best air mattress for guest

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Best Air Mattress For Guest


The average adult requires between seven to nine hours of sleep per night in order to remain healthy in the long term and to be alert and productive each day. However, more than forty percent of Americans are chronically sleep deprived and, therefore, at risk of everything from a weakened immune system, to less productivity at work, to creating a hazard while driving or operating machinery, to simply enjoying less satisfaction from life. Beyond ensuring that you are giving yourself enough time to achieve an adequate amount of sleep, you also need to make sure you are creating the conditions for quality sleep. Sleep that is frequently interrupted or conditions in which the deeper sleep cycles that naturally occur during circadian rhythms cannot be achieved is not nearly as productive as protracted periods of deep, restful slumber. In fact, nine hours of fitful sleep may be worth less than six hours of deep, uninterrupted sleep. To make sure you are providing yourself ideal sleeping conditions, remove as many distractions as possible from your pre-bedtime routine.

That means turning off the TV and the computer (and the smartphone) at least a half hour before you sleep so your eyes and brain can wind down from the stimuli. Make sure the room in which you sleep is quiet, or else is filled with a steady sound created by a fan or white noise machine that can help drown out other sharp sounds that might wake you. A proper bedroom should be free from light, including even the glow of the clock; turn your clock away from your face to reduce the light it shines on your eyelids and to resist the urge to check the clock every time you wake or when sleep is long in coming. Ensure your bedroom is cool and temperate with proper circulation and ventilation. And finally, you must make sure you have a comfortable bed on which to sleep. If you need to spend a night or two on a friend's couch while you travel, that's one thing; in general, though, you should spend every night on a supportive, comfortable mattress. Hard as it may be to believe, that could well be an inflatable air mattress given the quality options available today.

It's a great idea to keep an inflatable air mattress at home at all times. When you have an air mattress, you always have another bed at the ready, and that's good news for houseguests or for yourself. If your regular mattress becomes unexpectedly compromised by spilled liquid, a popped spring, or any other issue, it's far more pleasant to spend the night on an air mattress than it would be to sleep on the sofa or the floor. Likewise, when you have guests show up (expected or not), you can provide them a comfortable place to sleep with minimal effort. If you live in an apartment or a smaller home, having a dedicated guest room may be out of the question. In such a situation, an air mattress is the perfect way to maximize the efficient use of your home when you need to provide extra sleeping surfaces that can be tucked away into an attic, closet, or even under another bed when not needed. If you are selecting an air mattress for your home, then its weight and compressed size will likely not be an issue.

Opt for the most comfortable option that fits your budget, keeping in mind that even the more expensive, self-inflating air mattresses with built in pumps and leak-proof designs still cost only a little more than a hundred dollars, with $125 being about as much as you'll ever spend on a queen-sized air mattress. It's quite affordable to be a welcoming host with gracious and grateful guests. If you're choosing an air mattress that you'll use during travel, then weight and inflation options take on a new level of importance. If you are a camper who will be carrying the air mattress over any notable distance, then weight suddenly becomes the most important consideration and should be weighed first, so to speak. Weight is also a factor when loading a vehicle for car camping or a cross country drive, of course, but it is of much less concern in that case. Next, you must consider an air mattress's inflation method. Many high-quality air mattresses have built-in air pumps that plug right into any standard outlet.

If you are in a cabin or tent without an outlet (or a generator), those fancy pumps are absolutely useless, though. Other options can be inflated by electric pumps that hold a charge, and these are a great idea for limited-term use. Most air pumps won't hold a charge suitable for inflation for more than a day or two, and may only provide enough power to fill your air mattress once. Look for an option that can also be inflated using a hand pump. The extra effort required to pump air into your mattress manually will more than pay off when you can inflate the unit at will in any location.Air mattresses, some people prefer to call them air beds or sleeping pads, are basically mattresses that are puffed up to facilitate maximum comfort and flexibility for the users. They are made using different kinds of materials such as rubber, PVC and urethane plastics. When in use they then puffed up using electric pumps or air pumps. They are designed for a specific setup, but some can be used in more than one setup.

It all depends on how the end product is designed. Some of the most common setups where air mattresses are used include camp sites and temporary house guest use.  Best air mattresses are designed in a way that they can withstand harsh conditions. This is a good feature especially if it is to be used in outdoor setups. For those who use it for camping, a strong base ensures that it’s not picked when placed on rough grounds and twigs. Therefore, they can be maintained in a good condition and used over a long period of time. Setting up the best air mattress for use is pretty easy. Most companies provide a user manual to help with the setup. They are elevated using either air pumps which can be manual or foot powered, or by use of electricity. Buyers should decide the mode that they feel is most suitable for them before making a purchase. For example, if one is buying the mattresses for use in camping sites which have no access to electricity or for sleeping in the car, then the air pump dependent one will be a better choice.

Pumps used for elevation can either be built in or external. The advantage of using the external pump is that the purchases price of the mattress is lower compared to a similar one that is built in. Built in types, on the other hand, have become very popular these days since there is no risk of losing external pumps. The mattresses are designed in varying thicknesses and heights too. The raised ones are most commonly used in homes for sleeping in the floor. They usually have an added base making their height the same as the size of a normal bed. They are usually raised so as to keep the users away from the floor. Unlike the raised types, low profile mattresses don’t thick a huge base and thus making them smaller and more compact. They can be easily rolled up and take less packing space thus making them suitable for camping. With best air mattresses, one can save money and time when there are visitors at home and not enough space in the guest room. Visitors can sleep on them in the sitting area instead of wasting time and money looking for and booking hotel rooms for them to spend the night.

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