


I’ve never been scared of people’s judgement about my looks. Very early on in life I realized that I did not fit into the beauty standards of this world. Nobody cared about how I looked. It was the “pretty” girls everyone noticed, including me.

There’s a certain charm about beauty that you’re compelled to look again and again. But that beauty was never supposed to be physical only.

Hence, a girl like me was never looked at twice. This gave me the confidence to be comfortable in my own skin. I said to myself “nobody is looking at me”. Rather it’s tough to be “pretty” because you know the world is noticing you and there’s an added pressure to look your best.

A lot of us do things to fit in. Dressing up or wearing make-up or working out just to look “prettier”. We should definitely do it, not to fit in but because we like to. Some people feel comfortable when they dress-up. Some people like wearing make-up. Working out makes us fit. And if you are not comfortable doing something, it’s simple. Don’t do it. Don’t give in to what society has set as standards. Make your own standards.

The photoshopped picture perfect moments of celebrities are fake. Deep down we all know that. Setting them as your goal is not wrong. But remaining unhappy with yourself for not achieving them is. I know over many years, movies, TV and advertisements have slowly poisoned the meaning of beauty to be of a certain size. And it has seeped into our perception of beauty.

Hence, now I realize how I was wrong to assume that I did not fit into beauty standards. I was just referring to the wrong standards. Everyone is born beautiful. Some with big beautiful eyes. Some with beautiful voice. Some with a great sense of humour. Some with the heart of gold. Some with words that move you. Some with wisdom beyond their years ; )

We just have to find where our beauty lies and treasure it (no matter what some idiots say).

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