bedroom door lock with keypad

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Bedroom Door Lock With Keypad


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Update: We've recieved the updated Hello Neighbor Alpha 3 and covered how to reach the current ending in the newer version of the game in this article. The first thing you’ll note in Hello Neighbor is that the basement door in your creepy neighbor’s living room has a total of 2 defense mechanisms. These mechanisms include a wooden plank and a key card door lock. In order to unlock the door successfully, you’ll have to obtain a total of 5 items with 2 being the tools you will need to unlock the door. The first and most difficult item to retrieve will be a key, followed up with a crowbar, lockpick, wrench and finally, the keycard. The game will allow you to choose which way you’d like to start. Beginning with story mode will allow you to access your neighbor’s home through the front door once you’ve finished moving in/watching all the cutscenes. If you decide to start playing right away, your neighbor will have his front door boarded up from the inside. You can easily rectify this by playing a game of ding-dong-ditch (ringing the doorbell and making a run for it), which will prompt your neighbor to remove the planks and come outside.

Now we can move on to finding the items. This just might be the most difficult item to retrieve in Hello Neighbor since the key hangs off the belt loop of your neighbor’s pants! We were able to successfully retrieve the key by waiting for the neighbor to fall asleep. You can do this one of two ways. You can wait for him to fall asleep on his own (which he does a lot of as long as you don’t let him catch you sneaking about) OR you can drug him. If you want to learn how to drug him, see our Hello Neighbor Guide To Breaking and Entering which will describe in detail how to do this. Once he’s asleep, slowly walk up to him, take the key and make a run for it! Once you’ve obtained the key, you can now start collecting tools. The first tools you’ll grab are the lockpick and the crowbar. If you wander to the back of your neighbor’s home, you’ll see that his bedroom has a broken window. Jump through the window, go through the bedroom door and walk towards the back of the house.

On the left side you’ll find a big cardboard box labeled Lost & Found (you can retrieve items you’ve lost or dropped after being captured here) and on your right, there’s a door with a padlock on it. Use the key to unlock this door and inside you’ll find the lockpick sitting on the shelf and the crowbar hanging on the wall. We recommend taking the crowbar back to your house since this is one of the items you’ll need to unlock the basement door. Keep the lockpick and head to the back of the house. On the far right of the backyard, you’ll find a locked up toolshed. Use the lockpick on the padlock and enter the shed. Inside lies a gun and (TA-DA!) a wrench hanging on the wall. Grab the wrench and put the gun away for a rainy day. On the back of the house, you’ll see what looks like a black gate blocking off a ladder that leads up to the roof of the house. This gate is closed off by a screw in which you can use the wrench to remove. Once removed, climb the ladder, reach the roof, wander a bit to the right until you see a gigantic hole that leads to the 2nd floor bedroom.

Go through this and on the table you’ll find the keycard. Since you won’t be able to leave the room from inside, you’ll have to break the window (use the chair) and climb out through there. This is the difficult part. Since you've already obtained the keycard and it's the quickest item to use on the door, wait for your neighbor to leave his living room and quickly swipe the keycard on the door lock. Once this is done, head back to your home to grab the crowbar. From here, all you'll have to do is pry the nails off the plank on the door. See our article about breaking and entering in Hello Neighbor and try implementing some of those distractions strategies if you're having a hard time. Once you've removed all the obstacles, get ready to see the horrors that reside in your neighbor's basement! Once you’ve completed the tasks listed above then congrats, you’ve made it into your suspicious neighbor's basement and have succesfully beat the Hello Neighbor alpha demo. Watch the video below to see this guide put to action and see some more of that Hello Neighbor basement action!

If this guide worked for you, or can use some fine tuning, then be sure to leave us some feedback in the comments below. For more on this awesome indie game on Indie Obscura, make sure to sign up for the Hello Neighbor open alpha, check out our guide to breaking and entering, watch the announcement trailer that reveals how terrifyingly clever the AI in Hello Neighbor is.Whether you’re stuck inside and need to break out or you’ve found locked outside and need to get in, having the key or password is rarely your only option. Here are our top 10 favorite tricks for breaking into and out of nearly any locked down environment. Breaking into many types of electronic safes (you know, ones with keypads) is surprisingly easy. You just need to bounce them. It’s a pretty simple technique, but looks like it takes a bit of practice. Basically, you drop part of the safe against the table (or whatever surface it’s resting upon) while turning the locking knob. If your timing is right, you’ll have turned the knob when the safe’s lock bounces open for a brief moment.

This works because many cheaper safes have locks that lift. Better safes don’t have this vulnerability and this trick won’t work on them, but if you’ve got a cheap one and lost your passcode you can just do this bouncing trick to open it right up. Can’t get into your own house? Just stick a long metal wire with a hook on the end through the door to grab the garage door latch and force it to lift the door open. You can get back into your garage in seconds with this trick. (See the video to the left for a demonstration.) If you’d like to prevent people from doing this to you, all you need to do is bind your opener’s quick door release lever with a zip tie. This will make your emergency latch a bit more difficult to open, but you won’t have to worry about any troublesome individuals breaking into your garage with this trick. If you want to find your way into a door that’s bound shut by a sliding chain lock, all you need is a rubber band. Assuming you’ve bypassed any other locks already, just open the door as much as you can and tie the rubber band to one end of the sliding lock.

Next, pull the rubber band down to the door handle. Shut the door and open it again and the door handle will pull the sliding lock out of place. Perhaps you decided to drive your car into the ocean. It seemed like a fun idea at the time, but now that you’re sinking and up against the prospect of death you’re feeling a little remorse. Your best bet for breaking free is breaking the window with a device called a center punch. They’re cheap and easy to acquire, so you might want to keep one in your vehicle in case of emergency. Failing that, it is possible to kick a window out when you don’t have the necessary technology. Just aim for the hinges, rather than the middle, and you should find success with a little luck and sufficient force. Just don’t try to open the door. That’s just not going to work. For those times when you’ve been shoved in a car trunk, there is a simple way to break yourself out. Because pretty much every trunk lock has a hook latch, you just have to locate the lock cylinder connected to latch mechanism and use it to release the latch.

Many cars have internal releases, however, so you can generally get out by just pushing a button. Tied up and bound? Whether you’ve been handcuffed or your captor decided to take the cheaper route and go with the more-affordable zip tie, you can still break out pretty easily. To break out of zip ties you just have to slam your bound fists against your butt and pull them apart. Getting out of handcuffs requires a little extra work, in that you need something called a survival strap that has a clasp doubling as a handcuff key. Perhaps you’ve forgotten your computer’s password and need access or you just want to learn how people can break in so you can prevent it from happening to you. We’ve got guide for both Windows and Mac OS X to help you learn both sides of computer security. Your files are easily accessible with just a Linux Live CD and there are plenty of other methods, like brute-force attacks, that can provide unwanted access, so learn all about it and keep your data safe.

Did you lock your keys in your car again? All it really takes to get back in is a wooden wedge (like a doorstop) and a long metal rod. You just use the wedge to pry open the driver’s side door just a bit so you can stick the metal rod in the opening and press the unlock button (or whatever it is). I tried this on my own car and was able to actually do it, although it was a bit complicated because the button is rather round. If you have old school locks that push up and down you can just use a crimped plastic strap to lift the lock instead. Remember to be careful and only break into a vehicle that you own! Wi-Fi passwords help secure your network, but they’re not that hard to crack. A tool called Backtrack can crack WEP passwords and Reaver can crack WPA. With these tools, the process is fairly easy but a little time consuming. It can take many hours. If you want to learn how it works and how you can protect yourself, check out our Backtrack WEP-cracking guide and our Reaver WPA-cracking guide.

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