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Best Mattress Cleaning Solution


Most of us spend about a third of our lives in bed. But if you were to think about all the germs, bacteria and even critters (yuck!) that make themselves at home in your mattress, chances are you wouldn't get much sleep. We wash our sheets faithfully every week (mom would be so proud), and we know that we should turn and flip our mattresses every few months to make them last longer ("should" is the operative word here), but is it possible to disinfect your mattress? The short answer: Kind of. The longer version: With a little effort, you can disinfect the surface of your mattress. The insides are a different story, unless you happen to have access to an industrial-style steam cleaner and a sterile containment unit. But we've all survived sleeping on them this long, right? If at all possible, clean your mattress outside on a warm, sunny, not-too-humid day. (There's a reason we have spring cleaning and fall cleaning instead of winter cleaning and summer cleaning!) The sunlight will help your mattress dry as you clean it;

better yet, it acts as a natural disinfectant, helping you kill bacteria with a good dose of UV rays. If you can't get outside, the next best option is to clear some space in your room and lean your mattress against the wall in front of a sunny window. Start by removing as much dust as possible (and maybe a few dust mites, if you're lucky) by going over the entire surface of the mattress with your vacuum cleaner's upholstery attachment and crevice tool. If your mattress-cleaning spree has been inspired by a fresh spill, pet accident or bedwetting event, use clean towels to soak up as much liquid as possible before you vacuum. Once you've removed the dust, there are a few different methods you can use to disinfect your mattress. Running a garment steamer or other hand-held steam cleaner across the surface will help to kill germs and dust mites, and a sprinkling of baking soda will help to freshen the upholstery and remove mild odors (let it sit a few minutes, then vacuum). But to kill more bacteria, you'll need to use a disinfectant solution of some kind.

Choose an antibacterial spray or solution with a scent you like, and avoid using bleach -- it's great at killing germs, but it's too harsh for the fabric covering on most mattresses. If you use a liquid cleaner, dilute it with warm water according to the directions on the label, dip a clean rag into the solution, and then -- this part is key -- wring the rag out thoroughly so that it's just barely damp. The goal is to clean the surface of the mattress without letting it get saturated with moisture, which can lead to mold or mildew. For disinfectant sprays, spritz lightly across the surface of the mattress, then wipe with a clean rag that's been dipped in warm water and thoroughly wrung out. Be sure to give your mattress plenty of time to dry -- a few hours on each side is best. Then cover it with a freshly cleaned mattress pad, sheets and bedding and enjoy a good night's sleep!It is important to clean your mattress just as you would clean the rest of your home and furnishings. Memory foam mattresses have gained in popularity for amazing comfort and true memory.

Thanks to the NASA engineers, who invented the remarkable foam, people are realizing the many benefits of sleeping on the innovative memory foam mattress. Once you have experienced the super comfort of your dream memory foam mattress with wonderful restful sleep, it is time to learn how to clean it and keep the mattress in its best hygienic shape. Vacuum Your Memory Foam Get Stains and Odors Out Dry Your Memory Foam Mattress Regularly vacuuming your mattress is important to rid of surface dirt that will accumulate. You will want to do this at least four times a year as the seasons change. The vacuum will suck up lingering dead skin cells, dust, lint, furry pet hair, dust mites, and those crumbs from snacking in bed. Use a good hand held vac, or the upholstery attachment, as well as tools that will zone in on any ground in dirt zones. Make sure to even vacuum the sides of the mattress as well. Once you vacuum the mattress with the cover on you should zip off the GhostBed CertiPUR-US certified plush cover in order to vacuum the actual mattress.

Toss the cover into the washing machine as you continue to clean the mattress. People get sick, wine spills… stains happen. You can get stains out of memory foam with some caring cleaning. Being foam, liquids can quickly soak in so you need to know how to specifically care for this unforeseen type of mess. Stay away from commercial cleaners that contain chemicals like bleach and ammonia. These products can cause harm to your precious memory foam mattress. Use a natural enzyme cleaner that works naturally to break down and remove stains and odors. Old fashioned dishwashing liquid and water can be used as well. Be careful to only wet the surface around where the stain is. If using an enzyme cleaner in a spray bottle, then lightly spray on the stained area and scrub in a circular pattern with a clean cloth until stain and odor is removed. When using dishwashing liquid, mix it in a bucket with water to form a very bubbly foamy mixture on top. Take a clean sponge and only dip it into the bubbles as to not soak in the solution.

Begin from the furthermost area of the stain and work towards the center of it scrubbing lightly in a circular motion. Vinegar works well to remove odor. Fill a spray bottle with a solution of a ¼-cup vinegar mixed with ¾-cup water. Spray and scrub the area in a circular motion. Soaked in stains may require you to go deeper with the cleaning. Press down on the mattress as you scrub to allow the cleaning solution to get into the core of the stain to do its job of removing it. Clean early in the morning so the mattress has time to dry before using again. The best place to dry out your memory foam mattress is in the sunshine but sometimes the sun just won’t shine. There are a few ways to accomplish drying time. Place the mattress in the heat of the sun so nature can do the job. Make sure to turn the mattress so that it will dry completely and quickly. Use baking soda as a soaking agent, as well as for additional odor removal. Sprinkle it on any wet spots and let it stand for about an hour or until it completely clumps up the dampness.

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