Benchwarmer pt.1

Benchwarmer pt.1

Short Rhymes

My job is to be a footballer,

It was never my only dream -

I have to wake up too early, 

And go to train with my team.

Sometimes my coach is rude,

When I can't come on time.

You know who's my father, dude?

We have to get along fine.

Million people in country 

Want to be in my shoes 

To use football as laundry 

In this game you can't ever lose.

| coach - тренер

| rude - грубый, жесткий

| dude - чувак, парень

| to get along - поладить

| to be in my shoes - оказаться в моей шкуре

| laundry - прачечная, отмывка денег

| to lose - проиграть


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