best chair to sit in after back surgery

best chair to sit in after back surgery

best chair for sore lower back

Best Chair To Sit In After Back Surgery


Patients, Families & Visitors Patient & Visitor Resources Your doctor has recommended surgery on your back to correct your present condition. This surgery is called a laminectomy (lam-uh- NEK-tuh-me) and/or discectomy (dis-EKtuh-me). A laminectomy is the removal of the lamina (LAM-in-uh), or spongy tissue between the disks in the spine, to help relieve the symptoms of an injured disk. A discectomy is the removal of an injured disk. An incision (cut) will be made on your back over the affected area of your spine (see the diagram below). A small amount of disk and bone will be removed from over the nerve roots. The size of the incision will depend on how many vertebras, or segments of the spine, are affected. Your doctor will talk with you about the type of operation you need. The surgery will take about one to three hours. The average length of stay in the hospital is one to three days. Your incision will be closed with either metal staples or stitches, which may be secured with Steri-strip tapes, paperlike strips that stick to your skin and helpkeep the sides of the incision from shifting.

The metal staples will be removed by your doctor or visiting nurse about 14 days after the surgery. The stitches will dissolve completely. The Steri-strips will fall off by themselves, usually within two weeks of surgery. After the operation, you will be given ice chips and clear liquids. When normal bowel function returns, you will be able to eat a regular diet. This usually occurs within two days. The first morning after surgery, staff will help you get out of bed to sit in a chair for 20 minutes. Sitting and walking should be limited to 20 minutes at a time to keep your back from getting sore. Physical therapy will begin on the first day after your surgery. The staff of the physical therapy department will teach you proper body movement and exercises to strengthen your back. A staff member or physical therapist will help you get a cane or walker if needed after surgery. A brace or corset is usually needed to provide extra support for your back after surgery. You will be measured for the brace the morning after surgery.

You must wear the brace while walking or sitting in a chair. At home, you may get up to go to the bathroom at night without putting on the brace. You may sit on the side of the bed for a short period of time without the brace. Do not return to work until your doctor says you may. Do not drive while you are wearing your brace — usually for six weeks. Your reaction time may be slower due to pain or certain prescribed medications. This is a safety concern as well as a legal issue. You may ride in a car from the hospital to your home. However, you should not take car trips until your doctor says you may. Walking is good for you, but you should rest as needed. Do not get overtired. Try to limit going up and down stairs to once a day for one to two weeks. Avoid strenuous exercise or activities like swimming, golfing, or running until you check with your doctor. Do not bend from the waist to pick up things. This movement strains your back muscles. You should bend your knees and squat instead.

Do not carry heavy items, such as groceries or laundry. Do not lift anything heavier than a gallon of milk. Do not try to move heavy furniture until your doctor says you may. Do not lift anything over your head. Keep the incision dry. do not take tub baths until your doctor says you may. Showering is usually allowed seven to 10 days after surgery, if the incision is not red or draining. Before showering, remove the brace and cover the incision with plastic wrap, to keep water from hitting the incision. Be sure to use a rubber mat in the shower, to prevent slipping. Be careful not to move your neck from side to side whilethe brace is off. Usually you may sleep in any position that is comfortable. You should not sleep on your stomach, because this strains your back muscles. You may resume sexual activities when your doctor says you may. Do not sit in soft or overstuffed chairs. Firm chairs with straight backs give better support. Incisions may be numb or tender for a few weeks after surgery.

Some redness around the incision is common and usually disappears within one to three weeks. Ask a family member to assist you in checking your incision regularly. A raised toilet seat will be provided for you. If necessary, other assistive devices will be arranged for you by hospital staff or your primary care doctor. If you notice any of the following signs of infection, call your doctor or nurse immediately: Increased redness at the incision site Increased pain at the site Increased swelling at the site Puslike drainage from the site Black tissue around the site Fever of 101°F (38.3°C) or above for more than 24 hours Use common sense in judging what you can and cannot do. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call your doctor or nurse. My doctor’s phone number My nurse’s phone numberWhat Equipment Will I Need At Home After Surgery? Everyone has slightly different needs. There are some basic items almost everyone needs and then there are things that some people want and others just don’t need.

Crutches  – Normally crutches are supplied by the hospital.  I used elbow crutches and they are much easier to use than normal under the arm crutches.  Overseas hospitals use elbow crutches while US hospital still normally use old fashioned under the arm crutches.  If you have to be on crutches for a long time, I would suggest getting a pair of elbow  crutches or at least a pair of the more modern underarm crutches available from many internet shopping stores. Walker – some people that have bi-lateral surgery or special hip problems are required to use a walker.  Whether you use crutches or a walker is up to your orthopedic surgeon. – Canes are often used after a crutch is no longer needed. A cane is a handy method of still having support if required.  People often get tired on long walks and find it easy to carry a cane with them to offer assistance.  A cane offers much less assistance than a  crutch, but it does take weight off the operated leg. It is estimated that a cane will take almost 60% of the weight off the operated leg when used properly.

A cane is used on the opposite side of the operated leg, is moved forward with the operated leg as it takes a step and planted about the same position in front of your body as your step. Toilet Riser – a toilet riser or potty chair with arms is a must after hip resurfacing surgery.  Most patients are required to follow the 90 degree rule and sitting or rising from a normal height toilet seat will break the rule.   Inexpensive toilet risers that look like big life savers are available at any drug store or discount store for about $20.  Fancier versions or the potty chair with arms are much more expensive.  The one problem with the plastic, inexpensive risers is they are not very big.  A large man sitting on a toilet riser does not have much room to do his business.  The inner diameter of the toilet risers is very small. They are fine for women, but often a problem for men.  Men should check out their options before surgery to make sure they can comfortable use the toilet adapter.

– Many people like to have one or two reachers in case they need to pick something up from the floor.  If you have a helper at home, you might not need one.  You can also bend down and pick something up from the floor by placing your operated leg behind you and bending the other leg.  I did that quite often when I had to feed dogs or pick anything up.  Of course, you need to be careful not to lose your balance. The reason you need to place your leg in back of you when bending is to prevent yourself from breaking the 90 degree rule. Putter On-er – Some people find the sock putter on-er a great help. If you have a helper, you can probably get away without one. If you don’t go sockless and don’t have a helper, you will find the sock helper useful because again you are not to break the 90 degree rule.  It is impossible to reach down to your feet to put socks on without breaking the 90 degree rule. By Toilet – I had my husband install a grab bar on the wall next to my toilet. 

I found it to be a great help in getting on and off the toilet. This is not required, but I am glad to have it installed.  I have back problems and it helps to have a nice grab bar by the toilet. by Shower or Tub – I found myself to be very unsteady for a few weeks after surgery. Getting in and out of the shower without help was a problem. I was 61 and not a spry as a younger person, but felt I needed to be very careful not to fall. A Grab Bar by the shower or tub would be a great help for most people, even if they have not recently experienced surgery. Bed – If you have a low bed, you will want to consider a way to raise your bed.  Many of the newer beds and mattresses are fairly high and you can get in and out of bed without breaking the 90 degree rule. If your bed is low, raising your bed with special risers or just bricks or wood blocks, help getting in and out of the bed without breaking the 90 degree rule. Be careful that your risers are secure and your bed won’t slip off of them. 

Test them out before your surgery. Sheets – These are certainly not required, but some ladies like to use them because they are slippery and it makes sliding on and off the bed much easier. Some ladies just wear silky PJs to allow them to rotate easily when getting in and out of bed. Men sometimes like to wear nylon warm up pants so they can rotate or slide in and out of bed easily. Ice Packs –Ice packs are often used by many hip surgery patients. Ice helps reduce swelling and also pain. There are many varieties of commercial ice packs available that you can freeze in your freezer.  Some people just use ice cubes in a plastic bag while others have used frozen bags of peas since they conform to your hip. The peas can be frozen over and over – Just don’t eat them after they have been thawed and frozen too many times! Garbage Bags – Sitting on a plastic garbage bag when getting in and out of the car or bed makes it easier to rotate you body after surgery. It is often difficult to move your operated leg and body shortly after surgery.

Type Recliner-Lounge Chair – Most people have a difficult time sleeping after hip surgery. Many people need to lie on their backs and it is often difficult to sleep in that position for days at a time. Many people find sleeping or napping in a nice recliner is a great help after surgery. I slept many nights in my Lazy Boy and took many naps in my favorite chair after surgery.  Many people like the La Fuma recliner chairs after surgery.  It is a personal choice as to which chair works best, but having some type of recliner is a define help to most people. Shoes – Many people find it much easier to use slip on shoes after surgery. You don’t have to worry about getting a helper to put them on and tie them for you. Stool Softener– A stool softener or similar product is a must after surgery.  Many people start to take them just before surgery. The anesthesia and narcotic based pain meds often cause severe constipation. Pillows – Extra pillows to put under your legs while you are lying in bed.

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