

Kàlea Xynñara Mourēne

𝐎n a sunny morning I slowly opened my eyelids, sat for a while looking at the window and then got up to open one of the important foundations of the house. the atmosphere this 𝓜orning was very quiet there was only the sound of dew drops left last night as well as some birds chirping and a light breeze. I am ready to go on a 𝐉ourney to every inch of the surface of the universe, one of the planets I live on, earth. Warm greetings from me, a friendly and charming 𝗚irl who has a 𝓑eautiful face, to all living beings in the universe, I am Kàlea. cycling and sitting on the lawn from the morning to the evening enjoying the dawn replaced by the dusk and then the bright light of the moon and 𝓢tars shining brightly on this beautiful silent night.


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