

Belle 👩🏻‍🍳

One night, she had a dream about the Beast. In her dream, the Beast lay sick and dying. When Belle woke up, she asked the magic mirror to show her the Beast. There he was in the mirror, lying in the rose garden, looking so sick he would die. At once, she turned the magic ring three times. “Take me back to the Beast!” she said. In a moment, she was sitting next to the poor, sick Beast, who could only gasp for air.

“You have come back!” said the Beast in a thick voice.

“I’m so sorry that I’m late!” said Belle.

“I could not bear the idea that you may not come back to me. I’m afraid it is too late for me now.” His eyes closed.

”No!” cried Belle. “Don’t leave me!” just then, she knew in her heart what was true. “I love you.” She cried out. “Please come back! If you only come back, I will be your wife.” Tears rolled down her cheeks.

Just then, the Beast opened his eyes. “Belle, you did it.”

In a flash, the Beast was changed to a handsome prince. Belle didn’t know what to think of this change. And so, Belle and the Beast were married. They lived happily ever after.


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