


Although Kerouac introduced the phrase "Beat Generation" in 1948 to characterize a perceived underground, anti-conformist youth movement in New York, fellow poet Herbert Huncke is credited with first using the word "beat".[7] The name arose in a conversation with writer John Clellon Holmes. Kerouac allows that it was Huncke, a street hustler, who originally used the phrase "beat", in an earlier discussion with him. The adjective "beat" could colloquially mean "tired" or "beaten down" within the African-American community of the period and had developed out of the image "beat to his socks",[8][9][10] but Kerouac appropriated the image and altered the meaning to include the connotations "upbeat", "beatific", and the musical association of being "on the beat", and "the Beat to keep" from the Beat Generation poem.[11]

The origins of the Beat Generation can be traced to Columbia University and the meeting of Kerouac, Ginsberg, Carr, Hal Chase and others. Kerouac attended Columbia on a football scholarship.[12] Though the beats are usually regarded as anti-academic,[13][14][15] many of their ideas were formed in response to professors like Lionel Trilling and Mark Van Doren. Classmates Carr and Ginsberg discussed the need for a "New Vision" (a term borrowed from W. B. Yeats), to counteract what they perceived as their teachers' conservative, formalistic literary ideals.[16][17]



An early example of the "beatnik stereotype" occurred in Vesuvio's (a bar in North Beach, San Francisco) which employed the artist Wally Hedrick to sit in the window dressed in full beard, turtleneck, and sandals, creating improvisational drawings and paintings. By 1958 tourists who came to San Francisco could take bus tours to view the North Beach Beat scene, prophetically anticipating similar tours of the Haight-Ashbury district ten years later.[56]

While some of the original Beats embraced the beatniks, or at least found the parodies humorous (Ginsberg, for example, appreciated the parody in the comic strip Pogo[58]) others criticized the beatniks as inauthentic poseurs. Jack Kerouac feared that the spiritual aspect of his message had been lost and that many were using the Beat Generation as an excuse to be senselessly wild.[59]

During the 1960s, aspects of the Beat movement metamorphosed into the counterculture of the 1960s, accompanied by a shift in terminology from "beatnik" to "hippie".[60] Many of the original Beats remained active participants, notably Allen Ginsberg, who became a fixture of the anti-war movement. Notably, however, Jack Kerouac broke with Ginsberg and criticized the 1960s politically radical protest movements as an excuse to be "spiteful".[61]

The Postbeat Poets are direct descendants of the Beat Generation. Their association with or tutelage under Ginsberg at The Naropa University's Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics[70] and later at Brooklyn College stressed the social-activist legacy of the Beats and created its own body of literature. Known authors are Anne Waldman, Antler, Andy Clausen, David Cope, Eileen Myles, Eliot Katz, Paul Beatty, Sapphire, Lesléa Newman, Jim Cohn, Thomas R. Peters Jr. (poet and owner of beat book shop), Sharon Mesmer, Randy Roark, Josh Smith, David Evans.[citation needed]

Jim Morrison cites Kerouac as one of his biggest influences, and fellow Doors member Ray Manzarek has said "We wanted to be beatniks."[76] In his book Light My Fire: My Life with The Doors, Manzarek also writes "I suppose if Jack Kerouac had never written On the Road, The Doors would never have existed." Michael McClure was also a friend of members of The Doors, at one point touring with Manzarek.

There was a resurgence of interest in the beats among bands in the 1980s. Ginsberg worked with the Clash and Burroughs worked with Sonic Youth, R.E.M., Kurt Cobain, and Ministry, among others.[citation needed] Bono of U2 cites Burroughs as a major influence,[80][81] and Burroughs appeared briefly in a U2 video in 1997.[82] Post-punk band Joy Division named a song "Interzone" after a collection of stories by Burroughs. Laurie Anderson featured Burroughs on her 1984 album Mister Heartbreak and in her 1986 concert film, Home of the Brave.[citation needed] The band King Crimson produced the album Beat inspired by the Beat Generation.[83][84]

In 2021, rapper R.A.P. Ferreria released the album Bob's Son: R.A.P. Ferreira in the Garden Level Cafe of the Scallops Hotel, named for Bob Kaufman and containing many references to the work of Kaufman, Jack Kerouac, Amiri Baraka, and other beat poets.[citation needed]

Also beat up on . to strike repeatedly so as to cause painful injury; thrash: A gang of toughs beat him up on the way home from school. In the third round the champion really began to beat up on the challenger.

With some limitations on the usual nonconference games that help poll voters gauge teams, Gonzaga managed to get wins over ranked teams Virginia, West Virginia and Iowa, plus Kansas and Auburn, while Baylor beat No.

Many of the competitions were spectacles, drawing large crowds with elaborate lights and window-rattling beats, but the sport was driven by independent event promoters without any movement trained on the Olympics.

Bed nets are a simple, cost-effective solution to keep families safe from malaria-carrying mosquitoes. Combined with household spraying, malaria testing and treatment, and vaccines in development, we are making progress in the fight to beat malaria for good.

Reporters can cover a variety of topics. At NBC News, we have general reporters, who cover just about anything and know a little bit about everything, and beat reporters, who are experts in one topic.

2017 Harmonix Games LLC. All rights reserved. Super Beat Sports developed by Harmonix Music Systems, Inc. Beat Sports and all related titles and logos are trademarks of Harmonix Games LLC. Harmonix and all related titles and logos are trademarks of Harmonix Music Systems, Inc. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. This product is covered by Patents identified at EULA, Terms of Service and Privacy Policy are available at

Beat-to-beat heart rate (HR) dynamics were studied by plotting each R-R interval as a function of the previous R-R interval (Poincaré plot) during incremental doses of atropine followed by exercise for 10 subjects and during exercise without autonomic blockade for 31 subjects. A quantitative two-dimensional vector analysis of a Poincaré plot was used by measuring separately the standard deviation of instantaneous beat-to-beat R-R interval variability (SD1) and the standard deviation of continuous long-term R-R interval variability (SD2) as well as the SD1/SD2 ratio. Quantitative Poincaré measures were compared with linear measures of HR variability (HRV) and with approximate entropy (ApEn) at rest and during exercise. A linear progressive reduction was observed in SD1 during atropine administration, and it remained almost at the zero level during exercise after a parasympathetic blockade. Atropine resulted in more variable changes in SD2 and the SD1/SD2 ratio, but during exercise after parasympathetic blockade, a progressive increase was observed in the SD1/SD2 ratio until the end of exercise. The SD1/SD2 ratio had no significant correlations with the frequency domain measures of HRV. However, the SD1/SD2 ratio had a modest correlation with ApEn at rest (r = -0.69, P

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