best mattress firmness for toddlers

best mattress firmness for toddlers

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Best Mattress Firmness For Toddlers


Making the shift from a crib to a bed is a big transition for any toddler and her parents. Once deciding your toddler is ready for this change, there are a few different mattress options to consider. There is no one mattress firmness that is best for a toddler. Each available option varies in firmness but is still a safe and comfortable option for your child. What you choose may depend on your child’s attitude towards change, available space and expense. There are generally two types of crib mattresses, foam and innerspring, each of which are suitable for both infants and toddlers, says Consumer Reports. Both are very firm, which is important as it prevents infants from sinking into them. Many parents choose to simply use their crib mattress on a toddler bed until their child is 2 to 3 years old and ready to move into a larger bed, as toddlers still find this firmness to be comfortable. A toddler bed looks like a regular bed except it is lower to the ground and comes with side rails.

Most crib mattresses fit toddler beds. Some cribs come with the option of purchasing a convertible mattress. These mattresses are extra firm for infants on one side, and softer on the other. According to Consumer Reports, the softer side for toddlers is made of standard foam or springy, viscoelastic memory foam. Convertible mattresses can be used either with a crib that converts into a toddler bed, or with a regular toddler bed. They are generally more expensive than regular crib mattresses. Some parents choose to simply buy their child a twin bed that he can grow into, putting rails on the side if necessary. When purchasing a regular mattress, look for a softer mattress with innersprings. Softer mattresses will conform to a toddler's body, which is much lighter than an adult's. Gain 2 pounds per week Gain 1.5 pounds per week Gain 1 pound per week Gain 0.5 pound per week Maintain my current weight Lose 0.5 pound per week Lose 1 pound per week

Lose 1.5 pounds per week Lose 2 pounds per week Recommended Mattresses for Children What Ages Are Toddler Beds Designed For? How to Turn Crib Into Toddler Bed How to Convert a Crib Into a Full Size Bed Safety of Crib Netting Are Memory Foam Mattresses Good for Your Back? Is a Toddler Bed or Twin Bed Better for a 2-Year-Old? Pillow Safety for Toddlers How to Keep Toddlers from Running Away When in Public The Best Mattress for Large Heavy Side Sleepers The Best Beds for Your Back Signs of a High IQ in Toddlers Tips for Keeping an 18-Month-Old in a Toddler Bed Mattresses & Back Pain How to Stop a Toddler From Falling Out of Bed What Should a One Year Old Eat? The Effects of Chocolate on Toddlers How to Get a 14-Month-Old Toddler to Sleep at Night Shortness of Breath in Toddlers How to Clean a Crib Mattress Shopping for the best mattress for kids might seem like a simple and painless process, but are you actually selecting the most appropriate mattress for your child?

Sleep habits vary between kids of all ages and taking time to choose the right mattress might be more important than you imagined. There are so many intricacies that are involved with selecting the best mattress for your kids, so how do you know which is best? In this guide, we’re going to highlight the key factors that will help you find the most healthy, comfortable, and best overall mattress for your kids. In a rush today? Click here to jump to the best mattress for kids list! Growing Bodies & Mattress Size As a child gets older, their body will grow. This should not mean purchasing a new mattress every year due to the outgrowing of their current mattress. One of the most important factors when selecting the best mattress for your kids is mattress size. The smaller the mattress, the quicker it is outgrown. Twin, Twin XL, or Full size mattresses are typically the best choices for children. Additionally, the Twin and Twin XL are going to be the most affordable.

While the Full mattress is a bit more expensive, it does serve as an excellent size to allow for growth all the way to adulthood. Additionally, when your children are young, a Full mattress allows you to comfortably lie with them, yet also allows for them to grow into the mattress and retain the constant comfort of the same childhood mattress. A high quality mattress can last 8-12 years. It may cost a little bit more initially, but the benefit to your child’s long-term health and sleep will be well worth it. Many kids experience soreness, poor sleeping habits, and a multitude of other uncomfortable sleep related issues. These issues tend to be directly correlated to a low quality mattress that provides minimal comfort for the child. Hand-me-downs and cheap mattresses tend to be the underlying cause surrounding this correlation. Although a better fitting mattress can be a little pricier, it is worth the cost in the long run. If a young boy or girl is forced to sleep on an uncomfortable mattress, they can develop poor sleep habits at a young age.

If a high quality mattress is purchased, the comfort levels tend to skyrocket for the kids, creating an easier night’s rest. High quality sleep is extremely important for a child’s health. The benefit to your child goes well beyond just sleep. Quality sleep impacts their school performance, mood level, and a litany of other correlated factors. Good sleep creates good kids. Although comfort and support are often interpreted as the same dynamic, they are two completely different topics. A supportive mattress will help maintain good spinal alignment during the night, while comfort deals more with preference regarding feel and firmness. If a child is not supported properly throughout their night’s rest, it can inhibit normal growth and have other negative impacts on their health. As a child grows, it is extremely important that their mattress supports their growth. Additionally, as the child gets older, you should engage them in the purchasing process. Once your child reaches a certain age, they can typically describe their sleeping patterns, whether it’s on their back, stomach, or side.

Some mattresses are better or worse suited for different sleeping positions. For example, a very soft mattress is not ideal for stomach sleepers and a super firm mattress can create pressure points and poor support for side sleepers. As you children get older and begin to develop a more consistent sleeping style these positional preferences become more important when selecting the best mattress. Best Mattress for Kids Sleepopolis recommends the following mattresses for kids. Provide room for growth Provide ideal comfort and long-lasting quality Provide exceptional support for healthy growth Provide varying feel and firmness levels (especially important for older kids who have an established sleeping style / position) Prices below are for Full sized mattresses including any available discounts Balanced level of firmness. Available in 2 firmness levels. Good response and support.$549 Available in 3 firmness levels. Healthy materials, organic cover, natural thistle FR. Pricey, but high quality.$949

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