Best friend

Best friend


i just wanted to tell you i am very blessed to have you in my life. You are an amazing friend, my truset, and for that I'll cherish you forever. Other friends may come and go, and we may even share great memories, but you and i, we're connected. Soulmates. Forever Friends. I know i still have a lot of growing to do, but you are always there to help me stay on track. There's no opinion that i value more. Life can be hard, but i'm glad you're on this journey with me, not only to teach me things and inspire me, but to be my witness i growth and to keep me strong along the way. I might not say this enough, but i'd be lost without you, kiddo. You are the definition of what a best friend is all about. You're the hope i've always needed. So for that, i thank you, i Love you, and i can't wait for what's next.

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