Benchwarmer pt.2

Benchwarmer pt.2

Short Rhymes
Scott Foster

I'm an accountant, it's my first job,

But also I have another one. 

I don't really drive crazy the mob -

Third goalie isn't even a pawn.

I've waited for 12 years the chance 

To show my conditions and skills.

My partners as one laughed in advance 

When coach put the finger on me. 

I was as reliable as a wall 

And even didn't get paid 

It doesn't matter because we won 

As player of match I spent rest of the day.

| accountant - бухгалтер

| drive crazy - сводить с ума

| mob - толпа

| goalie - голкипер, вратарь

| pawn - пешка

| in advance - заранее

| coach - тренер

| reliable - надежный


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