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Best Mattress For Bodybuilders


According to a Harvard study, sleep plays a critical role in immune function, metabolism, memory, learning, and other vital functions. For bodybuilders, getting adequate sleep is essential to repairing tissue and growing muscle. SEE ALSO: Sleep Your Way to Better Sex These 6 sleep secrets will help get you maximum benefits. FREE MUSCLE & FITNESS APP: We blended bodybuilding with high-intensity interval training to deliver a bigger, leaner body in 21 days. Download the Xtend Perform 21-Day Challenge app for the workout and supp plan. Available for Apple and Android devices. Make sure all the lights are turned all the way down, including LED lights from electronics to promote the production of sleep hormone melatonin. Even the smallest light can keep your body awake and unable to unwind when you want it to. SEE ALSO: Get Stronger While You Sleep Put Your Toys Away The National Sleep Foundation did a study in 2011 that showed that people who use their personal electronics within an hour before bed experienced more problems with sleep.

If you tend to wake up tired, consider tuning out and shutting down your TV, computer, and instagram feed an hour before hitting the hay. SEE ALSO: The Science of Sleep Take the edge off your day with a simple breathing practice. Meditation can help you tame your racing thoughts by getting you back into your body for a relaxing night’s sleep. SEE ALSO: Sleep It Off to Shed More Fat Update Your Sleep Essentials Is your mattress worn down? Are you still sleeping on the same sheets from a year ago? It might be time to treat yourself to new sleep gear to make that “face-hitting-the-pillow” moment something to look forward to.  where trained staff can help you best select pillows, sheets, and mattress with the feel and design that fits your sleeping style. SEE ALSO: Rest Your Body to Grow Your Muscles If you dread the alarm clock or use the snooze button as a lifeline, set two alarms instead of one. Wake up with the first alarm and set the second one for 15-20 minutes later.

This will allow you to have a peaceful, stress-free morning without having to do mental math to see how many more times you can hit snooze. SEE ALSO: 10 best Ways to Recover After a Workout Get Your Hard Eight A minimum of eight hours sleep gives your brain adequate time to learn and memorize new skills according to study from the University of Wisconsin. With a full serving of sleep you can help your body to de-stress, decompress, and process the day’s events and wake up feeling ready to tackle a new day.Your metabolism never takes a break, even while you sleep. Give it the energy it craves with easy-to-make snacks that fuel muscle growth! Inexperienced dieters commonly believe anything consumed in the hours right before bed goes directly to body fat stores. Sounds like a nightmare for your physique! The real nightmare is that they end up going to bed hungry, wake up with minimal energy, and wonder why they feel like crap despite being disciplined.Your metabolism never fully shuts down, even overnight.

Eating too many calories or bad foods before bed adds fat to your frame, but not all nocturnal noshing begets extra body fat. The trick is to be smart before sleep time. If you snack late, make room for the extra calories earlier in the day to obey your target calorie limit. Choose foods which fuel muscles, keep hunger levels low, and promote stable blood glucose levels … so your brain doesn't wake up your body. These six snacks provide quality nutrition that supports fat loss and muscle building, helping you forge the body of your dreams: 1. Cottage Cheese With Natural Peanut Butter Considered a classic night-time nosh by many health enthusiasts, cottage cheese with natural peanut butter is a snacking no-brainer. Cottage cheese is ideal before bed because it includes lots of casein protein, which releases slowly into the body. This ensures a steady supply of amino acids through the night. Adding natural peanut butter to this snack increases digestion time, enhancing the snack's ability to control hunger.

Keep the peanut butter to a tablespoon or less to avoid heavy calories! Salmon is a perfect pre-bed food source because it's high in protein content and contains healthy omega fats. Many people fall short in omega fat content. This goes a long way to supporting your overall health! Add salmon with salad to add bulk and fiber for the perfect low-carb option before turning in. 3. Greek Yogurt With Flaxseeds Like cottage cheese, Greek yogurt is high in protein and packs a calcium punch. Boost the healthy fat content of this low-fat snack with some flaxseeds. Together, these deliver a steady dose of fiber, protein and omega fats! 4. Low-Fat Cheese With Raw Veggies If you crave cheese, this is your pre-bed meal. Regular cheese is high in saturated fat, so opt for a reduced-fat variety with a healthy dose of protein. Cheese is carb-free, making the fat/protein combination just what you're looking for! Include raw green veggies (cucumbers, celery or broccoli) for some negligible calories.

5. Canned Tuna With Olive Oil Tuna is a great option for people wanting minimal prep work. Canned tuna packed in water is fat free, so it's important to add healthy fats to boost the staying power overnight. Drizzle one tablespoon of olive oil over the tuna and serve with a bed of spinach for an iron-packed snack that prepares you for the day to come. 6. A Casein Protein Shake With Coconut Oil If solid food isn't your forte before bed, consider a casein protein shake. We discussed the benefits casein provides in cottage cheese earlier. But you can also get it in protein powder! Most casein shakes are low in fat. To overcome this, add fats by stirring in a tablespoon of coconut oil, which provides heart-healthy medium-chain triglycerides. This snack contains approximately 200 calories and helps repair muscle overnight. The 5 Most Popular Diets: What's Good, What's Bad? 3 Reasons To Sprinkle More Hempseeds Into Your Diet Stuffed Flank Steak Rolls With Chimichurri Sauce

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