best bed for back and neck problems

best bed for back and neck problems

best bed for after back surgery

Best Bed For Back And Neck Problems


For something so simple (even babies do it), sleep isn’t such an easy thing. Both too little and too much time dozing has been linked to a host of health problems, from obesity and heart disease to dementia and diabetes. And sleep position can play a role in snoring, heartburn, and even wrinkles! Read on to see if you should switch it up in bed (remember, we’re talking sleep here). Pros: Snoozing in savasana pose is a boon for spine and neck health, because the back is straight and not forced into any contortions. Plus back sleeping helps the mattress do its job of supporting the spine. In a perfect (and kind of uncomfy) world, everyone would sleep on their backs without a pillow, as this position leaves the neck in a neutral position. Using too many pillows, however, can make breathing more difficult.Back sleeping is also a winner for the more cosmetically inclined. Spending all night with the face out in the air—and not smooshed up against a pillow—leads to fewer facial wrinkles ((The influence of the sleeping on the formation of facial wrinkles. 

Cons: Instances of snoring and sleep apnea are much more frequent when a person is sleeping in the supine position. In fact, back sleeping is so closely linked to sleep apnea that doctors prescribe side sleeping as a treatment for the condition. When we sleep on our backs, gravity forces the base of the tongue to collapse into the airway, which obstructs breathing and creates oh-so-pleasant snoring noises that keeps the neighbors up at night.It’s also worth noting that a supported spine doesn’t always necessarily mean a good night’s sleep. A study comparing the sleep habits of good sleepers and poor sleepers noted the people with worse-quality sleep spent more time on their backs than the good sleepers (Sleep positions in the young adult and their relationship with the subjective quality of sleep. Pros: Side sleepers, unite! Whether they’re curling up in the cozy fetal position or lying straight on one side, the vast majority of people report sleeping on their sides (although since everyone is unconscious during sleep, this information can never be entirely accurate).

Doctors encourage sleeping on the left side during pregnancy because it improves circulation to the heart, which benefits both mom and baby. Side sleeping is also a pregnancy winner because sleeping on the back puts pressure on the lower back (which can lead to fainting) and stomach-sleeping is impossible for obvious reasons ((When it comes to pregnant women sleeping, is left right?. For those not expecting, sleeping on the left side can also ease heartburn and acid reflux, making it easier for people with these conditions to doze off.Cons: At the same time, sleeping on the left side can put pressure on the stomach and lungs (alternating sides often can help prevent organ strain). And as almost all side-sleepers know well, this position can result in the dreaded squished-arm-numbness. Snuggling into bed with the arm behind the head is a common sleep position, but it may adversely affect muscles and nerves. Resting the head (or the whole body) on a single arm can restrict blood flow and press down on the nerves, which results in “rubber arm” or painful pins and needles.

In this position, the shoulder supports a lot of the body’s weight, which can constrict the neck and shoulder muscles ((Sleep position and shoulder pain. Pros: Stomach sleeping eases snoring and some cases of sleep apnea, but that’s pretty much the only good thing about going belly-down at night.Cons: Resting on the tummy is widely regarded as the worst sleeping position. It flattens the natural curve of the spine, which can lead to lower back pain. Sleeping all night with the head turned to one side also strains the neck. If this is the preferred position, try using pillows to gradually train the body to sleep on one side. Try sticking a pillow under the hips and lower abdomen to give the bottom of the spine a boost.Regardless of health benefits, people sleep in the position they find comfiest. Experimenting with different sleep positions won’t do any harm, so feel free to try each position for a few nights and see which is the best fit. Whether it’s back, side, or stomach, people tend to wake up in the position that their bodies naturally snooze in.

Unless a doctor specifically recommends switching, it’s probably best to keep doing what feels right.Originally posted November 2012, updated October 2014.Posture problems, muscle tension and sleeping position can all contribute to nagging neck pain when you sleep. Chronic neck pain can seriously hamper the quality of your sleep, which is why it’s important to identify the underlying cause. When neck and/or back pain causes severe sleep disturbances over a period of time, it’s time to evaluate your mattress and pillow. Mattresses have a finite lifespan, and most max out at 10 years. Does your bed have noticeable dips or holes? Is it uniformly firm? In many cases, neck pain is a result of a mattress that doesn’t promote neutral spinal alignment, which in turn places extra strain on the cervical vertebra. The team at Wildcat Mattress often fields questions about the right mattress for specific health ailments, and persistent neck pain is a common complaint. Since everyone’s anatomy and sleep styles are unique, the most important step is identifying a mattress that gently supports the curve of your spine, allowing for a neutral shoulder to head position.

If you’re in need of some restorative shut-eye and neck pain relief, we’re here to help you find the right set up that can facilitate better health. Medical experts say that neck pain is most frequently attributed to improper alignment of the spine between the shoulders and head. In other words, the key to relief is finding a mattress that improves the posture of the cervical spine. A bed that is comfortable and supportive is crucial, but your choice of mattress will also be highly dependent on your weight and build. You may want to rethink buying an extra firm mattress to solve your problem, as some studies have demonstrated that the best mattresses for neck pain are generally categorized as “medium firm.” Keep in mind that mattress manufacturers take a proprietary approach to rating comfort levels, so “cushion firm” in one brand may feel the same as a “plush” in another. Our Sleep Specialists often tell customers there is no single best mattress for neck pain sufferers, as it all comes down to personal preference and how the mattress supports your spine and neck.

The good news is that a solid night’s slumber doesn’t have to break the bank. There are dozens of deals to be had on top-of-the-line models that boast sophisticated sleep technology, pressure-relieving memory foams and Talalay latex, you just have to make of point of trying them out to see which one feels right. Before you start shopping for a new mattress, it’s best to educate yourself on the most common symptoms of neck pain, which often include more than just general stiffness: Here are some pointers on what to look for when buying a mattress for shoulder and neck problems: When searching for the best bed for neck pain relief, the best place to start is a mattress store that is well-stocked with plenty of orthopedic options across all price ranges. Wildcat is proud to be the only mattress outlet in the Lexington, KY area that has earned nothing but 5-star reviews for our A+ customer service and outstanding value. We hope you’ll stop by and experience for yourself the difference a good mattress can make.

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