

Справедливая Терция
Фрагмент обложки игры Mad Libs, вдохновившей автора на это стихотворение

I wander thro’ school corridor,
Near where the Yangtze flows,
And deafness for uncanny horror
Of former friendly peers regrows.

In every cry of every boy,
In every teacher’s cry or fear,
In every voice, in every tear,
The mind-forg’d Mao’s texts alloy.

And the primordial desires
Old Summer Palace make appalled.
How the wild flesh aspires
Turn great visions being whaled?

But most thro’ midnights streets I hear
How the youthful comrade’s curse
Blasts the terrorist’s corpse gear,
And blights with blood this graceful verse.

Основано на стихотворении Уильяма Блейка London

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