advice: if you have enough space, pick a loft bed with more playtime/furniture extras. This will keep your child entertained and he will thank you for this by letting you have some “me” time. A few notes on safety Bunk beds are incredible space savers and provide tons of fun for children. Their elevated design, however, requires some extra parental care as there is a certain risk involved.

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